
Chapter 555

Shortly after that Adam entered the waiting room, without the cane and heavy cloak, and people just went crazy. The random cheers quickly turned into chanting his name.

- Adam! Adam! Adam! Adam!

He stopped, looked at everybody enjoying the moment, then he fixed the gloves on his hands, and rose both arms to silence everybody. The room went quiet.

- Thank you, everybody, but this is not over. This was merely the beginning of the vengeance that we will show to those who dare put their fingers on one of us, on our planet, on our home.

I couldn\'t help but smile, mainly because of the cringe, but others seemed to like what he said and started clapping. Few restarted the chant of the name, but Adam silenced them again.

- That\'s enough, please. I used a lot of mana, so please let me rest...

With those words, he found the closest spot to sit down, and rest a bit. Some people tried to surround him, and keep the celebration going, but they got stopped, and the whole waiting room kinda returned to its previous state.

I used this moment to join the guy.

- Good job out there - I said to him.

- Thanks - he replied with a smile.

- Can you fight tomorrow? You used quite the amount of mana.

- Yes, I did, but I still have some left, and I\'ll have most of what I used back by tomorrow, so I should be fine.

I nodded.

- Good - I said, and then lowered my voice. - Nice idea with blowing up their waiting area. I hope the imperial official won\'t get angry at us, though.

- He shouldn\'t - Adam responded quietly. - I made sure it would look like I was aiming at my opponent, and I\'m gonna keep telling them that if they will try to insinuate anything. Now, if you don\'t mind, I\'m gonna take a nap. Using this much energy is quite tiring.

He smiled at me again, and then picked himself up and left, heading straight to the closest couch. He didn\'t reach it though, as our waiting room was invaded by Katri Xel Avakadaisu and the other Atri.

They assembled into a tight group after getting inside.

- Congratulations humans! - she said loudly. - That was a beautiful display. I\'m kinda proud of you, and envious at the same time. You got a chance to slap, figuratively, obviously, our dear emperor in his fat face. I wanted to award you with a better waiting arena, but sadly my efforts to achieve that was denied, which means your next place is going to be the same as this one. I hope you are ready to move.

People upon hearing that started to move. Adam wasn\'t very happy that he needed to walk when he wanted to get some sleep, but there wasn\'t really much he could do about that.

I packed our supplies to my vault, and the rest of the people followed the group of guides who led us through the corridor. We were joined by assistants and the few officials that were with them on our way to the underground vehicle, which took us all to the next spot, where we again split into two different rooms. Civilians were directed to one close to ours, but some of them came with us to talk.

Quite a few of them wanted to have a word with Adam, but he refused since he really wanted to get some sleep, which made them just talk with each other hunters. They were mainly complaining that the move the fire mage did, could get us in some trouble, but none of us wanted to listen to that, so those people were quickly kicked out.

He then finally could take the nap he wanted so badly. People even got quiet for him, as a way of thanking him for such an incredible performance.

I found myself joined by Boris, who immediately asked:

- He is planning to repeat tomorrow what he did today?

- I\'m not sure. We didn\'t talk about that, but it\'s possible.

- He shouldn\'t It can pass as an accident, but if he repeats it, then we might get in trouble, as those assholes said.

- Maybe you are right. I\'ll talk with him about that when he wakes up.

Boris nodded.

- I didn\'t want to come out as ungrateful, because I really believe it was good what he did, but we have very little knowledge of what is going on around us, so we shouldn\'t push our luck.

- You really want this to work out? I mean humanity being part of that so-called Ixan empire?

- I want a bright future for my kid. I couldn\'t care less about Ixan or whatever empire. I just don\'t want a conflict to swallow the whole planet. That wouldn\'t be a good time to raise a kid.

I nodded.

- You see... I never told you this, but I had a tough childhood. So I promised myself that if I ever have a kid, I\'ll make sure they won\'t have to go through the shit I had to. I almost broke that promise, but fortunately, Arc changed for the better and now Vitalij can have a good life there.

- You are a great father, Boris.

- Thanks, Peter. You are not a bad one either.

- I don\'t even live with Tihana - I pointed out.

- That\'s exactly what I\'m talking about - he said with a smile on his face, as he put his hand on my shoulder.

Then he left. I didn\'t even manage to say \'fuck you\' to him. As I was looking at his back, I actually thought he could be right about what he said. I still didn\'t figure out my own life, and I was supposed to rise Tihana? She was better with Irina.

"I needed to have a serious talk with that kid when I\'m back", I thought to myself.

I also had a short talk with Adam later about his plans for the next day and he assured me that he wasn\'t planning to repeat himself.. At least not for the time being.

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