
Chapter 75 I Told You

Most of the people cleared out of the room, and I was left with just three. Miasma, Messia, and Serria were all gathered with me, and Miasma was on my lap cuddled into my Flap Dabbers.

She had fallen asleep with her face pressed into my Jigglies, and it was comforting to have her there. I was unconsciously stroking her hair and talking with Messia about the sections I should put in place.

Hilda had helped me with the first section, and we got it divided up into different stages for raising cockatrice. Now, we had to decide what to do with the other four Hex-Combs.

"Food will be one, but then what are we going to do with the other ones?" I asked because I was puzzled.

"We need to Hive a place to place the Flower seeds so we can get them growing as soon as possible. We will need the honey for more than just food, and we can get food from other randomly growing flowers, but Pixie will need them to build more Hex-Combs," Messia explained, and I nodded my head.

That opened my mind up, and I started thinking the way I needed to. It wasn\'t really about what I needed at the moment, but what I was going to need in the future.

"Okay, that we should also have a training facility for the new guards that we get. Even though they will earn the Guard Classes, they will still need to be trained. I am hoping that with getting the Raccoon Folk to join us that we will be able to have them train our current guards," I said thoughtfully, with a finger pressed to my chin.

"True, While Leah is a magnificent warrior, her specialty in hand-to-hand combat limits her to what she can teach the new one. Tag and Sig aren\'t really what you would call ideal teachers, but they can show the ones of the same Classes how to use them. You are right, and having the Raccoons will end up being a great benefit to you," Messia said with a nod, but then that reminded me of Tag and Sigs\' earlier mission.

"Hey, what happened with Shaggoth? Since I haven\'t seen any Nightmares running around, I will assume that he declined the offer to join us?" I asked, and Messia actually rolled her eyes, which surprised me, but it was Serria that spoke up.

"Umm, the Nightmare said that they do not fear the Predators and that they have known of them and curse many. So, they said that they prefer to stay free and not be under the thumb of a ruler. The Nightmare also said that we should be grateful that he allowed, and I quote, \'the oversized Bee Mice\' even in their water," Serria said, filled with hesitation.

"OwO, mmm baby, you\'re petting me too hard, hmm…." Miasma complained, and I stopped trying to put her hair into her head as she fell back asleep.

"Oh, when we get done with all of this, I will be going back and having some choice with that tar cover pony! HO! The nerve of that horse! AFTER ALL I," I started to shout, but Miasma started to fuss in my arms like a child, and I called down.

"Honey Bubble, stop getting so loud, or I\'ll nip your chest cheeks next time, mmm-kay?" Miasma said, and I went to glare down at her, but she was already back asleep with half a smile poking at my Bubble Bumps.

I signed and looked over to Messia, who gave me an understanding look, and now I could see why someone with as much patience as her would eye roll at this. I could not believe that damn Shadow Donkey!

"Fine, I guess this is okay for now, but I will be going back there! That dirty stinking Mule will be ponying up on the Favor he owes us! Hell hath no fury like this scorned Queen!" I declared loudly, pointing into the air.

Then I squealed like a stuck pig as Miasma bit my tit hard! I writhed and squealed as she started to tickle me.

"I told you to stop yelling!" Miasma said as she gnawed on my trembling titties and dug her fingers into my side as my arms flailed to the side like one of the fan-powered tube man displays.

Suddenly, Miasma stopped, but then the witch was going, leaving nothing more than an afterimage in her wake. I was just trying to catch my breath and rub my now tender and sore chest covered in red bite marks.

The other two women laughed at me, but then my stomach did an echoing growl, and Messia stopped laughing. She suddenly looked very embarrassed, and she got up and bowed low to me in an apologetic manner.

"I am very sorry, my Queen, I have been neglecting you. I can feed you right now before we continue," Messia said with a troubled look on her face, but I scowled at her, maybe not sending the right message, but I sputtered the words out fast.

"You have no reason to be sorry. There has been so much going on I am lucky that I still have my head attached. Plus, you take care of more than just me, and you do a great job. If I am hungry and you are not around, I can ask one of the others, but I also forgot. So, don\'t make a big deal about it. Come over here, and give me some of the Royal Jelly," I said with a warm smile that seemed to take some of the tension out of her.

As Messia approached me, I noticed that Serria was watching the two of us very intently from the corner of my eye. Oh, yes, my kitten, soon I will have you, and I can taste more of the rainbow that this world has to offer, but not before I went and gave the other stinker a good licking! Or Licken?

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