
Chapter 488 - The Lore Of The Four Seasons (Act IV)

Chapter 488 - The Lore Of The Four Seasons (Act IV)

New Chapter in Highest Tier (May 2021)


Archangel Uriel? (Flame of God)

First Ward of the Garden of Four Seasons


Archangel Uriel could almost hear the lady swallow hard underneath her full body armor, sensing the dark tendrils of fear coming off her aura when he urged her to reveal herself.

He released his hold on her form with his mind compulsion so that she would be free to follow an Archangel\'s command.

He could almost hear her breathing hard and exhaling a huge sigh of relief when the magic bonds he put on her loosened.

As a servant of God, Archangel? Uriel was particularly implementing free will over the other creatures they watched over.

There was no need to use brute force or hypnotize her with his angelic voice.

An intimidating silence from a Holy Being would be enough.

He tapped his foot on the fresh tufts of grass on the uneven ground. It made him wonder if the knight already knew that he knew she was a lady.

Without further ado, the knight leaned forward, swung her right leg up over the horse\'s haunches, and landed both of her feet lightly on the ground—as graceful as a jungle cat.

Archangel Uriel watched the knight approach him walking briskly without fear, her steel chest puffing out.

Nevertheless, he couldn\'t help but notice the subtle sashay on her waist.

His lips curved upward as she paused in front of him, head held high.

So, she still wanted to keep up with this \'I\'m a man\' act?

Did he think that an ancient, powerful Archangel like her couldn\'t tell the difference?

Tilting his head, Archangel Uriel waited for her next move as he slowly blinked at the small opening of her great helm, covering her full face, except for vision.

He stared intently at her eyes, noting they were amber where stars shine, the color of the warmth of the sunlight, of a wheat harvest and fallen autumn leaves of gold.

Archangel Uriel pinched his lips together, fighting a gasp to escape from his mouth.

He never thought that such a sight would arrest an Archangel like him, taking his breath away.

He had never seen such beautiful eyes on a creature.

His curiosity of what her face looked like with those lovely eyes rose even more.

Squinting, he bent his neck forward unconsciously as he peeked to see more of her profile.

But the knight made his desire easier to achieve and fully satiated his interest when she raised her hands and lifted her great helm off her head, allowing her long, apple red hair cascade into beautiful waves around her, which was a stark contrast to her worn-out panoply.

His lips slightly parted in awe when their eyes met while he returned his angel blade absently back to his forearm sheath.

In his perception, this beautiful young lady knight will never be a threat.

When his God decided to create this lady in her own race, he must have found her special and showered her with otherworldly attributes—with Archangelic features so beautiful he hadn\'t seen someone with her gaze in Heaven before.

He did not intend to exaggerate, but this was what he truly felt at this time.

Her golden eyes could rival those of the Angels he knew who were created as perfect divine beings serving their God through His Grace.

Despite seeing those wide golden orbs earlier from behind her helm, nothing could prepare him from the real thing.

Archangel drowned in those lovely depths, not expecting to be rescued.

He would gladly stare at them forever.

No, that would indicate falling in love with a creature from this Earthly Realm.

It was forbidden for Angels to take an interest with a Fae.

How much more if an Archangel fell in love and engage in fornicating with this woman?

No. Archangel Uriel shook his head. He was overthinking, taking his admiration with this lady knight a little too far just from the color of her eyes?

When did he turn too vain to care about a woman\'s face?

He averted her gaze immediately as he berated himself for his relapse.

He will not be a Fallen Angel just from a simple infatuation with a pathetic knight who couldn\'t even hold her sword hilt properly as she waved them around in front of his face as if that would frighten him.

"Is there anything wrong with how I look, Angel?" The lady asked."Your face looked as if you have been struck by lightning."

Archangel Uriel replied without removing his gaze from her."No, nothing at all."

Keeping his face blank to feign boredom, his eyes scanned her sun-kissed face—as if she was the type of lady who never stayed indoors, busy practicing archery skills and swordsmanship on unsuspecting tree trunks in the forest.

In his mind, this lady was just an aspiring lady knight who knew nothing about the dangers of a young lady up and about, pursuing adventures in this dangerous time where the Fair Folk—who were initially created to be stewards of nature and the Mother Earth—were caught into the Angelic War. At the same time, they deal with their own Fae Civil War.

The remaining ruling nobilities from the Faerie Realm invaded and claimed territories in their greed to possess power and gain the loyalty of their acquired subjects.

At the same time, the souls of the Nephilim plagued the land.

"Now that you have witnessed who I am, will you grant my request to provide me with the fruits I need to protect my village?"

"If? you want the fruits, you have to stay here with me until the Tree of the Four Seasons produced them."

As far as he could see it, every angle in these wars was a lose-lose situation.

If God found this to be increasingly problematic later on, Archangel Uriel guessed that God would wipe out the His entire creation with a Great Flood and cherry-pick his favored survivors from the chaos.

That was her first meeting with the woman who was her downfall.

He did the worst thing an Archangel who had a mission to fulfill on Earth would do.

Archangel Uriel fell in love with her.

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