
Chapter 170 168: The Last Words

"A ghost in the forest? And you went to see it alone?" Howl was not usually an overbearing kind of sister. If her brother wanted to explore on his own, he had the full freedom to do so as long as he promised to take care of himself.

And Shou was not weak. His innate magic was stronger than some of the fully-grown magicians Howl had the pleasure of meeting. It made Shou well-protected and also well-established in the social hierarchy. Some so many people had their eyes on Shou already.

But something about this situation bugged Howl. She was not sure what it was about, but there was an unsettling feeling inside her heart when she heard about the ghost of the forest. Maybe it was just because of all the talk about the \'killer\' that was floating around the royal chambers.

"Hmm. I call it a ghost but I\'m quite sure the creature is living. But it has all its insides showing and it\'s so huge and has fire as well as machinery. I didn\'t know what else to call it" Shou explained. He sounded excited at his discovery but Howl was not that thrilled with the explanation.

It sounded less like a natural creature and more like a spell gone wrong. It would be difficult to tell with this description alone but Howl was sure that someone was trying out something harmful they needed to stop.

Howl was planning to take care of this problem herself but she also wanted to let the royal guards know what was going on. Having such a monster on the loose was not a great idea with the meeting going on.

"Shou, bring me the communication paper from the house. I\'ll need to send a message to princess Neah about the ghost" Howl asked in the calmest voice she could.

She knew that her words would upset her brother but it was her duty to look out for him and everyone else. Her brother also had no self-preservation instincts when it came to those monsters and something exciting.

"B-But why? You\'re not thinking of killing the ghost, right? It\'s my friend and it\'s done nothing wrong" Shou sounded upset, just as Howl had known he would be. Her brother was predictable and also too young to know what was happening.

And in many ways, it was Howl\'s fault that things had escalated to this extreme. She had always made sure to keep Shou aware of this side of things and it had created an immunity inside the kid in return.

Now he did not even think of danger as a danger but as another part of his life.

"Shou, he could be dangerous but if he\'s not then we will leave him alone" Howl bargained but she already knew she had lost her brother\'s attention. The kid looked back at her with betrayed eyes.

"You don\'t believe me when I say that the ghost is a good creature. You\'re going to kill him regardless" which was true. They were not going to take any chance with such a creature.

Not with the node being this unstable and Albest looking to gain a foothold in their kingdom. There was too much at risk to allow a potential killer on the loose.

Howl would rather be \'safe than sorry.

"Shou, don\'t be a fool and-" Howl knew her brother was going to run away but she could not stop it. She tried to move but her feet forze at their place.

It was all the distraction Shou needed to start running toward the forest. The magic holding Howl did not last, betraying its temporary nature but the damage had been done. Shou was already out of her reach.

"Darn it. That brat is not worth all this pain" Howl complained, knowing that she was going to follow after her brother anyway. She had no other choice since she was attached.

But she also had a duty to let the Royal family know of the danger. Neah would be so disappointed in her if she did not report back at the earliest.

So Howl made a decision and entered the house with urgency. The communication papers were kept inside her mother\'s room and Howl froze outside it. She had not seen her mother for some time but she did want to see her.

She just had a feeling that she needed to see her mother. She could feel the aura of death lingering around the old lady and her heart leaped into her throat.

"Come in dear child. Are you not going to visit this old Lady for the last time?" The voice beckoned Howl to enter. She could not go against it without paining herself and Howl didn\'t even try to fight against command.

She allowed her body to lead her inside the room, her eyes glazed over with unshed tears. The old woman who had taken care of her looked so fragile and breakable that Howl was not even sure what she could do to help out.

"Where has that little imp taken off to? I told him to stay home today. Something bad is going to happen" the old woman asked. She sounded worried and so certain that Howl had to wonder if it was a promotion.

But it was a silly thought and her mother was not a seer. It was likely a passing feeling being attuned to the world at death\'s gate gave the elder woman. Howl knew that the old woman would not last long.

"It\'s nice to see you, mother. I\'m afraid I made Shou mad and he took off into the forest. I\'ll go chase him as soon as I send a letter to princess Neah" Howl shifted in her place as the dark eyes of her mother looked back at her.

The elder woman had a knowing smile on her face that made Howl nervous. The elder looked like she knew something Howl did not and it was concerning to be looked at like that.

"The princess, huh? She\'s a good kid, if not a little misguided. Make sure you drag her toward the right path. Hard times will be coming for everyone" her mother paused, her eyes looking far away before she snapped back. "Now go and bring your brother back.

Howl had so many questions she wanted to ask of the woman who had raised her, so many things she wanted to tell her.

But it all fell flat when she looked into the knowing eyes of the elder. It felt like whatever she wanted to tell her, the old lady already knew.

In the end, Howl left the house feeling her heart heavy with the knowledge of what was to come.

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