
Chapter 216

Chapter 216

Chapter 216

The children tried not to lean on the window with their dirty hands, in order to not smudge it. Amethyst felt sad that these children were desiring candy that they clearly could not afford. She turned back to the chocolate displays and an idea struck her. Pulling out the pouch of coins she had been given as a wage, she walked over to the clerk behind the counter.

“I would like to buy as much chocolate as this money will allow me to,” she informed the man.

“As you request.” The clerk began filling a bag with a selection of different flavoured chocolates.

“You’re getting chocolate? But you told me to buy candies?” Amethyst just turned and smiled at Ancy.

“Just a moment,” Amethyst said, stopping Ancy as they exited the shop.

She walked over to the children who were still staring into the candy shop window. She knew that it wasn’t right for a stranger to be giving candy to kids, but she just couldn’t help herself.

“Hi,” she said, startling the children.

“Hello,” the girl answered shyly. The boy, the younger and smaller of the two, hid behind his sister. Amethyst smiled at how cute these two children were.

“Could you do me a favour?” she asked them.

“A favour?” The kids certainly seemed suspicious, but also curious.

“Yeah. It’s nothing big. The truth is, I’m not supposed to eat chocolate but I couldn’t control myself and bought some. I tried to return it, but they wouldn’t let me because it’s food. But I’ll get scolded if I take it with me.”

The children’s eyes widened in shock “Scolded? But you’re an adult!”

Amethyst laughed. “Adults can also get scolded if they do something wrong. So, I was thinking maybe you and your brother would like this chocolate.”

“Us?” The girl asked, certain she had heard Amethyst’s request incorrectly.

“Yes. Are you not allowed to eat it? Are you allergic to chocolate?” Amethyst didn’t want to harm these kids.

“No. Mom always buys us one chocolate whenever it’s our birthday!” The girl quickly answered, excited.

“Really?” Amethyst smiled.

“Can we really have the chocolate?” the boy asked shyly from behind his sister

“Of course.” Amethyst handed over her bag of chocolate.

The girl seemed hesitant to take the bag, even though she wanted desperately to eat the chocolate.

Ancy spoke up, as she came to stand next to Amethyst. “Aren’t you the granddaughter of Mr. Parcy?”

“You know Grandpa Parcy?” The girl seemed happy at this news.

“Yes. He works at my master’s stable. I work there as well. So does this lady. We’re friends with your grandpa, so don’t worry about taking the chocolate.”

“Really?” The girl asked, still unsure.

“Really,” Ancy replied, smiling.

“Then…thank you,” the girl replied politely, smiling as well.

“No, thank you,” Amethyst said. “Now I won’t be scolded.”

The girl clutched the chocolate to her chest. “If our grandpa finds out, we’ll be scolded as well. But don’t worry, we can eat it in secret and won’t tell anyone.”

Ancy winked at the girl as Amethyst said her goodbyes. The two ladies headed off, back to the manor, as the children ran off in the other direction with their prize.

“Mr. Parcy? Would he actually scold them for eating some chocolate?” Amethyst asked Ancy.

Ancy laughed. “The old man is a bit stubborn. He nags all of us workers, not just his grandchildren, that if we fill up on sweets, we won’t eat our meals. That’s probably why they are only allowed chocolate on their birthday.”

Amethyst took in all of the people and shops around her. “This place seems very friendly,” she said, feeling content.

“You think so? The town is small, so everyone basically knows each other. They probably know what their neighbour ate for dinner last night. By the way, are you sure you wanted to spend all your wages on a couple of children?”

“Sure! I don’t have use for it.” Amethyst had no regrets about her purchase.

“Then shall we go back, since you appear to be out of money?” Ancy joked.

“Of course.”

Amethyst thought about the smiles on the children’s faces as they headed back to the manner. It helped quell some of the guilt still residing inside her


Alexcent arrived at the farmland that Gen had reported to him, after travelling some distance from Hazen Castle.

“It seems like they have already left,” Gen said. “The land is empty.”

Alexcent’s pain in his head returned. The only thing they had to go on now were the traces of wheel tracks left in the dirt ground. The grooves were quite deep, so the carriages must have been transporting something. It would most likely be crops or workers. He searched the area, but there was no sign of footprints, and the fields were already bare. That would mean they transported the crops first, to make sure they got into storage before they spoiled, then they came back for the workers.

If Amethyst had been amongst them, she would have most likely been transported to the nearby town. Alexcent dusted off the dirt on his hands and turned to give orders to Gen. “She probably headed into the town in the next valley, as that is where these carriages were headed. Check every house. We need to find her, no matter how long it takes.”

“Yes, sir,” Gen agreed.

“Also, make sure to keep your intentions quiet. We don’t want the chasers to know that we are also looking.”

“I’ll be careful,” Gen assured him.

They returned to their horses and began following the wagon trail. Alexcent’s emotions were still conflicted. He was on his way to kill her, but he didn’t know what would come when he actually saw her again.

The town they arrived at was well-maintained and quaint. Alexcent and Gen rode into the main square. The market was quite busy at this time of day. Gen took the horses to board them while they were in the town, as Alexcent sat on the edge of the fountain to wait. He carefully observed the people as they passed by with their packages.

After a few minutes, he could sense that he was being watched. He turned to find two children standing on the other side of the fountain, staring at him in curiosity.

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