
Chapter 503

As they all left, I turned and walked towards the research facility, to pick up Surdashana, then I realized that she actually won\'t be there, because she is probably in my place, working, so I changed directions.

I was about to shadow walk back, but suddenly a familiar voice hit my ears.

- Peter? Are you there - asked Will through the coin I gave him quite some time ago.

- Yep.

- I\'m just arriving at Dwarka with a bunch of fun people. I\'m sure Tihana would love to meet them. Come pick us up from the gate hall, maybe?

- I\'m pissed of at her. She just pulled a number on me.

He laughed.

- I need to know what did she do...

- No, you don\'t.

- I\'ll ask her if I have to - he said.

- Fuck you.

- Maybe later. Now I\'m gonna give you to agent Wolf. He has something he would like to talk with you about.

There was a moment of pause when the coin probably changed hands.

- Hey, Peter, It\'s agent Wolf here.

- Hey. What the hell do you want?

- That wasn\'t a very nice greeting - he pointed out. - I just wanted to inform you that we yesterday acquired information that another gate opened. By the way, have you been notified about the one that opened in Hungary? Well, this time it\'s China. I also have some information about the Hungary one. Could we talk somewhere private about this?

I sighed heavily.

- Sure. I\'ll be in the gate hall, waiting for you.

- Thank you.

That\'s how the conversation ended, and I went back to the gate hall, to find a place for myself to make a chair out of void essence, and wait for them to come.

It took them maybe half an hour. I have no idea why it took this long, as Will said he is arriving at Dwarka, but it did.

Will showed up first in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. Red with orange flowers and black palm trees. He was followed by agent Wolf in a white shirt, with his jacket thrown over his forearm. The weather was too hot to just walk around in a suit, and he gave up on the professional image.

Behind them walked in a whole group of people, that just kept talking, joking, and laughing with the two of them. It was a mix of different skin colors, genders, and heights. They were all quite young, probably in their twenties.

I went towards them, making my chair disappear.

Before I got there, Wolf already directed the streamers and vloggers group to the correct offices to finish their paperwork after entering Akc territory. They noticed me coming to meet the two, and a few of them gave me curious looks, as they were going where they were supposed to.

- Hi again - I greeted the CIA agent and Will.

- Hi - they replied, and we shook hands.

- You saw those people? They are internet stars from all over the world - said Will. - They are pretty cool. We flew here together actually. Too bad Dustin couldn\'t meet them, since he really wanted to...

- Yeah... - I squeezed out of myself, looking at Wolf.

- Let\'s go somewhere more private - He said to me, after looking at Will.

It was kinda obvious I wasn\'t interested in those people, and also a bit pissed off. My friend caught on to it and just smiled.

- How about we go to Velvet Lotus? The three of us can talk in a VIP room, and relax a bit? It was a long travel for us, Peter. I\'m sure agent Wolf wouldn\'t say no to a little drink.

The government official smiled after this remark.

- No, I actually wouldn\'t. There has been so much pressure lately, that I would love to relax even for few hours. I used to hate that this place was so disconnected from the Earth, but I have to say, it has its bright side. I don\'t have to worry about my supervisors constantly bugging me through the phone.

- But we should wait for our guests, shouldn\'t we? They will need a bit of guidance to get to their accommodation - said Will. - We could then show them where the club is.

I rolled my eyes. Wolf shrugged his shoulders. This ended up with us waiting for the internet stars to come back with the paperwork done.

- So everybody, this is Peter - Will introduced me. - Peter, this is everybody.

There was a moment of awkward greetings, and then we all left to show them where the Wuxia\'s barracks were located. We had to first pass through the barrier made out of reporters asking questions, and taking polaroid photos. Fortunately, there was a group of Hatta\'s men there, to help us, and somehow we made it through.

During our travel, the topic of going to a club appeared, and the internet stars were all actually on board to go since they were all well-rested because of sleeping on the plane. Will apparently was well informed about where exactly the rooms prepared for the new bunch of guests were located, so he pointed us there, and they could leave their baggage.

We passed by Tihana on one of the corridors, talking with the director of Mission Man. She was thrilled after seeing the streamers and vloggers, but since I was with them, she was very hesitant to come and say \'hi\'.

Wolf noticed it and asked me quietly:

- What happened between the two of you?

- None of your business - I replied to him.

He got the message and didn\'t try to ask me anything more. After a moment of waiting for the people to leave their luggage, and organize themselves, the whole group reassembled, and we finally headed towards Velvet Lotus.

I noticed Tihana following the group at a long distance.. She was too curious about them, to just leave the whole thing alone, but she also wasn\'t stupid, so she asked Kim Eun-seok and the twins to come with her to the club.

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