
Chapter 246 The Misbegotten

"What is that light that is coming from your neck?!" Sakura asked me in alarm, but I put my hand out to cool her down and calm her.

"I think that Hexi is going through some type of evolution, but I am not sure where she got the experience to do it or how it even activated," I said, as the light faded from my pet.

[Name]: Hexi

[Pet Rank]: E1

[Type]:(Race)Giant Tunnel Snake-(Subracer) Mecha-Hex-Snake.

[Status] Confused(HP N/A)


[Transform]: change form to grow up to 25 times larger than the basic form.

[Bite]: Bite target.

[Rend](Passive): Target affected by BITE from HEXI will bleed and continue to take damage for 600 seconds.

[Weaponization]: Hexi can be converted into weapons. Current Weaponized transformation: Mecha-Snake-Bite Whip, or Mecha-Poison-Fang Daggers.

[Tunnel] (Gene) Acquired!

"What happened to me?" Hexi asked aloud and then made a cute hissing noise as she surprised herself with her own voice, making me giggle.

"To be completely honest, I really don\'t know," I said and then pulled up my own charts and then scanned them over.

It only took me a brief moment to find what I was looking for because there really would be no other way for it to happen. Yes, this made sense, and I had probably gotten a notification for it, but I would have pushed it off to the side with the rest.

[Pet Assisted Progression]: 10% of all experience that you and your pet gain are shared with you pets.

"Have I really been gone for that long? When did normal snakes start talking?" Sakura asked with puzzlement and then mentioned, "I have never seen anything so strange in my entire life!"

"I thought that all of your kind were dead, so that makes two of us," Hexi said from my neck to Sakura, and she gave a knowing nod.

"All right, you two, let\'s get going to meet with the others. The day has just begun for me, and there is still a lot more that I want to accomplish before we go to bed today," I said and started to pull Sakura forward with me.

Hexi was awake, I had defeated the Ninetails, and now I was ready to summon Rai Cait, but that was only the plan. I was starting to expect that things wouldn\'t go to plan now, though.

At first, I was sure that this would be enough, but now I wasn\'t so sure. Sakura had mentioned that the barrier was sucking her strength, and while General Kiliada wouldn\'t know much about Sakura, I was sure that the old Emperor Davo and Rai Cait\'s estranged wife would know a lot more than he would.

I was trying to get around this, but maybe I would just have to give them a quick show of strength, and hopefully, that would be enough.

"So, she is not a pet then?" I heard Helaina\'s voice call to me from up ahead, and I looked up, coming out of my thoughts.

"I am most certainly not a pet!" Sakura retorted, letting go of my hands and then balling them at her sides.

I smiled at Helaina and waited for her to come to me. Once she did, I took Helaina in my arms and then pulled her into a kiss.

"Oh, so this is one of the wives to be? Wait… Wait a minute, she is one of the Scourge! You do know what the Wasp Swarms are, right? You know what this creature is going to do, right?" Sakura asked as she came over to stand in front of the two of us as we embraced, and I nodded with a smile.

"Yes, and I plan on trying to do something about the problem because it isn\'t their fault. There is a program or virus inside of her and the other Queens that is forcing them to do it. Once I figure out how to stop it from activating, I will be able to stop all the other Wasp Queen from Swarming," I explained and then kissed Helaina again.

"So, what? You just go around finding misbegotten people to help out?" Sakura asked, almost defiantly, but I gave her a pointed look.

"Yes, you could say that, but just remember that you are one of the misbegotten that I found, and now I am helping you. I don\'t really think that I search them out, they just find me, and I am soft around the edges, so I always want to help if I can," I said with a shrug as I pulled Helaina in closer, and she rested her head on my shoulder.

I knew that she didn\'t like to be referred to as the Scourge, even if she played the comments off like they were nothing. None of this was her fault, and I was going to make sure that the virus, or whatever it was, was removed before it could take her from me.

After I let Helaina go, I kissed her on the cheek, and then my three Cat Dragons landed on me to cuddle into my neck. Atom\'s cuddle turned into him cuddling right through my neck and into me, but I was used to the feeling now.

"Looks like someone decided to wake up," Tigra said as she rubbed noses with Hexi, which was a strange site all on its own.

"Yes, and now I can speak strangely like you three and the Master, but I think that I can once again take my large form! I will be able to be more helpful now! It was very frustrating to watch you all help out Master like that, knowing that I would have only got in the way," Hexi explained, and then Thanos spoke up with a funny-sounding cat laugh.

"Kya, Kya, Kya! Now you can join the battle with me, and we will defend our Master with our dying breaths, together!" Thanos announced after his adorable laugh that made him look like he was coughing up a hairball, and I could feel Atom\'s eye roll from inside of me.

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