
Chapter 764 T.D.O.N.B: Socialising

The people worth mentioning are the ones who kept being more active in the project, and one of them was Lucas. A British guy, whom you might know better as the guy in a wheelchair.

He was a redhead with a thick beard, and hair on the longer side, which clearly needed a hairdresser\'s intervention. It\'s kinda hypocritical of me to say that because if not for Celestine, I would probably look similar.

Lucas used to be a firefighter, but during one of his mission, as he was escorting people out of a burning building, part of the ceiling collapsed on him, and his back got broken. Despite the best efforts of available medical experts, he wasn\'t able to walk after the accident.

The next person whom I should mention is Dasha. Dasha used to be a soldier, but as I found out, her career got cut short when during a mission she stepped on a mine, and lost her leg. I didn\'t go too deep into her story, because it clearly involved geopolitical stuff, which I happily stayed away from.

I\'m mentioning her despite the fact that I would usually stay away from people like her because she was really eager to carve a path for herself in the world, and she had a strong feeling of duty to help those who needed that help.

She tried to keep everybody around her in high spirits, which was something we needed because those people would soon find out that despite everything going smoothly so far, there were plenty of bumps on the road. The road that they had to walk on their own, without my assistance.

Dasha was a tall woman of definitely middle ester heritage. Her skin was tanned, and she had dark hair. Her body was lean, muscular even, but under clothes, she looked quite normal. My eyes, though, were much keener on that stuff. I noticed how she was walking even using a single leg, and the rest of her movement, which led me to such a conclusion.

She had beautiful brown eyes, en if not for her big, hooked nose, she could probably be even a model. She had the height for it, and was taking good care of herself, which combined with her relatively young age gave such an effect.

The last person worth mentioning was Marvin Babatunde. Really interesting guy, who was telling the craziest and most interesting stories in our lovely bunch. He was a black guy who grew up in the ghetto. He became a gang member, but when most of his crew got busted by the police, he decided to drop that carrier, and switch to boxing.

He had some experience by beating up people from his previous line of work, so the headstart gave him an illusion that he was good at the sport. Going pro, though, quickly cleared up those illusions. He was at best mediocre, so to boost his income, he began selling his own fights to get more cash.

Too bad some people who lost their money on him found out, and decided to beat him up... With crowbars.

He had so many screws in his body, keeping the bones together, that he always was calling himself a robot.

His life changed after the incident, and heavy support from the local community, who was helping him a lot, but he still was in a massive amount of debt due to the operations. Despite a clear path to hitting rock bottom, he fought, trying his best to pay the people, who were good enough to get him the needed money, so he would actually be able to walk.

I guess that was the reason Celestine gave the guy a second chance. The fact that he kept fighting, even with overwhelming odds against him.

The guy was a bit higher than me. Definitely used to be muscular, but the lack of movement because of his current state made those muscles go away.

He had short black hair and was almost always almost shaved cleanly. The word almost is crucial, since his broken fingers didn\'t allow him to move the razor very well, so here and there he had those little spots where the hair remained.

A big, flat nose and a constant smile were the two finishing touches, which should give you the proper picture.

There were obviously more stories like this in our little community, but as time went further none of the main heroes of those stories proved to be like the three I\'ve mentioned. They proved to me that they were fighters we, as humanity, would need later on so much.

When I finished, I gathered the members of my family, and we went on a walk outside the wall surrounding the city. They were actually thrilled to explore the new world.

We desperately needed that moment, but we also needed a clear plan of how to move forward if it was going to work. I needed something which would allow me to properly build a relationship with Leoned and something to properly build a relationship with Carmelita.

As for Tihana, she was already at the age she didn\'t need me. She was about to start building her own life.

I got to watch the family explore the new environment with alien flora. It brought me joy, as they really were excited by the smallest things, but all good things tend to not last for very long.

"Peter, I need you to go back to Arc", I heard in my head.

No, this time it wasn\'t The Great One. It was Will. Not only did he surprise me with his ability to contact me in such a way, but also with his words. They clearly indicated something went to shit.

"I love you for a fucking day, and you already need me to come back?!" I yelled inside my head, but those thoughts didn\'t get sent to him.

- Something\'s wrong? - Celestine asked looking at me.

- Yeah. A little thing I need to take care of - I put on a fake smile. - You should go back to the city.

She was suspicious, but nevertheless gathered the children, and took them back.

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