
Chapter 58

The day started as usual, and I quickly was on my way to the city center. Will was already waiting for me, drinking something from a bottle.

- We are too late my friend - he said as soon, as I came closer.

- What? Somebody already headed for the cave?

- Yes. Twenty people. From what I heard, they are decently upgraded. I also saw pretty good equipment on them. They had carts and everything. They actually might be able to do it.

- Damn.

- So what now, Peter? The spot is taken. There is no point in going there. To be honest, nobody is in the vicinity of goblins today because they are afraid of the horde.

- Then we should take advantage, and just hunt there normally.

- What if they won\'t be able to deal with the horde, and will release it to the woods? Can you take this amount of goblins in an open field?

- Alone probably not, but with you, and twenty people it\'s a different story.

He smiled, finished his drink in one go, and stood up.

- Then let\'s go.

- I need to buy some food. Put your stuff on the cart.

I went to the tax collectors, but they just told me to return later, and then I quickly bought some rations. Will already brought his equipment. We were ready for departure.

- Let\'s go then - he said.

- Yeah... Will... If something will go wrong... Just run, ok?

- What the heck? - he looked at me a bit confused, and then laughed. - Keep that superhero talks to yourself. I can also deal with a few goblins on my own.

I smiled.

- Good. Let\'s go.

And our short journey started. By the time we got to the cave, the entrance was already cleared and empty, indicating they managed to get rid of the horde. There were no crystals lying on the ground. On our way, we also didn\'t meet any goblin groups. Everything was cleared nicely.

- Looks like they did it - said Will. - Now what?

- Now we look for goblins in the vicinity.

He just sighed. The perspective of walking for hours and getting only a small amount of crystals, that we also had to split between us was not tempting.

- We should come earlier tomorrow. Before them.

- Then they might backstab us. We cant deal with the horde and twenty people at the same time.

- Fuck.

- Just start walking Will. Maybe they will get injured or something... If not there are also wolves.

- Oh god no. Not the wolves.

I just laughed and started to pull the cart in a random direction. It was a long and boring day, but because we were the only group in the woods, at least for half a day, the score was a bit bigger than usual. With time other hunters decided to also come because there was no sign of horde.

By the end of the day, we had 78 crystals, which meant 39 per person. A terrible amount. So we returned a bit annoyed, talking about other spots on our way back. Will even proposed orcs, but I knocked it out of his head. That was way too dangerous for both of us, but especially him.

After arriving, I paid my tax, bought some food, and waited. The group which stole our spot didn\'t return yet. We both wanted to see if our competitors will come back unscratched or wounded, and also how many stones will they bring. We were no the only ones waiting for them. Many people wanted to find out how their little escapade went on.

It was already late when we returned, so Will started wondering if they may have died in that cave. Some people, probably their friends, came to ask us questions, and we answered with what we knew. One guy was confident we killed them and hid the bodies, but I just laughed at him. He even threatened me with revenge. Fortunately, others calmed him down a bit, but by their faces, I could tell that the possibility of us killing the other group was not out of the question.

Soon we were visited by Hatta and few other members of Wuxia.

- Hi Peter.

- Hi. This is Will - I pointed at my comrade. - What\'s going on?

- We received information about you possibly killing twenty people in the woods.

- That\'s just a bunch of bullshit! - Will just exploded.

- Calm down Will. But yes, they just pulled that straight from their asses.

- So you didn\'t kill anybody today? - asked a nameless Wuxian.

Hatta silenced him with a gesture of a hand.

- No. We went to the cave, but it was already cleared. Then we hunted in the woods. A couple of people saw us - Will spoke again.

- Yeah. We went to check if they maybe had some troubles, but everything was picked clean when we got there. No signs of goblins, people, and crystals. No carts, no nothing - I continued.

- And after that, you went hunting? - asked Hatta.

- Yeah.

- Ok. Wait here. I need to speak with my supervisor.

And they went.

- What the fuck? Now we will be marked as killers. Nobody will want to talk with us - Will was clearly angry.

He even punched my cart.

- Hey! Leave the cart alone, and relax. I will fucking go to that cave with whoever thinks we killed those people if I have to. If they died there, there will be bodies. If they are alive, then there is no need to worry.

- Look, Peter. I\'m a social guy, I can\'t let my reputation be damaged. I\'m not a killer. I\'m a good guy.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah. You hang with me, and by now everybody knows that I sliced Nacho\'s head off.

- That was different. First of all, as you said, you did it. Not me. And second, Nacho was an asshole. Only some people in Blood Brothers liked that guy. Some. By the way, doesn\'t it hurt you or something?

- No. But maybe it will start someday. Right now I just fall asleep like a baby. I\'m very tired every single day.

During our conversation, Hatta returned again.

- Hate to interrupt, but my supervisor made a decision. If they don\'t come back, you will head to that cave tomorrow with a few of us, and people who are accusing you. We will check what happened.

- That\'s a terrible idea! - Will quickly interrupted. - What if there is some terrible thing down there?! We will just fucking die for no reason!

- It was not my decision.

Even for me, this solution was kinda stupid. We had no idea what\'s in that cave, and they just wanted us to go there?

- What if we don\'t go? - I asked.

- Then we will assume you really killed them. You will be judged as a member of Wuxia. Your friend, Will, also.

- Oh came on! - Will was clearly angry.

- Fine. We will go. But if it will be too tough down there for us, we just return. Even if we don\'t find the bodies. And you will clear us. Who knows what\'s there.

- I\'ll talk with the supervisor. For now, go to your room with Will. You can\'t leave.

- Good.

So we went to the room I had in one of Wuxia\'s buildings, escorted by a few guards. They took care of my cart, probably because there were weapons on it. There was only one bed, and I let Will have it. I was used to sleeping on the ground anyway.

I actually fell asleep pretty quickly. But Hatta woked me up. Then I discovered Will couldn\'t sleep at all. Hatta brought good and bad news. The bad was that the expedition to the cave didn\'t return, and was nowhere to be seen in the woods. Wuxia actually sent the scouts to look for them. Good was that the lieutenant agreed to my terms. This way I was able to go back to sleep. Well, at least I tried.

- Fuck those guys - started Will.

- Why are you so pissed off? We will just go there, as we were planing anyway. Just with few more people.

- Yeah, but that was back when we had no idea what was inside that cave. Now we know that there is something that might kill us.

- They could also just got lost. Who knows what\'s there.

- There are always problems around you Peter.

- Well if you want to hang out with me, better get used to it.

- Ah... fuck!

I just laughed. It was kinda funny how much he cared about this whole situation. For me... I guess I was already used to troubles at that point. Maybe Will was actually right. Maybe I was causing those problems without knowing it. Maybe there was something about me. Those thoughts made me a bit sad, and melancholic, so I quickly pushed them away, and tried to fell asleep again.

Will on the other hand... I think he was unable to sleep all night.

Day ended with 38 291 points on my account.

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