
Chapter 512

Chapter 512

At Zich’s suggestion, everyone including Count Steelwall nodded. They were also expecting the allied forces to soon change their offensive strategy.

“They are probably going to take advantage of their superior numbers. I suspect that they plan to surround us and cut us off from our supplies or divide part of their forces to attack a different part of our estate.”

“Hm, we also came up with the same conclusion. Between the two hypotheses, we think the latter has a higher possibility. Other estates in our surroundings and even the royal family are starting to move. We can’t be certain that they will participate in this war, but just their movements alone will put huge pressure on our enemy. Regardless, it’s obvious our enemy can’t drag this on for long, which makes it more unlikely that they would take the option of slowly drying out our supplies.”

As expected of someone who had plenty of experience on the battlefield, Count Steelwall precisely saw through everything that was happening in the present.

“The question is whether or not those guys are going to target one of our important bases or aim to destroy and cause havoc indiscriminately.”

“Yes.” The Count raised one eyebrow. It was preferable if their enemies chose to attack their important base since they left some troops there. Therefore, it wouldn’t be easily penetrated. While that went on, they could attack their enemy’s weakened main base with their superior fighters; or if that proved difficult, they could form a detachment to torment the enemy forces that had gone inside the estate. The allied forces had been defending well so far with their far superior numbers. However, if they split forces, their offensive power would weaken, giving the Steelwall army the ease to send a detachment. Thus, if the allied forces went to their important base, the Steelwall forces could attack both sides with the force already existing in the base and the detachment.

On the other hand, if their enemies chose the strategy of causing as much destruction as possible while ignoring important bases, the Steelwalls would need to counteract that too. They would need to either attack their enemy forces in charge of the annihilation or attack their enemy’s main base. That would cause a much greater strain to Steelwall’s forces which were lacking in the numbers department. However, if the Count let the enemy forces do as they wished, the morale of his men would fall and cause a significant burden for the Steelwall Estate.

The second strategy would also cause a big strain for the allied forces, but both Zich and Count Steelwall knew what kind of man Count Flaud was.

“That damn old fart would calmly order for the indiscriminate destruction of the Steelwall Estate.”

“I think the same.”

“Are you still telling us to attack the Pinne Estate, leaving the allied forces that would try to burn down the estate?”

“Will you be able to stop them?”

“We can make a detachment and avoid fighting them head-on as much as possible while trying to tie them down to one place. We would also have to evacuate the residents nearby.”

“You will be able to save some lives that way, but there will be significant damage done on the properties and farmland.”

“It can’t be helped. There’s a limit to how big we can make the detachment to fight off the enemy forces.” The Count’s decision was cold. He couldn’t spend his whole fortune to block the potential damages in front of him. It was true that the idea of the possible consequences of his decision gave him a bitter taste in his mouth though.

“That’s why we must strike the Pinne Estate. Then, our enemies would prioritize the detachment heading to the Pinne Estate and attack them. In times like this, we have to take the initiative.”

“I get what you are saying, but you are aware that this plan also has its problems, right?” There wasn’t a hint of rebuke in the Count’s voice. He sounded like he was telling Zich to explain his point so that it was more understandable.

“As I have been saying repeatedly, even if we deploy a detachment, we wouldn’t be able to make a big one. Do you think we would be able to attack and secure the Pinne Estate with a force like that?” the Count asked.

“I am planning to make the most elite force we can possibly afford. I think it would be possible if we form a group with the elves, my subordinates, and some knights.”

“No, if we did that, there would be a big dent on our main defense,” the Count said firmly. The main reason why they successfully managed to block their enemies’ attacks was thanks to elite forces like the mages and the elves. Thus, if the elves and even the Steelwall knights joined the detachment, their main defense would weaken too much. Yet, Zich didn’t back down.

“Don’t worry. If our enemies heard that we sent a detachment to attack the Pinne Estate, they would also send their elite troops to capture us. Then, our side would manage to defend with just the main remaining troops.”

“What’s the reason for that judgment?”

“It’s the symbolism that the Pinne Estate holds in this war. The reason why the Flauds and other guys from our neighboring country could brazenly cross the border was that the Steelwalls were accused as Bellids too. Above all, it’s because the Pinne family, who is part of the Cronon Kingdom, requested their help. Although they took some leaps, thanks to the Pinne Estate, they could set up this war as one between two estates in one kingdom.”

This was a fact that everyone was aware of.

“If we take over the Pinne Estate, we could wipe away this story, and the kingdom would have even more reason to get involved. It would be a situation the allied forces would want to avoid very much.”

“You do have a point.” The Count nodded. “It’s still too weak. That damn old fart could use the chance to turn the Steelwall Estate into complete ruins. He might actually be happy that our forces decreased.”

“Of course. Everything I said just now would be the explanation we would give on the surface.”


“Sir, let me ask you this first. Have you found out why there’re so many Bellid traces in the Steelwall Estate?”

Count Steelwall frowned; this was the topic that annoyed the Count the most besides the war.

“No.” Count Steelwall furiously shouted, “I’ll crush those cockroach bastards as soon as I find them!”

“Cockroaches that appear in homes are usually nearby. They make a nest inside the home, or if they can’t, move to a neighboring home.”

“A neighboring home?” Among the places that could be called Steelwall’s neighbors, the Flaud Estate and the Pinne Estate were the only two places involved in this war. Considering where Zich wanted to attack, he could only be referring to one place.

“Perhaps, are you telling me that the Bellid’s nest is inside the Pinne Estate?”

“To be exact, the entire Pinne Estate is the Bellid’s nest.” This was completely unexpected. Everyone including the Count widened their eyes and looked shocked.

“…They were the Bellid supporters?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Despite this, they accused us of being Bellid supporters and dragged others into this war with the excuse that they’ve received damage from Bellid supporters?”

“Yes, that’s right.”


“Sir, do you now understand why they would try their hardest to capture our detachment if we try to attack the Pinne Estate?” If it gets revealed that the Pinnes were Bellid supporters all along, their situation would be completely reversed. The Cronon Kingdom and the surrounding estates will immediately declare war in favor of Steelwall, and the Karuwimans might also take the Steelwalls’ side and attack the allied forces. If that happened, victory would be assured for the Steelwalls.

“…Even if the Pinnes insist on protecting their main camp, if the others oppose it, nothing will happen.” Their opponent was the allied forces. No matter how much Viscount Pinne argued for his territory’s protection, the others could possibly reject his proposal.

“It’s hard for me to believe that everyone in the allied forces are Bellid supporters.”

“I’m sure that at least Count Flaud is working with the Bellids.”

Another round of shock swept through the listeners. Zich was the only one who looked calm as he continued, “Of course, it seems as if even Count Flaud doesn’t know that the Pinnes are Bellid supporters, but the Bellids will definitely force Count Flaud to move if they’re getting attacked.”

While Viscount Pinne was merely a member of the allied forces, Count Flaud was the commander-in-chief of the allied forces. The amount of influence they had on the coalition was completely different.

“I plan to bring Sir Weig with me as part of the detachment, and I also plan to spill this information out to our enemies.”

“…If Belri Weig finds out traces of Bellids in the Pinne Estate, this war will be over.”

“The allied forces will have no choice but to target the detachment to stop him.”

Count Steelwall fell into thought. If Zich’s words were true, his plan was definitely worth a try. The question was whether he should believe Zich’s words that the Pinnes were Bellid supporters and whether the detachment could really attack the Pinne Estate while enduring the persistent pursuit of the allied forces.

Count Steelwall said, “…Since you’re bringing this up, you’ll be leading the detachment, right?”

“Of course.” Zich looked at Count Steelwall as if he said the most obvious thing ever.

“It’ll be an extremely arduous task. Are you confident that you can do it?”

“I’m fully confident that I’ll give them worse than hell.”

The Count nodded at Zich’s confident reply. “Propose the number of soldiers you need. I’ll do my best.” The Count gave his permission, and Zich smiled happily.

“You won’t regret it.” Then Zich left the command camp. He needed to select the people he needed as fast as possible. Even though he’d roughly thought of the detachment’s composition, it took a bit more time to make it detailed. Zich suddenly stopped and looked sideways. Past the scattered barracks and wooden barrier, he saw the allied force’s campsite. Glen Zenard was definitely in there.

Zich grinned. Even though Zich said that the allied forces will chase after the detachment to prevent the traces of Bellid from being found in the Pinne Estate, he knew that they would come after him regardless.

‘If Glen finds out that I’ll be leading a detachment, he’ll come after me no matter what.’ Thus, they didn’t have to worry that the allied forces would ignore the detachment and attack the Steelwall Estate.

‘The only thing left is to play around with them using the detachment.’ He roughly thought of a plan for this as well.

‘They should start to realize what kind of situation they’re in right now.’ Zich chuckled as he recalled Glen’s furious expression as he rushed toward him.

* * *

Zich’s plan quickly went into action. Zich requested the Count for the talents he wanted, and the Count immediately gave his permission. A few days later, a considerable number of troops moved out of the Steelwall’s main camp under the cover of night. A watch guard spying on the Steelwall’s camp discovered their movement and immediately reported it to the allied forces’ headquarters.

The allied forces first showed caution toward the sudden and suspicious movement from the Steelwall side. They continued to send scouts out to figure out what their goal was. They lost contact with the scouts at one point, but they were roughly able to garner their enemy’s goal. Their enemy’s goal was believed to be the Pinne Estate, and Zich was leading the detachment. Moreover, a figure who appeared to be Belri Weig was also part of the group, and as soon as this information was received, some members of the alliance fell into panic.

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