
Chapter 213 Two Hundred And Thirteen: A Moment Of Calm

"Hi Altria."

"Have you come for Theo?"

She laughed a little awkwardly. "Theo invited me to join you all. I hope that\'s okay?"

"Of course, it is! Come and sit down." Altria shuffled up and created a space between me and her.


Jules took the open space and sat down.

Once she was settled, I turned to her. "We\'ve yet to order so take your time."

"Okay." She glanced over the menu. "It\'s been a while since I\'ve eaten here, I can\'t remember what\'s good."

"I\'ve not had anything awful yet."


"I suppose working here puts you off eating here as well?"

"Something like that. It\'s just nice to go somewhere else for a bit after work. Living here as well, sometimes it feels like I never leave the place… Once in a while is okay though."

A couple of minutes later the waitress came and took our orders.

A little while after that she returned with our food, and we all began to tuck into our meals.

As we all began to finish up, Jules looked up from her food. "So, Theo said you were both from here. I don\'t mean to sound rude, but I don\'t recognise either of you."

Ameri chuckled. "Ah don\'t worry, we didn\'t take it that way." She glanced to Lucy beside her. "Neither of us have been back in here in years. It\'s no surprise you wouldn\'t recognise us."

"Oh, I see. You\'ve been adventuring all of that time?"

"Pretty much."

"You must have some good stories to tell."

"We have our fair share… Probably nothing as interesting as Theo and his group."

Jules laughed. "Yes, he hasn\'t been here all that long, but they do seem to constantly get themselves tangled up in some crazy business."

Each of the girls\' attention fell on me. "I don\'t know what to say… I don\'t think it\'s down to me. From my perspective, I was pulled into the whole crazy mess, and everything has always been like this since before I came."

They all found this a little funny.

Altria was the first to start laughing. "It was quite the mess you were brought into wasn\'t it."

"It\'s been pretty crazy to be honest… Still, I have enjoyed my time here with you all."

She laughed. "You\'ve definitely made the most out of it."

Seeing that we had now finished eating the waitress came to collect our plates. "Is there anything else you\'d like?"

Altria shook her head. "No, thank you." She looked to the rest of us. "I don\'t want to be the one to spoil the fun, but we should all probably think about heading to bed soon. I wouldn\'t want Serin to blame me if everyone stayed up late."

I agreed. "You\'re right, there\'s no telling what will happen tomorrow. I should probably show the others up to their rooms."

"Thanks Theo." She got to her feet. "I think I\'ll walk back to my apartment. Night everyone."

We all said goodbye and then Altria made her way out of the guildhall.

Once she left Jules started to get out of her seat. "I suppose I should probably head upstairs as well." She glanced across to me. "Would you like a hand to show the girls to their rooms?"

I nodded. "Sure, we should be going too. Thanks Jules."

"No problem."

With that decided we all got up from our seats, and with Jules leading the way, we headed upstairs to the sleeping quarters.

Jules had placed all the girls on the same floor as me. Our first stop was for Ameri and Lucy. Their rooms were located close to the landing, and they were situated next to each other.

We stopped outside. "Have you got everything you need?"

Lucy smiled. "Thanks Theo, we\'re all set."

"Good… Well, I guess we\'ll see you in the morning."

"Good night!"

Ameri gently took my hand. "Thanks for getting us here safely… Good night."

"Oh er, I\'m not sure that was down to me… Good night Ameri."

We left Ameri and Lucy to settle into their own rooms. Next up it was Aetherin.

As per Lisa\'s instruction Jules had given her the closest available room to mine. This turned out to be just across the hallway and one door along.

I passed her the key to the room. "Here you go."


"The rooms aren\'t much, nothing like the house you lived in, but they\'re comfortable enough. Will make a nice change after sleeping on the road for so long."

"I must admit, even if I don\'t require much sleep the promise of a proper bed once again does seem appealing."

"It does! I assume you\'ll be alright in there tonight?"

"Of course, I will!"

"Good, and if you need anything I\'m just across the way."

"I know, you don\'t have to worry about me."

Jules laughed. "And if you need anything from the guild, I\'m in the room next to Theo. Either that or I\'ll be on the front desk. Just ask for me if I\'m not there."

Aetherin nodded her head. "Thank you…" She glanced between us. "Well then, I\'m going to check out my room. I\'ll see you in the morning, good night."

"Good night Aetherin."

I stood outside with Jules whilst Aetherin opened her room and stepped inside.

This left the two of us alone.

Jules fidgeted slightly. "I would invite myself in, but you should get your rest. Hopefully there will be a chance for us to catch up alone tomorrow."

"You know I wouldn\'t mind, if you did come in."

She shook her head. "No, if you\'re worn out tomorrow, I\'ll be in trouble with the guild master, let alone your party mates."

"I\'m sure no one would say anything, after last time we were together was interrupted…"

She looked as if she was on the fence and thinking it over. "We\'ll see each other tomorrow." She said eventually.

"Okay, I\'ll make sure I have time for you."

She smiled. "Please do."

After that we said out goodnights and each went into our separate rooms.

I dropped my gear in the corner of my room and took off the top layer of my armour. Then in just my undershirt and trousers, I slumped myself onto the bed.

It was better than I remembered.

This last trip had been the longest I had spent on the road. My sleeping arrangements hadn\'t been especially uncomfortable, but nothing really beat the sensation of lying on a proper bed.

After about ten minutes of just lying there and enjoying the comfort, I sat up. There was another luxury I missed from being on the road. I wanted to indulge myself before I went to bed.

I climbed off the bed, quickly grabbed a change of clothes, and headed out again.

I was going to take a bath.

As I made my way downstairs, I found myself hoping that the men\'s baths were just as quiet as before. There was something quite nice about not having to share them.

The evening was starting to draw in and I passed a couple of adventurers heading up to their rooms on the way down.

Once downstairs I found that the main hall had already cleared out quite a bit. It wasn\'t particularly late, but it seemed that the town\'s current situation had dissuaded many from staying up and drinking. There was probably only half the number I would normally see up at this time as I passed through.

I finally made my way to the baths. There was no one else in the changing room. I quickly undressed and stowed my clothes. After grabbing a fresh towel, I hurried towards the baths. I half peered around the corner as I checked to see if I was alone.

Even through the heavy steam rising off the large bath, I could see that I was the only person in here. I left my towel just to the side and climbed in the warm waters.

It was everything I had hoped for. I could feel the aches of the road melting away as I perched myself at the edge of the bath.

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