
Chapter 192 One Hundred And Ninety-Two: The Search

She shrugged and sighed. "I\'m not entirely sure, but I don\'t think she told us everything she knew."

"Do you think she really is Lisa\'s sister?"

"Yes… After she mentioned it, I could see the family resemblance."

"I thought so too. Still, that meeting felt a little strange."

"It did for me too. It felt as if she was trying to get the measure of us. I know that was exactly what Lisa did before we left. Still, I\'ve known Lisa for years and I trust her."

Liz walked alongside us as we spoke. "It seemed to me like she was trying to decide which side to take. I know this is far out on the border lands, but we must expect they have been given the option as the other guilds were. Even if she is Lisa\'s sister, it doesn\'t mean she will side with us."

Serin was nodding. "I agree. She seemed as if she was on the fence to me."

"What do you think we should do?" I asked.

Liz answered immediately and in a serious tone. "I think we should meet up with Aetherin as quickly as possible and find a way out of here. Before she decides how to act either way."

"I have to agree with you there." Added Serin.

I glanced down the street. "We\'ve just got to find Aetherin first in that case."

There was no sign of her yet.

Altria slapped me on the back. "Don\'t worry, she\'ll likely find us first."

"Do you think we should just head to the stables then?"


"But what if she comes back to the guild, looking for us?"

"We can always come back after we\'ve secured transport."

"Okay… It\'s also exactly where Elsa told us to go. Is that going to be alright?"

"We\'ll have to hope so. It\'s the most likely place for us to find a way of getting home. There and the carriage companies. We\'ll likely pass those on our way there. They\'re normally close by."

Serin was nodding in agreement. "We\'ll do as Altria suggested. Head towards the stables and check out the carriage companies on our way. Aetherin isn\'t here, so there\'s a chance we\'ll come across her on the way too. Everyone keep an eye out."

I was reluctant to leave the area outside the guild without her, but I agreed with their plan. "Okay, let\'s go and look."

We left the immediate vicinity of the guild and headed towards the far end of the town, where the stables were supposed to be located.

Luckily for us this place was small and quiet. There weren\'t large crowds of people to search through. Chances were if we passed Aetherin, we would see her, or she would see us. It also meant that heading back and forth, between the guild and the stables didn\'t take up too much time.

As it was, we had only travelled a couple of streets down when a familiar voice called out from across the way.

"Hey!" They shouted.

It was Aetherin. She jogged across the road to meet us. "You\'re out already. That was quick!"

Finding her that easily was a relief. "Yeah, it was only a short meeting."

"Good. What\'s the plan now?"

"We\'re heading towards the stables to find a ride home… Did you find much of anything while you were waiting for us?"

She shook her head. "Afraid not. You were quicker than I was expecting and having to restrain my movements, so I keep the appearance of a human, is surprisingly slow!"

I laughed. "Now you know what it\'s like to be me. I\'m stuck to that speed all of the time."

With the group back together again, we continued our way to the stables. We picked up the pace, now not needing to be on the lookout for Aetherin.

We had soon crossed the town. Just as Altria and Serin had guessed the area with the stables also had two carriage companies nearby. We made a beeline to the closest one.

It looked half closed from outside, there were no sign of carriages outside. Despite this we still decided to check it out. There was a sign on the door that said open, so Serin strode up and tried the door.

It was open and a bell rang out as we stepped inside.

At the reception desk there was a slightly grey haired woman. She glanced up as we approached. "How can I help you?" She said in a slight worn and bored tone.

"We were hoping to charter a carriage." Answered Serin.

"Okay, we\'re thin on the ground, but let\'s have a look at what we can do… Where to and when would you like to leave?"

"We\'re heading to Dunshelm. We\'d like to leave this evening."

The woman\'s expression stiffened. "I\'m afraid that will be impossible." She said flatly.

"Impossible, but why?"

"Like I said we\'re short on the ground. There\'s no way I\'ll be able to convince someone to travel that far. Not at this short notice, and no matter what you\'re willing to pay." She seemed to guess Serin\'s next words.

"Really? No one?"

"No one."

"You haven\'t had word from the guild master? She was supposed to…"

The woman cut Serin off mid sentence. "Not heard anything and even if she did send word, it wouldn\'t make any difference."

"I see… Well, thank you for your help." Serin said politely. Then she turned to the rest of us. "Let\'s try the other place."

The woman behind the counter spoke up again. "I doubt you\'ll have better luck there, but you\'re welcome to try."


With that we left the shop and then headed across the way to the second carriage company.

Just as the old woman in the previous company had said, we didn\'t have much luck. The situation there was the same. They hardly heard Serin out before telling us it was almost impossible to gain transport to Dunshelm.

I was surprised neither place had heard from the guild. I started to worry.

"What should we do now?" I asked Serin.

"We don\'t have much choice. Let\'s head to the stables. Perhaps there we can find someone willing to take us. We might come across someone working freelance." She didn\'t look that convinced herself.

There was little else we could do but try. If it didn\'t work out, we would need to travel the rest of the distance under our own power. We would manage it, but it would take some time and none of us were looking forward to it.

Just the thought of it made me feel tired.

The stables were located at the end of the same street as the carriage companies. It only took us a minute to walk there.

The doors were wide open at the front, but there didn\'t appear to be anyone hanging around outside. I was already starting to lose hope before we stepped inside.

Still, Serin wasn\'t going to give up before we had checked it out.

She led the party inside.

It was a large stable. Despite this it was probably only half full of horses and at first glance there appeared to be no one inside.

At this point even Serin looked as if she had given up. Her shoulders slumped at the sight of the empty interior.

I was just about to ask Serin what we would do next, when I heard a voice from one of the back sections. Someone was talking to their horses as they tended to them. More than that, I recognised the voice.

I quickly turned to Serin. "Is that? No, it can\'t be!"

I could already tell from her expression that she was thinking the same thing.

An expectant smile had creeped across her face. "I think it is!"

Our entire party rushed across the room, to the stable we had just heard the voice coming from. The person inside was a little startled at the sound of several pairs of feet running in their direction.

But when they recognised who it was, they dropped what they were doing and rushed towards us.

"Am I glad to see you all!" She said as she reached us, clearly happy to see us. "It was a long shot coming out here, but when Lisa suggested it, there was no way I couldn\'t take her up!"

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