
Chapter 8 8 - Learning More

After assigning the free stats, he clicked on the plunder tab to learn more about what that part of the system had to offer. The plunder tab showed his plundering abilities but only the first option was shown, the rest were blocked out. It simply said:


Plunder (lvl 1): Possibility to copy the ability of other awakened if certain conditions are met

(On Cooldown: 4:23:57:32)





Just as he suspected there was only a chance he could plunder an ability, there was no guarantee that an ability would be copied. There was also a five day cooldown on the ability meaning even if he cleared multiple copy conditions he would have to wait for the cooldown to finish before he could copy another ability.

Krista could see him tapping what looked like thin air and asked him if he wasn\'t crazy, then what he was doing. He went on to explain about his status screen and more. She asked if there was any way she could view the so called screens that appeared but Milo had no idea, it was something he may learn if he grew his intelligence stat but he was still unsure what he had to do in order to level up and gain even more new stats, besides the free points he get when plundering an ability.

When thinking more about what would earn him more stats fast, a ding sounded in his mind and a new screen popped up in his vision.

[Daily Mission]

Prepare for power:

A good physique is needed for great power

-Complete the following to fulfill mission requirements-

50 push ups - [0/50]

50 sit ups - [0/50]

50 squats - [0/50]

Run 5 km - [0/5]

Drink 1 liter of water - [0/1]


10 exp and 3 free stat points

"The answer came faster than I thought, it\'s almost as if the system knew I wanted to gain stats and exp," Milo thought.

After explaining the daily mission to Krista, she decided she didn\'t want to go through a workout so she went back home. Walking to the kitchen, Corrina was surprised to see Milo in a pair of basketball shorts, a tee shirt and pulling on his tennis shoes.

"Where are you going?" she asked, surprised.

"To work out," Milo responded nonchalantly.

Corrina then started giggling as she thought, surrreee you are, unaware that Milo could now read her thoughts using the telepath ability, before walking up to the fridge and grabbing a cold soda before going back to the couch to relax.

Milo shrugged off the fact that his cousin didn\'t believe he was working out and shouted out, "I\'ll be back later, don\'t wait up for me." As he closed the door behind him.

After getting down to the park and reading through the list of workouts he had to do for his daily mission, Milo got to work. After about an hour of struggle Milo finally finished all but the last thing on the list, the daily mission screen looked like this:

[Daily Mission]

Prepare for power:

A good physique is needed for great power

-Complete the following to fulfill mission requirements-

50 push ups - [50/50]

50 sit ups - [50/50]

50 squats - [50/50]

Run 5 km - [5/5]

Drink 1 liter of water - [0/1]


10 exp and 3 free stat points

After returning home drenched in sweat, Milo went over to the fridge and grabbed a water and started chugging. About halfway through his third bottle, the little ding he was hearing for the third time went off in his mind and a new screen popped up.

[Daily Mission Complete]

Rewards have been distributed:

Gained 10 exp

Gained 3 free stat points

Looking satisfied with his results from the day\'s work, Milo took a shower and laid down in bed before opening up his status screen to allocate his newly earned points.

[Stats] [Tutorials] [Plunder]

Name: Milo Fenix

Title: [None]

Level: 1

Abilities[2 / 3]:

1 - Reinforce: can reinforce the body to make it stronger (lvl. 1)

2 - Telepath: Can speak directly into others minds and read their thoughts (lvl. 2)

3 - empty -


Free Stat Points: [0]

Strength: [7]

Agility: [5]

Intelligence: [7]

Stamina: [7]

Constitution: [5]

Magic Power: [5]


He decided to balance his strength, stamina and intelligence out at seven points each. Especially after feeling the backlash from working out, he knew he needed to up his stamina sooner rather than later. And finally he knew he needed to up his intelligence if he wanted to use stronger abilities. After eating a good meal and relaxing, Milo reflected back on the numerous events that had happened to him throughout his day. He had five days until his summer break would be coming to an end and he would be going to Awakened Academy to study ability use for his last two years of highschool. That was five more days to increase his stats before he\'d be surrounded by ability users for two whole years. Five more days until he would be surrounded by a treasure trove of ability users that he could take abilities from.

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