
Chapter 201

Still, Raven maintained his calm.

As far as Raven knew, only dragons knew of the existence of the Dragon God and the Demon God. Jean Oberon must have had an intention in purposefully mentioning the two mysterious beings.

He could not show any reaction before fully comprehending the other person’s intentions.

“It is also a great honor to meet you, Sorcerer Oberon. I am humbled to receive such extravagant greetings from the one who seeks the truth and the way of the stars.”

Raven returned the polite greetings, and Jean Oberon observed him with a mysterious expression before continuing with a smile.

“Your Excellency must not yet know of the matters of the two forgotten gods. But if the Dragon Queen has not mentioned it yet, in it must lie its own significance. Please forget the ramblings of this old man, Your Excellency.”


Count Cedric and Viscount Moraine were confused at the strange words of the sorcerer.

But Raven felt as if he had been splashed with cold water.

If it were Jean Oberon, he could know something about the Dragon God and the Demon God, and perhaps regarding why Raven had been sent back in time to Alan Pendragon’s body.

The atmosphere subsided a little, and Count Cedric stepped up.

“Sorcerer Oberon, if you will excuse me, may I ask why you came to El Pasa?”

At the question, everyone’s curious eyes turned to the old wizard. Normal wizards were a rare sight, and sorcerers were even more scarce.

For now, there were three sorcerers whose names were known throughout the Aragon Empire. Great Magus Casper Rustic, known as “The Dawn of Brilliance” was recognized to be immersed in magic in a certain place while receiving the respect and attention of the royal family.

The only information known about the other two were their names and genders. But no one knew how old they were, where they were, and what they were doing. Even their names and genders were revealed due to Casper Rustic’s occasional exchange with them.

Therefore, it was natural to be curious and astonished to see the appearance of a new sorcerer named Jean Oberon.

“The governor has asked me a good question. This old man has spent his entire life in the Red Moon Valley.”

“Red Moon Valley…?”

Someone repeated the unfamiliar name, and Jean Oberon continued.

“The Red Moon Valley is located deep in the jungle you call Assia. It is home to the Red Moon Elves, natives of the forest.”


People showed greater interest when the topic of elves’ residence in the Great Forest of Assia was brought up. It was already well known that elves resided in the Great Forest of Assia.

However, unlike their counterpart in Mount Niels, who often mingled with humans, the elves of Assia Great Forest were mostly unknown to the world. It was about a decade ago that someone had last reported seeing an elf in the South.

“The Red Moon Valley is currently…”

Jean Oberon continued in a solemn voice.

Valvas Cavaliers were famous for being brave and fearless, but even they stayed away from the Great Forest of Assia. The same held true for southern adventurers. As the sorcerer recounted his stories of the deep forest, no one could hide their shock.

“…So this old man came across a territory called Thebesa 15 days ago. But for some reason, the lord and the scholars of Thebesa’s magic tower did not seem to welcome me. Even though the paths they seek are not so different from my own. Huhu…”

Jean Oberon gave a broken smile and shook his head. Count Cedric replied in a compassionate voice.

“That is because you are a sorcerer, Lord Oberon. Since you have already climbed a distant path forever unreachable to the wizards of Thebesa, they must have been envious. Also, the lord of Thebesa cannot be free from the influence of the magic tower…”

“Well… being a wizard does not mean they are broad-minded. No, they are rather known to be bad-tempered.”

Viscount Moraine chimed in, and everyone nodded their heads.

Wizards were chosen humans that could sense mana and use magic, but their talent had nothing to do with their personalities. Of course, after meditating and studying for a long time, wizards of a certain caliber tended to have excellent personalities.

But most wizards often devoted their entire lives to a single subject, so they tended to be narrow-minded and hard-tempered. Therefore, they could only be jealous and envious when they came across a genius that was born with unparalleled talent. Sorcerers were truly blessed by the heavens to go further than any wizard could.

In fact, even Casper Rustic did not get along very well with wizards of the magic towers, even though he received the support of the royal family.

“Anyways, so Lord Oberon, you came out of Assia because of the monster that pronounced itself the Troll King?”

Jean Oberon nodded when Raven summarized the long story.

“It is as you say, Your Excellency. The balance of the Great Forest is toppling day by day. The monsters receive the orders of the Troll King to assemble various armies. Even the elves of the Red Moon Valley are not able to do anything about it. The elves number less than 100.”

“Well, could you not step forward and defeat the Troll King and the monsters?”

Raven replied.

Unlike the others here, Raven had seen Jean Oberon literally crush the armies of monsters with incredible magic in the past.

But the sorcerer shook his head with a solemn expression.

“That will be difficult. The Great Forest is wide. This old man cannot take care of the countless monsters roaming the vast jungle and the extensive grasslands outside. Besides, the Elves of the Red Moon Valley may be in danger now that I have temporarily left the valley…”

“I see.”

It made sense now.

In the past, Jean Oberon was able to destroy the monster army because he had the aid of the southern united armies and the demonic forces. All of the monsters had concentrated in a single location to match the human armies.

Currently, however, the thousands of monsters were running rampant all over the far-reaching lands of the forest. No matter how great a sorcerer he was, even Jean Oberon would find it difficult to eradicate all the monsters when they were spread across the forest, which was even wider than the entire Pendragon Duchy.

“Then have you come to El Pasa in order to get help?”

Count Cedric’s expression darkened at the words of Viscount Moraine.

Even though the Pendragon Duchy and the 7th regiment had arrived, El Pasa was still an isolated place in the south. They could not afford to send troops to other places.

“That is correct. I would have looked for the other lords, but 15 days ago, the trajectory of the great Libra changed subtly and eventually led me here.”

Saying so, Jean looked back towards Karl Mandy.

“The Libra represents balance. I was led here to the richest man in El Pasa. I was able to meet Lord Mandy.”

“Huh! I see.”

Karl Mandy could not hide his admiration after learning why Jean Oberon had chanced upon his own mansion in the huge port city of El Pasa.

Sending Mandy a look of gratitude, Jean Oberon moved his gaze and spoke in a voice full of conviction.

“And four days ago, the Libra began to follow the Great Dragon in the distant sea. Just yesterday, the Great Dragon finally reached the skies of El Pasa. And today, I discovered the significance of the stars’ movements…”

Everyone’s eyes followed the gaze of the sorcerer, which was glimmering with a colorful light.

“Your Excellency Duke Pendragon. The wandering dragon of the far sea has encountered the balance, thus the dragon will correct the balance. Only Your Excellency can stop the chaos in the South and the Great Forest.”


Everyone’s eyes grew bigger with shock.

It was the words of a wise man, a sorcerer capable of reading the stars and the heavens. Aside from his identity, anyone could feel the unfathomable wisdom contained in Jean Oberon’s mystical voice.

However, not everyone was welcoming of his words.

“Your Excellency, it might be better to discuss this matter in a little while, after we move locations.”

It was Count Cedric.

The attention of all the banquet’s attendees were focused on them. It was burdensome in many ways to discuss and conclude such a sensitive issue in this place.

“Let us do that.”

Soon, Raven headed to an inner room set aside inside the banquet hall along with those involved and the Pendragon family’s members.

Meanwhile, Lindsay slowly turned her head.

“Ah! As I expected…’

The deep, black of Karl Mandy’s daughter was still heading towards this side, fixated on Lindsay’s beloved lord.


“Then let us go to the Great Forest.”



Raven spoke as soon as he entered the room and sat down, and Count Cedric and Viscount Moraine voiced their shock.


On the other hand, Jean Oberon’s complexion became noticeably brighter, and Karl Mandy looked with interest at the young Duke of Pendragon.

“B, but Your Excellency, we would have difficulties protecting El Pasa with our current forces. If we were to send troops to the Great Forest and the Arangis Duchy and the southern lords happen to attack in the meantime…”

“What do you think is the most important thing in war, governor?”

“W, what?”

The duke interjected with a question of his own, and Count Cedric frowned at the unexpected response.

But surely the duke wasn’t just teasing him in the midst of all this.

Count Cedric answered after deliberating for a moment.

“The superiority and supply of troops. I think it applies to both sieging and defending.”

Count Cedric wanted to state that the enemy had superior forces, and that their own supply was still ambiguous, but he stopped himself from continuing.

Raven replied with an awkward expression.

“Ah, I worded the question poorly. Let me rephrase. What do you think is the most important thing in starting a war?”

“In starting… a war?”

Count Cedric contemplated after mumbling in a quiet voice.

‘Huh…! He truly is a dragon.’

Jean Oberon looked alternatingly between Raven and Count Cedric, and his eyes contained admiration. The wise man could understand what the young duke was trying to say. Moreover, he believed that the black-skinned governor, who bridged the Libra and the Dragon, was also an extraordinary figure. Surely he would grasp the meaning.

As Jean Oberon expected, Count Cedric’s eyes began to grow larger in enlightenment.


With a long sigh, Count Cedric gazed at Raven before opening his mouth.

“I think I understand what you are talking about. Justification. Every war is all about cause.”

“That is right. If there is a justifiable cause, treason becomes a revolution, and an invasion becomes liberation. But until yesterday, we had no justification. Rather, it was conceded to the Duke of Arangis, since he lost his son to me.”


Count Cedric gulped loudly, and Raven continued while looking around.

“But right now, we have obtained a justification. Moreover, it is not a minor, personal reasoning. Not something meager like losing a son, but a great cause that might determine the fate of the entire South. Isn’t that right, Sorcerer Oberon?”

Everyone’s gaze shifted towards Jean Oberon.

“Huhu! Your excellency’s insight is truly magnificent. It is as you said. This is a serious issue that concerns more than the Great Forest of Assia. It encompasses the nearby territories as well as the entire South. If someone qualified takes the lead and publicizes the matter, they will have a cause as great as the gravity of the matter.”

“Hooh…! If Your Excellency organized a coalition of armies against the Troll King and the monsters of the Great Forest, it would be hard for the southern lords to find fault!”

“That is right.”

Viscount Moraine also quickly grasped the premise of the idea. He was an indomitable warrior of the battlefield after all.

Raven nodded in response.

“The nobles and the landlords of the territories adjacent to the Great Forest will welcome us with open arms. We will be able to build friendships with those inland, rather than Gapusa and Agadir, which are located on the coast. The most important part of this is that the troops will be able to stride through the South while flying the flags of the Pendragon Duchy, El Pasa, and the 7th regiment. Do you know why?”


Count Cedric gulped involuntarily at the thought of words that were to follow.

Karl Mandy also trembled while speculating Raven’s next words.

Soon, Duke Pendragon continued with a cold smile, fulfilling their expectations.

“Because we will not be going to war with the southern lords. Rather, we are going to extinguish the monsters that are disturbing the Great Forest of Assia and the entirety of the South.”


Raven managed to establish both the power and the cause to bring balance to the south less than a day after arriving. Moreover, the humongous plan could drive back the Arangis Duchy, the rulers of the south…

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