
Chapter 113

Just as Kevin loomed toward the beast, Jeri who was standing at his back was scared, and at the same time wondering what he was about to do. Jeri didn’t believe she could be frightened by a mere wolf-like beast.

Although she looks strong and unafraid most of the time. Deep inside her, she knew she was not. She developed this no-reaction face after she learned of her wonderful talent for seeing the possible future.

She may see that the future of someone close to her was death, but she must ensure she didn’t show any sign, to not make the person die before his time. There may still be a possibility of changing this possible future.

Of course, Jeri saw her possible future and it was; she died in the hands of the beast Azura. She couldn’t act bold as she did when she see the future of her friends eventually leading to death.

Well, she didn’t see anything about Kevin but she was scared she could end up dying in the hands of the beast if she keeps on showing she was strong.

The truth is, she’s scared the beast could jump at her anything and tear her into pieces, rib by rib.

She only had one thought in her heart; that is to Kiss Kevin for the last time before she meet with her death.

Kevin was walking slowly and calmly as he could. Right at this point, the beast was calm but still had her fangs bared at Kevin. She looked at Kevin like a mouse surrendering to be eaten by the cat. He didn’t want to raise any alarm that will make the beast get angry or violent, so he was moving slowly till he got closer to her.


‘ Kev, what are you trying to do? You’re going to kill yourself if you think you can finger her or touch her tits. And by the way, she’s a beast, are you goin–‘ The A1 system said but was interrupted by Kevin.

‘Who in his right senses would finger a beast? Come on A1, your head has been stuck in the system for too long, you don’t know what you’re saying.’

‘Why would I finger this scary beast? I’m not a fool you know.’ Kevin said.

‘Okay, I’m sorry. I’m just curious about what you plan to do with the beast?’

‘Apart from the fingering memories, there’s something else I know she would recall.’ Kevin said.

“Azura,” He spoke calmly. “I know you can’t recognize me but I need you to remember this.”


The beasts were getting agitated by Kevin’s speech and suddenly rose. The beast was now making movements towards him, and as it moved closer, Kevin was also stepping backward.

His voice was getting shaky and unstable but it was still hearable.

“You are Azura! the Triling’s bride. Remember who you are, Azura! I’m the Triling and your job is to protect me not kill me. Come on Azura, I don’t want to hurt you. Come back to your senses.” Kevin yelled but the pace of the beast kept on getting closer and closer.

At the last moment, Kevin saw that it won’t yield until it kills everyone. So he planned to attack with his lightning Magic if the worst happens.

He was yet to finish his statement that he saw the beast jump. He thought the beast was heading towards him so he got ready to shock it with his lightning.

Until he saw the beast jump over him toward Jeri who was standing at the back. But the beast had collapsed before it could jump on Jeri. Kevin had released a bolt of lightning at the beast. Thinking it wanted to jump on him.

But he failed to realize that Jeri was at his back and the beast wasn’t targeting him but Jeri. The lightning had done a great impact in stopping the beast in its track. Now it was on its side, laying unconsciously on the ground, his paws on Jeri’s feet.

“Jeri! Are you okay?” Kevin asked as he immediately rushed over to her.

Luckily she had a few bruises on her feet which had started healing before Kevin could see them.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Jeri heaved a sigh of relief as she saw that this wasn’t how she would end her life.

But that wasn’t the end, the beast had started moving once again. Kevin clenched his fist as he planned on attacking the beast. Maybe if he wastes her HP and energy, she might stop fighting and transform back to Azura.

“Kevin, what’s wrong? You guys are taking too long inside the dome. Everyone is anxious to see what’s going on.” Lexa said through the voice call.

“We are having major issues here, but don’t worry Lexa. I’ll take care of it.” Kevin said as he carried Jeri toward the edge of the dome.

“Sorry Jeri, I have to deal with this beast first. I’ll come back for you.”

She agreed but before Kevin left, Jeri grabbed his hands and brought his mouth closer to hers.

“I may not be opportune to do this again. So before I die, let me give you a last kiss.” Jeri crushed her lips with Kevin and after a few seconds, she let go.

Kevin was surprised by her behavior, what does she mean before she dies? Does she have a plan to die...

‘Oh! did she see the future and died in it?’ Kevin got a lightbulb but to not spoil her already bad mood, Kevin decided to change plans in dealing with the beasts.

He wanted to fight the beast here in the shadow dome, but not anymore. He would not fight nor do anything to the beast while in Jeri’s shadow dome.

If he’s to do anything with the beast, it would be somewhere different from here. Who knows? The beast might end up hurting someone, although she already gave Jeri a painful bruise on her feet.

“Time to get rid of this disgusting beast.”

‘Kevin, what do you plan to do? You’re not killing her, are you.” The system asked but Kevin was silent and didn’t say a thing.

‘Hey Kevin, you’re going to lose your quest rewards if you do anything to the beast.’

‘Not that I haven’t lost it already.’


The 2nd chap will be coming out soon.

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