
Chapter 5 Weapons Of Panspermia

At the same time as several other people left, many chose to stay; after all, the S-Class Knight should have been the first and not the last. However, these people were shocked when Oliver pointed to a man across the street.

The one who was not wearing any giant or shiny armor, quite the opposite, the person chose was wearing robes, and the black cloak that covered him was not even very waterproof, so it was letting some water through.

"Come forward!" Oliver ordered the hooded man.

Luke removed his hood and just said: "My name is Luke." However, his wolf ears said much more about who he was than just words.

Even the old guard was perplexed. "Come over here, please." Oliver knew that his judgment instinct was not broken, even after years since he had last entered a Dungeon, but he still needed to check closely if he had made the right choice.

As Luke approached, he saw the man named Dota remove his sword from the ground. "Why not me?" The S-Class asked Oliver. His voice sounded like a rumble of thunder.

Oliver was undeterred; from the moment he opened the door and recognized the huge knight, he knew this scene would happen. So, he made it short and sweet. "You don\'t meet the required standards."

"What are the requirements?" The raindrops that fell on his armor broke without making a sound, which was a sample of what his great armor could do.

The old guard listed without stammering as he looked into the S-Class eyes: "Strength, presence, class, and age."

"That\'s ridiculous. I\'m a Tank! I could defend this entire city from anything!"

"The job is not to defend the city. If we wanted to defend the city, we would hire a whole army, not one man."

"Forget it, I\'m going for it." Dota elicited his sword-like Panspermia Weapon and walked down the street. The crowd began to spread out as well, now that all five had been chosen.

Luke, who had remained quiet during all the confusion, approached the guard.

"Are you carrying any weapons?" Oliver asked.

"No," replied Luke, but he noticed the guard\'s arched eyebrows. "You can search me if you want." He said, raising his hands in the air.

The half-wolf had been through so many situations like this since his childhood that he now knew how to act. The guard searched him and asked: "Panspermia weapon?"

Luke gave him a look as if to inquire \'Really?\' and replied: "No, I don\'t have a weapon that costs thousands of silver coins."

"Why don\'t you have a weapon?"

"Why would I have one?" Luke wasn\'t trying to be rebellious or anything, he didn\'t understand why everyone was wearing weapons and armors in a test that would take place in the middle of the city, and before Oliver could refute with another question, the half-wolf spoke up, "I don\'t need a weapon. My hands are enough."

Since Oliver saw no reason not to release his entry, he let him pass. In the end, he still trusted his <Killer Instinct> skill.

Three of the four other chosen ones looked curiously at Luke, but only one of them felt like approaching as they walked to the entrance door.

"Hey, hey, I\'ve never seen a canine-type half-beast before! Where are you from?!" Atilath questioned excitedly.

The half-wolf knew that his type was rare, as was Meredith\'s, and this was one of the factors that made their friendship last for so long. As children, both of them had to shave their tails every week so that they wouldn\'t get bulky and attract attention when they went begging, but now they didn\'t have to go through that anymore.

"Ann... Born and raised in Oukiwa." Luke lied. In reality, Luke knew he had not been born in this town.

"I\'ve never heard of a half-beast in the Oukiwa Academy." Wallace intruded into the conversation; however, he kept his distance.

"I never went to Oukiwa Academy." This statement coming from Luke surprised everyone because the Oukiwa Noble Academy was where all the young people of the city studied.

Atilath did not want to disturb him anymore, so she distanced herself from him. As they entered the house, Oliver said: "Follow me and don\'t touch anything."

Luke imagined that the house would be full of servants, but there was no one. The few pieces of furniture that were in the place were covered in plastic and white cloths.

The five were guided into a large empty hall, which was over fifty feet long and at least ten feet high. The windows of the room were huge, which lit up well even while it was raining on the outside.

"You five will fight here. The last one standing will get the spot." As everyone got his attention, Oliver would be happy with any outcome. "However, there are three rules that you cannot break. Number one: No killing blows. Number two: Don\'t use magic, and Three: Don\'t attack me."

"Attack you? Why would we do that?" Wallace questioned, confused.

"I\'m with your weapons, some of you might want to steal." Oliver carried a pouch on his back, where he placed the physical weapons and the Panspermia Weapon. "This pouch prevents the invocation of the Panspermia Weapons, so don\'t think about that either."

This was the exact reason why the Panspermia Weapons were so famous and expensive. They didn\'t need constant repair because they repaired themselves when elicited, were versatile, and were also very strong. If they evolved, even ordinary ones would be even more expensive and unique.

"Otherwise, you can cause any damage to this room, because soon this mansion will be demolished. Just avoid making too much noise." Oliver said.

Luke didn\'t understand, but he didn\'t care either; after all, his fighting style was pretty quiet.

"We\'ll fight with what weapons, then?" Stella, the champion of the Tournament of Legends, questioned.

The old guard dropped the bag of weapons on the floor, and from inside his armor, he pulled out five glass orbs. "I will lend each of you an ordinary knife-type Panspermia Weapon. I know proficiency is a great factor to analyze, but for today, I want to know about you and the skills in which you excel."

And then he handed each of them an orb. Even Luke, who had never held a Panspermia Weapon in his hand, knew how to summon it just by touching it. He was amazed and contemplated gathering money to buy one.

The old guard, before shouting, checked that he had a reasonable margin of the distance between the chosen ones. "Ready? Don\'t forget the rules! Three, two, one and start!"

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