
Chapter 467

He started with the usual dance, circling around me, and looking for an opportunity to attack. I didn\'t move at all, which surprised him. He probably thought that I\'m not so interested in the fight because he stopped and trusted with the pole to poke my shoulder. I grabbed it, and with one sharp move, ripped it from his hands.

He got surprised again, when I just threw it away, in Ole\'s direction. The scout caught it, while Han assumed a stance to fight me barehanded.

- You have unexpected strength in your small body - he said.

I\'ve never been the \'tall guy\' but to call me small? I\'m not gonna lie, it triggered me a bit.

- Less talking more attacking - I said to him.

He slowly closed the distance, and then tried a quick jab. For me it was slow, and I moved just slightly out of his range. He immediately rushed forward and tried another, but I avoided it with ease, by slightly moving my head to the side.

This led to him closing the distance even further, trying a punch from above, but I just turned a bit and dodged again. Then he unleashed everything he had, but nothing could reach me. I was too fast, too experienced, and, moreover, too skilled. Yes, \'skilled\' is the perfect word.

We danced like that for quite a bit, making our little audience hold their breaths anticipating even a single blow to land, but none of them did. No matter how hard he swung, or how close he got. I knew what he was gonna do even before he tried it.

I have to compliment his breathing technique though. Even despite the intense moves, he didn\'t get tired until the very end of the fight. A solid ten minutes, maybe even more.

Eventually, he just stepped back.

- You are a true master - he said. - I can\'t hit you, I can\'t even grab you. I thought you weren\'t moving because of your arrogance, but the reason was the difference in skills between us.

- Yep, but I also wanted to have some fun at your expense. Sorry for that. You see... I used to be very weak, and people bullied me very often. Now when I\'m stronger... It shows from time to time.

He nodded slowly. It made me unsure if he even understood what I said. For Uhms concept of flexing was nonexistent. They either connected such behaviors with arrogance, or, in a case like that one, with patience and wisdom.

We returned to the rest of the group, and Ole returned him his cane.

- I didn\'t know you could fight like this - said Tihana. - I thought you were more of \'Peter smash\' kind.

- It\'s fine my child. You will understand my greatness with time.

Alice snorted, which then transformed into a loud laugh.

- Wow, that was... something - she said and wiped tears from the corners of her eyes.

- Yeah - Tihana agreed. - Cringe as fu...

I grabbed her by the mouth with one swift move.

- Language!

She stepped back, to free her lips, and then tried to kick me, but I avoided it with ease.

- Don\'t drop Tam - I warned her before things escalated. - He might crush you all if he transforms.

- Bawk! - the chicken confirmed.

This made her stop, and she stuck her tongue at me, still angry. I ignored her and turned to Ole who was very confused about what just happened. I had to explain few things to him. Then he invited us to meditate, so we all went to the closest, unoccupied pond, and gathered around it.

He explained how Uhms meditate step by step, told us a lot about breathing, and making your mind stop the thought process, and instead follow the melody of the universe.

We all gave it a shot for quite a while. Alice did the best out of all four of us. KI\'rai was too lively to even try properly, and Tihana couldn\'t do it for more than ten minutes. They both drove me crazy, so I didn\'t have a proper shot at it either.

In the end, we gave up, all except Alice. Razzle fell asleep next to her, and she seemed to be too engaged to even notice the rest of the world.

Ole offered to take us back to the fest. I noticed that Han just disappeared while we were attempting to meditate.

I ate a bit after returning, and then we asked Ole to show us around some more, so he took us on a stroll around the settlement.

Tihana got an opportunity to pet an Uuuun, which made Tam jealous. I had to take the chicken from her because I got afraid he might do something to the poor beast.

For me more interesting were the Ahu. We got an opportunity to observe those large beasts. It was quite interesting to see them dig in the ground with their tusks, to then consume the earth itself. They would crush the stones with their teeth.

I learned that it was one of the favorite materials for Uhms to make jewelry off, but it was rare. Since the creatures were pretty long-living, and peaceful aliens wouldn\'t kill them. So the few teeth to work with each year were almost exclusively from the sick ones who died.

He then took us to the only craftsman who was working with this precious material. He was an older fellow named Meehoo. We found a dozen local animals precisely sculptured out of the teeth in his place.

I really wanted one, but I had nothing to exchange for it. This led me to decide that I had to return someday and get one. After we left his workshop, which was basically his home, I immediately dropped an anchor, to return someday wand bargain for the precious art pieces.

That\'s how the day somehow ended. Researchers spent the night in the House of Elders, and we went back to the camp. Soon other hunters joined us, and we even pitched some tents, since we were going to spend some time with Uhms.

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