
Chapter 149

- I don\'t buy it. Call me stupid, but I don\'t buy it Blue - said Will. - You played us many times already, and this is another one of your schemes. Tell me why should we even consider believing you? You are clearly onto something, and I believe we should strike while we can.

- I can\'t give you anything more than a week. That\'s unreasonable. Howe could have I foreseen this? I possibly couldn\'t. My plan is the same and unchanging. I don\'t want war, but expansion. I want us to find a way to go back to earth. That\'s all I want. Didn\'t I prove it already?

- We will agree if you add one more thing - said Amit.

I could not look at the man, just as the rest, and we all were surprised.

- You will stay here for the entire week. In chains, and locked up under guard. Then we agree - he continued.

I couldn\'t hold up my smirk. This plan was definitely good.

- Fine - said Blue, to my total surprise. - But first I will need to do few arrangements. Your offer is ridiculous, but I\'ll accept it as long as I will have your words that you are gonna let me go after that week. And I mean all of you. Peter included.

- Very well - said Hatta.

There was a smile on his face.

- Then I believe the meeting is over. Let\'s meet tomorrow morning. Here, of course. I want to hear you all promising to let me go before I allow myself to be locked up. Remember that. Especially you, Peter.

He stood up and left without waiting for goodbyes or goodnight wishes. Let\'s be honest, there weren\'t any incoming.

We kept silent until the doors after he closed, and even then we waited until Amit didn\'t go, and confirm Blue left the building.

- He is gone - he said upon his return.

- Wow. Just wow... - said Will.

- You are a genius Amit - said Hatta. - I thought we will have to really fight with them. I couldn\'t think of any other way...

- It\'s a temporary solution to a bigger problem. They are going to grow in strength. We might slow them down for those two months, but what after?

- You are suggesting that we should do the same? I mean turn our people into werewolves? - asked Hatta.

- No. I\'m suggesting we need a way to keep the scales of victory on our side. We have two options. We either subtract their weight or add to ours. We should also try to confirm if what he said is true.

- Aisha is working on that - said Will.

- I have an idea - I said.

- Then speak - replied Hatta.

- For now, keep hunting. I\'ll go look for a better territory than the canyon. Then we let them go take it, but instead, we take the werewolves and the new spot.

- And you think he will accept? - asked Will.

- If he doesn\'t want a war, then yes. If he is playing us, then I\'m ready to start chopping. I\'m done with playing games. You should also stop. - I looked at Hatta, our eyes met. - I\'m sorry about calling you a coward. It was uncalled for. We all are friends, and we should remain, but Blue is a sensitive topic, and I lost my temper. I apologize. I know that you are doing it all to not lose your sense of morality, but there are lives at stake. Good people, not those scums on his side, so if you don\'t want to do it, at least let me.

He slowly nodded.

- Fine, Peter. Fine.

- Let\'s first confirm if he is lying or telling the truth. I know you hate the guy, and I also am not his biggest fan, but I have a feeling this time he is not playing us - said Amit. - He got angry there...

- I saw it too - I agreed. - Still, he could be acting.

- Aisha is digging into it already - said Will.

- You already said that Will, and I believe we can all agree, that she shouldn\'t be the only source of our intel - said Amit. - I\'ll dig into it myself.

- How? - I asked.

- I have my ways.

- Care to elaborate?

He sighed.

- Craftsmen. Believe it or not, but people of the same nationality in situations like ours, tend to get together. There are few Indians there, I believe you met a few. Jayadeva build a strong community. I\'ll ask somebody to go and join their ranks. This way it won\'t look too suspicious. I think, that after a week he will be able to tell us at least something.

- Good idea - said Will. - Jus be careful.

- I\'ll look for somebody that did some jobs for them. It\'ll be fine.

The rest of us nodded in silence.

- Ok then. Let\'s meet tomorrow morning, here - said Hatta. - I\'ll talk with Boris and Nobuo.

- Dismissed? - I asked, looking at him.

- Dismissed.

With that, we started to leave. Will and me together.

- What do you think? - he asked me when we got outside.

- It stinks like hell. I mean Blue. Just...

- Just?

- Just Amit might be right. He might not be lying. I know how it sounds, but this stinks too much. It\'s too fucking obvious, Will. Blue is not obvious.

- I get it. On the other hand, he could be playing this card because it\'s obvious. Fuck, my head hurts...

- I meant what I said down there. I\'m done with games. They might have gotten stronger, but if we do find he is lying, I\'m off.

He nodded.

- I need to grab some sleep. Have a good day, Peter.

- Sleep well.

We parted our ways. I hang around for a couple of hours. Mainly wasted my time, grabbed some food, then started to look for Nadia, and waited some more, until she was finished. We went to check up on the dress in the making, grabbed a beer, and sat on the rubble to talk about everything.

We had a good time, but I didn\'t tell her anything about Blue. Why? Trust issues, but not only that. I didn\'t want to worry her. I didn\'t want to tell her what I\'m gonna might have to do...

The day came to an end with 3 067 221 points remaining on my account.

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