
Chapter 87 Oh No You Didn't [R-18+]

,m "Don\'t weird the poor girl out the first time she meets all of you," I told Miasma while squeezing her sides and making her giggle.

"All of who?" Bresma asked curiously as she came closer to my chair.

"All of my wives, this is Miasma on my lap and Bee-ing trouble, and this is Messia," I said, pointing to my left at Messia, who smiled warmly at the girl.

"Thank you for introducing me to your… Royal Wives? Do you only have two?" Bresma asked curiously.

"No, I have two more that are Bee-asy doing some kind of work right now. I don\'t really have a limit; I want to connect with all the people, but I am also new to this world, and I don\'t want to limit myself. I have asked you to stay behind because I wanted to know how your life has been, besides what I already know. The men seem to look at you differently, and not just as a woman," I said to Bresma, and she stayed quiet for a moment before she spoke.

"I refuse to wrap my tail, and I show no interest in any of them, so they treat me like a loud outsider. I am used to it, and they all know I am just as good if not better than any of them," Bresma said proudly.

"What are your specialties then? While I need the men to train the others, I need a bodyguard that can hide in the shadows, and I also have someone that I would like you to train," I said, thinking of Miku, who at that very moment jumped out of Miasma.

Both of us yelled at her, but Miku paid us no mind and danced around Bresma.

"So you\'re the Kunoichi that Tag and Sig talked to? You throw sharp things, right?" Miku asked excitedly, and I rubbed one hand over my face, but then I remembered something.

"Are you good with Kunia?" I asked over Miku, who was just about to go on, and she stopped dancing.

"Yes," Bresma said as she pulled out two Kunia knives with diamond-shaped blades and rings on the ends.

She then threw them up into the air and then spun like a top on the spot. As the daggers came down and entered the spinning vortex of Raccoon, they were rocketed out and directly into a golden wall.

They smashed into pieces as they hit the Royal Hives walls made from our own Bee Goddesses Honey Pot Nectar.

"NOOOO!" Bresma squealed as she ran over to the remains of her weapons.

I gave Miasma a slight push, and she got up and then helped me out of my chair. Then all five of us girls rushed over to Bresma, who was in tears, holding the pieces of her daggers.

I went over and slowly bent down and kneel beside her. I wanted to give her a hug, but I also didn\'t want to risk it while she was holding the daggers.

"I found these in my parent\'s house when we got back, and everyone was dead or gone. This was all I had left, and I just destroyed them after trying to show off like some child!" Bresma said with tears in her eyes.


I might Bee of some assistance in this matter," Hilda said as she appeared from her cloud of smoke.

"Really?" I asked hopefully.

"When you give her the point, there is a possibility that it could be tied to her and become repaired, along with the other twelve blades she carries," Hilda said, but she did not look amused for some reason, and she was staring at Bresma. "Is the twelfth blade for the men of your own tribe? That is a dangerous place to keep a sharp object, and I suggest you remove it at your earliest convenience."

Oh, she did not have a blade stuck up her Bandit Hole! But the way her face turned bright red made my eyes almost fall out, but I mean, if that was needed, I guess so.

Still, Hilda was right, which had to be extremely dangerous, but now I was concerned about the men. What was I going to do if I had just invited a bunch of trained Letchers on my ship?

"No, the men of my tribe are all very good people and would never do that, but there are many Coyote packs in the area, and I was captured one time and almost raped. Since then, Tacator has taught me to keep weapons all over my body to defend myself," Bresma explained after she got her blush under control.

"Understandable," Is said to her with a smile. "But now you don\'t need that one down there, and I would like you to take that one out before I," I tried to say but had to stop and stare in shock.

Bresma reached down between her legs and pulled back the coverings a bit, and then I watched her slide her… this was weird. I had to look up at her face, but that was not better for my rising lady boner.

Brisma\'s mouth opened, and little oh monas escaped as her eyes crossed. I could almost feel the dagger being pulled out of me; the whole interaction was just that intense.

In the end, I was just going to assume this was the part where she had to get the big ring, her eyes went huge, and she moved up as she pulled, clamping a hand over her moan as she moaned loudly. Then the dagger was pulled free, making a slight wet noise that made my blood reach Mach speeds in my veins.

My heart was pounding in my chest like high schoolers on spring break. Wow, I wonder how everyone else took this experience, but when I looked around, the other four were on the other side of the room, Bee-ing Bee-asy.

"I am sorry about that, but I didn\'t want to make you want to wait for me. Just give me one more moment," Bresma said as she started to LICK THE KUNIA CLEAN.

Alright, I give up, I thought as the spring break gangbang of heartbeats thundered through my chest.

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