
Chapter 123 121 - The Administrator

When Milo blacked out, he found himself transported to what looked like an old school smoking room. A large wooden door was right behind him and bookshelves lined the walls between windows that had scarlet curtains on them. A table was at the center of the room, with 2 leather chairs on either side, and standing on the side of the room furthest from the door was a man who was wearing a plaid suit, he looked to be getting up in his years. His peppery hair was slicked back, and a gold monocle could be seen over his right eye. He was standing near a window staring out of it twirling his van dyke style beard as he smoked from a pipe.

"Ah, the view of the dimensional plane looks so beautiful in the morning," the man said with a rasping deep voice that had a tinge of an accent that Milo couldn\'t quite recognize, "ah well, please sit Milo I have much to discuss with you."

Milo still didn\'t know what was going on, one second he was fighting with the Fellowship and the next he woke up in this strange room. He stepped to look out of the window to see where in the world he was only to gasp in shock. Looking through the glass pane, all he could see were millions of stars, galaxies could be seen swirling and nebulae seemed to be floating all around as auroras danced in the star painted sky. Where the ground should be, there was nothing, the room appeared to be floating in the middle of space.

"I will explain what is going on, but I\'m afraid time is short, so please sit," the man said as he pulled the chair nearest to Milo out gesturing for him to sit in it. Milo complied still in confusion as to what this strange dream was all about. "Is this the afterlife?" he thought to himself, he was sure that there was no way he\'d survived the attack that the cardinal had just used on him.

"Now I\'m sure that you are confused about where you are, why you\'re here, blah, blah, blah, but I can assure you that you are very much alive. This is similar to that little gemstone on the ring you are wearing," he said pointing to the Beast Vessel Ring on Milo\'s hand as he took the seat across from him. "This room is located on the dimensional plane, separate from the one you live in, where Earth is located. You can think of me as your benefactor. Some of the other administrators have decided that Earth is due for a reset and wanted to make a little game out of it this time. Last time it was that blasted meteor wiping out the… What were they called again? Dinosaurs? Well, anyways among the administrators there is one who wants to see the world continue as it has been, and that administrator is me, and my name is Zenox."

Hearing the man talk of this, Milo had so many questions, what are the administrators? Why did they want to destroy earth? How was Zenox his benefactor? Milo was still completely lost as to what this was, was it a strange dream his mind came up with to help him cope with being burned alive before he died?

"I can tell this is a lot for you, so I will give you a second to digest this information, would you like anything to drink?" Milo slowly nodded his head as he processed the things Zenox had said, "Navi! Please bring in a drink for our guest!" Zenox shouted.

The door then opened and Milo\'s eyes widened in surprise. The woman who had just entered with Milo\'s drink was the same woman he saw in the tutorial videos from his system. She walked up and placed the drink in front of Milo before smiling at him. "It is nice to meet you like this Milo," she said before exiting the room. The voice was the same one that gave him information when asking the system\'s questions. Milo had just met Navi, the AI that was in the system, at this point Milo thought for sure this was a dream.

"I brought your consciousness here to inform you of something that will be coming to earth in the near future. You see another Administrator has done something similar to me, they chose a champion of sorts, granted them information beyond what is normally allowed to be spread to lesser beings. Unlike them however I have decided to go a step further allowing you to grow, to become stronger and gain the strength to save your planet. If they found out about my schemes there would without a doubt be war across the dimensional planes," Zenox continued. "They feed this champion damning information that could cause your planet to succumb to a horrible fate and I am afraid that it won\'t be long before their champion makes a decision using said information to spread chaos. It is for this reason that I hope you continue to fight and gain strength. The sooner you defeat this champion of theirs, the sooner I believe that the Earth can be returned to the path of normalcy. As for the champion you must defeat, I\'m afraid he is still outside of your grasp. He has rallied powerful people around him, gaining their trust and forming a religion of sorts. You have already defeated one of his men with a bit of my help but I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to do it again without the other administrators catching on. That is why I brought you here to tell you that you will now have to defeat your enemies with your own strength. The man you must defeat, the man you must stop at all costs is the one you know as the Godfather."

Hearing this additional info caused a change in Milo. Hearing that the Godfather was actually a puppet of one of these so called administrators, made some sense to Milo. The Godfather was the one who recruited the weak minded to follow his ideals. The same ideals that Milo was fighting back against before waking up in this strange room. Like the other administrators that Zenox had talked about, the Fellowship believed that the dimensional doors would bring about a new era of earth by killing off the weak allowing only the strong to survive. The big difference being that they didn\'t believe that the world would be destroyed completely. Unless the Godfather was leaving that part out so that his fathers would be blind to his true intentions.

"I must send you back now, gather strong comrades, build your strength and defeat the Godfather that is the key to saving your world. I know you are in good hands with the system, afterall, I am its creator," Zenox said smiling, causing his crows feet to crinkle. Milo\'s eyes widened as Zenox raised his hand and snapped his fingers, causing Milo\'s vision to go black once again.






White lights.

This was what Milo saw when he woke up. He could hear a heart rate monitor beeping away and on the table to his left a bouquet of flowers could be seen. Milo wasn\'t sure what had happened between his fight with the Fellowship and now, but he appeared to have been moved to a hospital room. It was then that he remembered the pain of being burned alive by the ominous purple flames. Milo checked over his body that was now covered in a backless hospital gown. He stood and staggered for a second before going into the bathroom to take a look at himself, he stripped off the gown expecting to see a body covered in burn scars but his skin looked pristine, there weren\'t even any scars from where he had been cut and stabbed during the fight. He ran his fingers over his chest where a sword had pierced and was astounded at the level of healing he must have had to receive to not receive a scar.

He put the hospital gown back on and finally checked his system, there were a ton of notifications that had appeared during the fight that he had been unable to check. He opened the first one, to see that a level up had gone through before the system had overloaded. The second notification was about the system overloading, this he was still unsure how it had happened but if the strange dream was real then it had something to do with Zenox intervening. Following this he received another 7 level ups while the overload was in effect. The next message was the one that hadn\'t appeared until after he blacked out from the pain of the violet flames eating away at him.


User\'s vital signs are fading

Temporary Unlock of all System Functions granted

System will temporarily possess the user…

Reading the message, Milo didn\'t know what to think, the system had temporarily possessed him? What could that have meant? Most likely this was another intervention by the so called Zenox from his dream. There were a few more messages that could be seen after this one, so Milo moved onto the next one choosing not to think too much about the strange idea of his system taking over control of his body.


System Overload has ended

Magic Power stat has been forfeited as penalty

Current Magic Power: 30


Seeing the system message Milo\'s heart sank a bit, all the Magic Power stat he had built up apparently had gone away, meaning that all the essence cores he had used were flushed down the drain. There was 1 more message following this one, he opened it and his eyes widened in shock from the contents of the message.


Skill [eRroR] successfully used:

Magic Power successfully Plundered from the target

Current Magic Power: 69


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