
Chapter 211 Two Hundred And Eleven: Options

Lisa slowly nodded. "If there is, we haven\'t found it yet. We sent some of our best scouts out in every direction. None have returned. At this point sending anymore just seems foolish and would only decrease our numbers further."

"So, our only option is to fight them here?"

Lisa clasped her hands together. "I\'m afraid so."

Serin leant forward. "Do you have any idea of the enemy\'s numbers?"

Lisa shrugged. "Nothing concrete. We\'ve only been able to sight them from a distance so we can only make an estimate, but they must run into the thousands. For now, they\'ve been keeping their distance, I wasn\'t sure why because they must have the numbers to take the city…"

"You think they were waiting for us?"


"How many of the guard remain in the city?"

"Good question… Even before the trouble began there were less than eight hundred in total, but I doubt we have even four hundred now. The number is only getting fewer as people abandon their posts…"

"And the guild, how many adventurers do we have that could help in the city\'s defence?"

"Less than two hundred. The city has supplies for a siege, but if they have siege engines and enough high ranking mages with them, we won\'t hold out for long… Damn my stupid sister!"

Serin slumped in her seat a little. "Well, we had good news if you could call it that, but now we have no way of getting the news out!"

Lisa sat bolt upright. "You mean our suspicions were confirmed?"

"Yes… But it seems we were too late."

"If only there were some way of getting the news out!"

I was surprised Serin didn\'t notice right away.

I cleared my throat. "I think we have a way."

Serin quickly turned to me. "Of course, Celine!"

"Yes, Celine would be able to get a couple of us out of here, but that isn\'t the only way."

Serin sat forward and shook her head. "Theo not yet…"

"But we might be able to help many get out of here if we asked them."

"That would only work once or twice before they were spotted, there would be no way of evacuating the city… Not to mention most wouldn\'t agree to their help."

Lisa placed her hands down on the desk. "Hold on, what do you mean another way Theo?"


Serin was still shaking her head.

Beth sighed. "We\'re going to have to tell her eventually and I\'m assuming we\'re going to explain about Aetherin now anyway? Might as well give her the whole story now."

Serin slumped back into the seat. "Fine, I suppose we should."

Lisa\'s attention fell on our unintroduced members for the first time. "Right, I was beginning to wonder who your latest members were." Her gaze switched to me. "Can I assume you been adding to your har, hmm, I mean party again Theo?"

I cleared my throat. "I\'m not sure why you would immediately think it was me that brought them into the party… But I suppose kind of, you\'re half right, I was the one that suggested she join us…"

"Well, it was just a guess. Anyway, I can see that she seems to be a member of the party now, but there must be more to it than that. I\'d like for you to explain that for me and the other two."

"Right, well she is a very strong addition to our team and has already saved our lives on more than one occasion. It\'s just well you see, she isn\'t human."

"I\'m not sure that is something that would need explaining. You already have a few members that aren\'t. You know I\'m not myself."

"I know."

Lisa gaze fixed on Aetherin once again as if she was trying to discern what species she was. "So, what is she? A half elf?"

I shook my head. "No… She isn\'t from any of the races that are part of the alliance." I braced myself before I said the words. "She\'s a vampire."

"A vampire!" Lisa got to her feet, placed her hands down on the table as she leant forward and locked eyes with me. "What do you think you are doing? One demon was already something, but at least she can keep herself hidden and is nowhere near as incredibly dangerous." She then turned her focus to Serin. "And you were fine with this?"

Serin sat forward. "I am."

"But you must have known what I would have thought about it and the trouble it could cause you all."

"I did, but I realised she was no longer a threat to us, and we needed her help. If it wasn\'t for her, we wouldn\'t have returned alive."

Altria, Beth, Liz and I were all nodding in agreement with Serin.

Ameri and Lucy were silently watching on.

Lisa put her head in her hands. "Well, I can see that you all think the same thing…" She exhaled loudly and looked back up. "I suppose that she at least looks human. If we\'re careful we can keep the truth hidden. Ugh, why didn\'t I expect something like this!"

"Yes, in fact Aetherin wasn\'t what I was worried to inform you about."

"You mean the other thing is worse?"

"Well, I wouldn\'t say worse…" Serin looked to me. "Do you want to explain?"

I nodded. "Sure… We have a group of harpies with us, we left them a short way from the city."

"Harpies! There\'s no way you\'ll be able to keep people from noticing them! I can\'t believe you brought them with you. You must have a death wish. Sure, not everyone is believing the news from the capital, but if you\'re seen to be among a group of demons even people firmly on our side won\'t trust you."

"What did you expect us to do? We left them out of the city so they wouldn\'t draw attention. They can\'t go back to their old lives now. They helped us escape, their own kind would view them as traitors. We couldn\'t just leave them behind to die."

Lisa\'s expression softened a little. "Look Theo, I understand your sentiment…" She stopped and ruffled her hair. "Ah what does it even matter, as things stand, we\'ll be lucky if any of us make it out of here. So can I assume your other way out was having the harpies fly you out?"

"It was."

"I suppose that could work… But you\'re right, it won\'t be long before the army encircling us catch on and target them."


Lisa gave a long glance over the rest of our group. "So then, what about those two?"

"This is Ameri and Lucy, Catkin and Wolfkin. Both registered adventurers, originally from Dunshelm. They rode with us from Silthorn."

"Hmm…" Lisa glanced at Serin. "Well?"

"He\'s telling the truth. I believe we can trust them."

"I see, well I\'ll take your word for now… I think our priority needs to be getting you and Altria to her mother. Celine should take you both, the rest of the party can take a lift from your harpy friends. At least if you get there first, they won\'t be treated as hostile once they arrive."

I couldn\'t agree with that. "I understand why you\'re suggesting that, but what about everyone else in the city? Are we just going to leave them to die? I don\'t want that!"

"We need to get word and proof of what you found out. It isn\'t certain that the city will fall yet. Help could arrive in time."

"All the more reason we should stay and help. I want to make sure that this place doesn\'t fall!"

"But if it does, you can\'t be here when it happens."

"If it comes to it, Celine can take me then."

Lisa looked at the other members of the party. "What do you all think about this?"

Serin was to answer. "I was planning on staying behind… I know why you are suggesting Theo leave, but I can\'t leave my friends and servants behind."

Lisa turned to Beth and Liz. "What about you two?"

Beth looked serious as she answered. "I have friends, family and students here. I don\'t want to leave any of them here."

Liz shrugged. "I have friends here I wouldn\'t want to lose, but I wouldn\'t want to throw my life away on a lost cause. Having said that though, Theo is right. There is no need for us to run away yet, we could leave at any time. I agree with staying until there is no other hope."

Lisa sat back in her seat. "I suppose I should\'ve expected that answer from you all. I won\'t deny that having you here won\'t increase our defensive capability… Fine, I won\'t force you to leave. But if things take a turn to the worse I want you to flee to Altria\'s mother. Are we in agreement?"

We answered in unison. "Yes."

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