
Chapter 38 38: Favor To Ask Part 2

Maria felt herself being jerked out of the vision with a flare of pain. Her head hurt from her use of magic and it took some time for her to come around.

"Is everything alright?" Nao asked but she did not let emotions leak into her voice. It came out as an inquiry rather than a question and made it seem impersonal.

Maria felt a jab of annoyance at that tone but understood the importance of that tone.

The Oracle could not be seen too close to her servant or it would send a wrong message out to people.

Not to mention, Maria was supposed to be legally dead and her current status of being a runaway with only Nao as company could spark some spicy rumours.

Maria did want to reassure Nao that everything was better than alright but a small cough diverted her attention to the figure in front of her.

The old man had a spark in his eyes as he looked at Maria. His eager expression brought forth a sour feeling inside Maris but even she could not help but feel sorry for this elder man. He might turn out to be an asshole in the original timeline who used his daughter as a spy but there was no doubt that he loved her.

And besides, it was not the same timeline anymore. Maria had been more than made aware of that fact.

But the dilemma still existed for her. Should she tell that man about what she saw in her vision or allow it to play out as intended?

However, Maria did know one thing. She could not discuss it all in front of Suna. It would not be a good idea to inform her about her upcoming loss. Suna could try to change it as Howl had but Maria no longer felt that it was a safe option.

Not if the Howl in her vision had something to say about it.

Also, maybe keeping it from Nao would be a good idea as well. Maria was not sure how close Nao had been with Howl but there had been a companionship there. Maria did not want to hurt Nao with this news.

The best course of action would be for their group to leave the town as soon as possible. Preferably, before the royal guards hit this place.

"Nao, take Suna and guard outside. I need to have a very important talk with the guild master here" Nao made a small gesture to indicate that she was talking about Suna.

Maria felt a stab of guilt at tricking Nao into leaving the room but there was no other way to ensure her cooperation. Even now, the other seemed disinterested in following orders been given to her.

But she was no longer protected so Maria counted it as progress.

"Your servant is a peculiar one. I\'m surprised to see that you have not had her disciplined yet. Or maybe, it is you who enjoy her fiery personality" Maria felt her face burn at the personal jab.

Maria had to do her best not to let the embarrassment show on her face. She could not allow this kind of reaction to be known to the public.

There was no need to encourage the rumours forming inside that head.

"I allow my servant the freedom needed to serve me. More importantly, we have other things to discuss with you. Your life is in danger" Maria changed the topic in between that sentence.

She was about to say more but a small motion distracted her attention. The guild leader gave Maria a small wave to stop her mouth.

"If I am about to die then I can only assume that it\'s the royal attack. The fact that you asked your companion to escort Suna out means that she is likely a part of it. Tell it to me truthfully, did you see Suna die as well?" Suna looked at the elder in front of her and could not help but feel bitter.

Why did everyone have to get parents that cared about them? Why did Maria have to be saddled with a pair of parents that were never there for her? Even her mother, who might have loved her, had never spent nay time with her.

But there was no time for Maria to be bitter. It was all done and well past the point of care anyway.

"Suna did not die but a lot of other people did. I mostly saw elder bodies in the mix and Suna hovering over your body. What\'s wrong?" The more Maria spoke, the calmer the elder in front of her got.

"I was afraid of this happening but it looks like my actions could not prevent this outcome. This is why I ask you this favour. Take Suna with you and save her. It might be too late for js all but she has a future ahead of her" Maria watched as the man spoke out his request in a broken way.

Right now, Maria was not looking at a guildmaster but a father begging for her child\'s life. It looked almost sweet to Maria but she had to make sure.

"I will take her along but how do I guarantee that she\'s not a spy for you? She could lead the royal army to us" Maria asked the question.

Betrayal no longer felt like an option to her. Not on Suna\'s side and not with how angry she had looked in the vision. But Maria just wanted a verbal confirmation, even if it was just a lie. She wanted to assure herself of her decision to make Suna along.

"Was it in the vision as well, my order? I give you my word that I will not use Suna against you in any way. The girl is precious to me but I\'m afraid that she will not leave my side without a good cause. This might just be the excuse to get her going" it might be the excuse that allowed the future to change.

Maria did not say it out loud but she did think it in her mind.

"I agree as well. Suna\'s abilities are useful and might come in handy. Besides, I have a feeling that she would turn out to be quite useful in our journey" Suna had been a part of the original harem. She had the skills and maturity to be able to handle it.

Besides, there was no harm to take Suna along. Worst comes to worst, they could dump her at another adventurers guild branch. Suna was loyal to a fault in the original setting and this one seemed to be following down the same path.

"Good. Now that we\'ve concluded, let me take you to the party you will be travelling with" the elder stood up on shaking legs and so did Maria.

A new journey was about to start soon.

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