
Chapter 129

At first, itdid not attract much attention, and many people did not know the song, but thenbecause of an animated film, it suddenly became popular and spread all over theInternet, touching countless people to tears, so it won the love of youngpeople, and became a classic rock and roll work.

Under theinterpretation of the original song, the exciting lyrics are expressed withhigh pitch and a roaring voice. It’s a rather strange singing tone, which isclose to a hysterical emotional expression. It makes the work have a peculiarcharm. The more people listen, the more moved they become.

However, LuChen did not imitate this kind of singing, because it does not match his vocalcharacteristics.

Hetemporarily replaced the song to a competition track and asked Gu Rui, themusic director of "Singing China", and the accompaniment band to helprearrange the song.

Therefore,in terms of style, there has been a lot of change compared with the original.

But thelyrics have not changed, the melody has not changed, and the emotion is stillstrong!

When Lu Chensang this song, he first accumulated his emotions step by step. In front of himwas repression and patience, pain and pursuit, lonely introspection and sobermelancholy, and also the confrontation between sensibility and reason.


The charmingfuture always calling me,

Even ifsuffering is my only companion, I will keep moving,

I want tosail on the bluest ocean there,

No matterwhether I will come back or not.

Beingdepressed after a failure,

That’s thesign of a coward,

Just clench bothfists as long as you are still alive!

Before thedaybreak,

We need tobe braver.

To wait forthe most dazzling moments at sunrise.


However,when that accumulated complex emotion that reached its peak, suddenly burstout!


Run forward, facing the cold eyes and ridicule.

How can we feel the vastness of life withoutsuffering?

Fate, itcan’t make us kneel down and beg for mercy,

Even if theblood is spilled all over my bosom!

To keep runningwith the pride of childlike simplicity,

If we don’tpersist to the end, how can we see the glory of life?

It is betterto burn heartily than to linger on,

For the goodnessof heart,

Don’tcompromise until you get old!


There is no noisein the big venue, only Lu Chen’s singing and the band’s performance reverberatein the space, repeatedly impacting everyone’s eardrum again and again.

No onethought that Lu Chen would bring out a rock and roll work. And it’s so special...


In thebasement of an old house on the Fourth Ring Road in Beijing, Chen Xiang staredfixedly at the screen, his whole body trembling.

He felt asif there was something roaring and shouting inside him, wanting to get out.

Lu Chen’s songreminds Chen Xiang of his experience when he just arrived in Beijing.

At thattime, he had a dream. But in the face of reality, he had been battered andbeaten. Due to his poor academic background, he often run into wall when helooks for job, and in order to survive, he had to work everywhere.

He hashanded out flyers in the streets, washed dishes in restaurants, ran deliversand pulled deals. He had already lost counts the times he has been ignored and lookeddown upon. Many times, he wanted to give up and return home.

But ChenXiang nevertheless insisted. Life taught him to be strong and to understand theimportance of knowledge.

He workedhard to make money while earnestly studying, and eventually found a suitableprofessional job. At the same time, he really settled down in Beijing, keepingthe little spark of his dream from being extinguished.

Having gonethrough so much, Chen Xiang thought he was already very brave and strong, butnow after hearing the song "Chasing Dream With A Childlike Heart",his mood suddenly collapsed!

"Runforward, facing the cold eyes and ridicule. How can we feel the vastness oflife without suffering?"

"Fate,it can’t make us kneel down and beg for mercy."

Chen Xiangclenched his teeth and clenched his fist before he finished listening to thesong.

Then hepicked up the soggy instant noodles on the table, rolled up the noodles with aplastic fork and slowly ate it.

Unconsciously,tears filled his eyes.

After a longtime, the stadium burst into fierce applause, instantly setting off a huge surgeof sound.

Many peoplestood up and applauded Lu Chen.

Lu Chenbowed deeply to them, and there was a glimmer of tears in the corner of hiseyes.

Then therewere the judges. Tan Hong and Lin Zhijie stood up first. Chen Fei’er and ZhenZhen were only half a step behind.

There wasalso the live band, and when Lu Chen bowed to them, these always proudmusicians also bowed to him as if they were completing a grand ceremony.

It took severalminutes before the live broadcast calmed down.

The fourjudges took their seats again. Tan Hong said: "This song, I do not want tocomment too much. Although it’s a bit rough and not perfect, I give it 10points!"

With that,Tan Hong pressed the scoreboard hard, and the golden number "10"appeared on the big screen in an instant.

Lu Chensmiled and thanked him, "Thank you, Teacher Tan..."


Tan Hongshook his head seriously and said, "I want to thank you for letting me heara good song that is touching and worth listening to. I see the hope for thefuture of pop music in you!"

In realitytalent shows, it is common for judges to praise contestants. Sometimes, inorder to highlight the show’s effects or to match the hype, they even say it verynumbly that it makes people feel goose bumps.

But who isTan Hong? Because of his status and strength in the circle, he doesn’t need todo such unscrupulous things, so his praise for Lu Chen is entirely from theheart.

Tan Honglikes this new rock song very much, more than any of Lu Chen’s previous works.

He gave LuChen a score of 10 because the highest score was only 10.

Lin Zhijiealso gave Lu Chen 10 points.

The musicdirector of Flying Stone Records said, "It would have been better if youhad been born 20 years earlier."

Twenty yearsago, it was the golden age of the recording industry. It was also the era when superstarsand heavenly kings and queens were born!

Lin Zhijiethinks that’s the best time for pop music.

It is themost suitable time for Lu Chen!

Tan Honglaughed.

Chen Fei’ersaid, "Lu Chen, do you know? I was going to give you 10 points, butBrother Tan Hong has already given you 10 points. Then I’ll give you 9 points."

There was aslight noise in the venue, and many people could not understand Chen Fei’er.

Why wouldshe give him 9 points if Tan Hong gave 10 points?

Tan Hong’slaughter turned into a wry smile, and could not help shaking his head - thiswillful little sister!

He knew thiswas because Chen Fei’er liked Xi Jia very much. Just now he gave Xi Jia 9points, so she wanted to get back to him.

But Tan Hongcan’t object, scoring is the right of the judges.

Seeing thehelpless expression on Tan Hong’s face, the corner of Chen Fei’er lip lit up abeautiful arc.

She gentlypressed the scoreboard.

On the bigscreen, a big number immediately appeared.


Chen Fei’er’sscore for Lu Chen is not 9, but 10 points, an instant turnaroud!

She chuckledand said, "I’m kidding, Lu Chen. Your song is really good, and it’s wortha full mark!"

It is hardto imagine that a woman who is as beautiful as a swan, and cunning as a whitefox is over 30 years old!

Lin Zhijiesmiled and said, "Your Senior brother and sister have given 10 points,then I will also give 10 points."

He gave LuChen a thumbs-up: "Good song!"

As Tan Hongsaid, the song does not need too much evaluation, it is enough to give fullmarks.

Zhen Zhen alsogave 10 points.

She said, "Thissong gives me strength, the strength to work hard. This perfect score is welldeserved!"

All fourjudges gave 10 points, and Lu Chen’s total score was 40 points.

In one fellswoop, he surpassed his opponent Xi Jia’s 38 points!

Xi Jia stoodin the waiting area, applauding with the audience. She had regrets on her face,but she was not sad.

Even thoughshe knew she had lost.

A full scoreof 40 points from the judges. It hasn’t yet appeared during the wholetournament. Lu Chen was the first to get it.

He’s theonly one.

Losing to LuChen, Xi Jia did not feel wronged.

After LuChen gave his thanks, the host came on stage and invited Xi Jia back.

He’s goingto announce the final results.

First is XiJia.

The judges’total score was 38 points, on-site audience votes were 4,875 votes, andoff-site audience votes were 428,530 votes.

Overallscore: 97.52 points!

Then LuChen.

The judges’ totalscore was 40 points, on-site audience votes were 4,623 votes, and off-siteaudience votes were 725,506 votes.

Overallscore: 98.79 points!

The resultdidn’t have any suspense, Lu Chen defeated Xi Jia and won the sixth top 10 nationalseats. (TN: Again, not his ranking, but he’s the sixth one to get through)

He rankedfirst in the overall score.

Although LuChen lost more than 200 votes to Xi Jia in the on-site audience votes, but hisjudges’ score was two points higher, not to mention that the off-site audiencevotes have completely crushed the latter. His advantage was very obvious.


When thefinal results were announced, Xi Jia still showed deep disappointment.

Nevertheless,she did not lose her composure and congratulated Lu Chen graciously.


Lu Chenshook hands with her. He didn’t know how to comfort her. After all, he was thewinner.

Should hesay that her performance was also very good? Perhaps he will be scolded asbeing hypocritical, haughty, or arrogant.

Simply saythank you - that won’t be said to be a big deal, right?

He’s reallya little scared that he’ll be criticized.

Fortunately,Chen Fei’er ran to the stage at this time and hugged Xi Jia in her arms, whichalso relieved Lu Chen of his embarrassment.

The Queen ofSweet Song whispered a few words in Xi Jia’s ear, and the latter’s face changedinstantly.

Surprised orperhaps pleasantly surprised!

Lu Chen can’thelp but be a little curious, but he was too embarrassed to ask, so he returnedto the backstage to rest.

Tan Hong wasas curious as Lu Chen. When Chen Fei’er came back, he asked, "What did yousay to Xi Jia?"

Chen Fei-er lookedat his brother and said, "This is a woman’s secret!"

Tan Hongsmiled bitterly.

More thanten years, it seems that his fellow teacher and sister has not changed.

But thecompetition has to go on.

It’s justthat the rest of the competition has nothing to do with Lu Chen.

Now he justneeds to enjoy the taste of victory!


TN: Theanimated film: Here.The song starts at around 1:59.

TN: FemaleVersion of the song: Here.

Btw the video is from a program in China called "Sing! China", but the setting is close to "The Voice"

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