
Chapter 197

“I know, Evelyn. Although I feel a lot older than that. After all, I have raised a child,” she replied.

“Oh, shut up... You’ve not done much. From what I’ve heard, the girl is so obedient and tame that you almost missed her when she caught a fever and didn’t say anything,” the two had slept later than the men and had taken the liberty to actually sleep in a bedroom, unlike the boys that had slept in their lobby, sprawled on sofas. The house was in complete disarray and she saw mountains of chores, but alas, it had all been worth it. “Thank you, Marie.”

“Huh, where did that come from?”

“You fixed them... the boy wonders,” Evelyn whispered into the woman’s ears.

Marie took a while to interpret her statement, “Oh no, that wasn’t me. It was all them.”

“You give yourself far too little credit. What happened to them was never your fault and it could have been worse. You have always been one of the many things that make the bond between them so strong,” she replied.

“I didn’t do...”

“Tom walked out last night to go find you. Depending on what he saw, you started all of this,” Evelyn cut her off, “Promise me you’ll visit. It’s been far too long.”


“I will, Evelyn. We don’t plan on staying in Sirius for too long. It’s only for a short time. We’ll be back as soon as we make sure the girl’s safe,” Marie replied.

At the back of the car, the three boys loaded the car with the bags that belonged to Tom and Marie, along with everything the two thought would be needed, “You’re taking a lot of weapons for a short mission. What do you need katanas for? None of you has ever liked them,” Micah asked, staring at the collection of weapons that filled the trunk.

“Well, those are not for us and I don’t think she will need them. Although, she is skilled with the blades and if it would help make her work easier, then why not?” Tom shrugged.

“That girl sounds scarier every time you talk about her. Is there anything she isn’t good at?” Thorrin replied, zipping up the bag Micah simply wouldn’t let go of.

“Well, she is terrible at relaxing. I’m quite sure that comes from her constant need to protect her own It’s not fun to watch. She also doesn’t like using weapons even though she’s good at using them,” Tom replied.

“So she’s gifted. Do you think it could be one of the gifts she possesses as one of the Moon Goddess’ Chosen?” Micah asked. This bit of information sparked an interest in Tom.

“What’s that supposed to mean? Does Cole Lycaon have some gifts of his own?” he asked them. They both looked at him with a look of disbelief. Thorrin nodded in disappointment.

“So that’s what happens when you cage yourself from the world for eighteen years,” he sighed, “It was in the royal games two years ago when we realised he wasn’t like the other werewolves. He was different. He wasn’t as skilled as Drake Sirius at the time, but for some reason, the crown prince of Sirius submitted to an uninjured Cole Lycaon.

It wasn’t noticed by many, but the wolf was impervious to all the attacks that were thrown at him. Those that noticed the oddity were asked to keep it to themselves by the king of Sirius. The hunters took it to heart that they were preventing a leak of information similar to what had happened only sixteen years prior and nothing was spoken of the matter.”

Tom was astounded by the information he’d just received. He tried going through his memories looking for something out of the ordinary, but there was nothing he could think of that was odd from the child that he’d raised with his wife, “I can’t think of anything out of the ordinary with Katie. Without her werewolf side, she was basically your average human being.”

“Well, there is no use in dwelling on that. You can ask her about it when you meet her next. For now, just focus on saving her reckless behind and I will be seeing you as soon as you can return to us, brother,” Thorrin spoke up, pulling Tom into a heartfelt hug.

“I know the two of you are like twins, but this hug has got to be a group hug,” Evelyn’s voice interrupted them, joining the brothers. Thorrin chuckled at her childishness.

“Hey, don’t leave me out of it. It’s always been a life-long mission of mine to oppress the boy-wonders whenever I get a chance,” Micah piped in, joining them.

“What’s that supposed to me-... Micah, that’s too much energy for a...”

“Oh, suck it in, brother. I’ve missed you for eighteen freaking years. I ought to squeeze the life out of you,” Micah replied.

A flash brought the siblings into reality, “Oh, this is one for the ages.” Turning around, they all set their eyes on Marie who couldn’t get her eyes off the picture she’d just taken, “So cute...”

“Is she going to...”

“Just let it go, brother. That picture is probably backed up to her hunter’s account or something even harder to get it away from,” Tom sighed, closing the boot of the car. His senses began to flare up, a warning that they’d already taken enough time out of their chances of protecting one of the people they held most dear.

“Make sure you give the rogues in Sirius a thrashing for the ages and make it clear that their time is coming to an end. I, on the other hand, will be on the lookout for the rogue king,” Thorrin told his brother as he got into the car. It was both an encouragement and an order from the head of the family.

“I will do everything in my power, brother,” Tom replied to him.


Katie stood in the middle of a room much different from what she was used to. This room was ventilated by one window to one side and a door on the opposite side that had been sealed shut. A lamp lit the room dimly and a boy sat next to it writing down notes that came to his mind. She knew who he was and had come to see him through the same methods many times before. This time there was no pain in her body... Instead, she was eager, an emotion that was usually coming from the boy until she found the strength to push their connection to the back of her mind.

“I like the new prison. Did you manage to get out of the cell once your eyes were fixed?” she asked him.

The boy barely looked up from his writing, “Yeah, I was able to do what you asked of me. Thankfully, the rogue king did not suspect...”

“You’ve seen him?” she asked, cutting him off.

“Yes, I have,” the boy spoke, pausing in his writing. He could barely proceed from that point. Only earlier he looked as though he had lots to tell her and yet he’d gone quiet all of a sudden.

“Well, what happened? Spill it...”

“He left this camp in the morning. I had only just met him and given my report on the rogue killer before he left in a rush. Katie, I must warn you. I’ve never seen a wolf quite like him. He doesn’t radiate a dangerous aura, just like all the other royals I’ve met, but he scares me half to death by merely shifting. He’s strong, Katie, really strong...” he said to her.

“If I wasn’t sure you’d seen my strength, I wouldn’t have been scared by that, but now that you say it, I can see what you’re trying to say about him,” she replied, thinking through what he’d just said.

“Well, I had to see him for myself and I couldn’t believe a wolf could achieve that kind of power. I guess there was a reason the hunters in the past never managed to kill a royal. It was always an alpha and very rarely, a beta alpha, but the royals proved to be a challenge for them. However, the royals right now might be a little weaker than the royals back then,” he replied.

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Would you mind sharing an image of the rogue king with me? I need to know if I should keep an eye out for him,” she asked.

“I wish it were that easy, but I don’t think you know the rogue king,” he said but shared the image anyway. She had never seen the man before and there wasn’t a doubt in her mind that this was the image they were looking for.

“I haven’t seen such a man either,” a voice interrupted them. The scent and allure that came with the owner of the voice that came beside her only meant one person. Cole’s form materialised into the room with him standing before the boy, “Hmm, can I see his eyes?”

“Well, Kyle, go ahead and show him the real colour of your eyes. They are to return to normal once he’s done checking them,” the boy complied with his alpha’s commands. Well, there was no way he could disobey, however much he might have wished.

“Huh, he really is your beta alpha,” Cole replied with a shrug, “We need to get him out of here before the rest of the signs begin to show.”

“What are you saying, Cole?”

“I’m saying he’s going to start getting stronger than an average wolf and get bigger so that he can fit into his role of beta alpha. If they find out what he is, they won’t hesitate to kill him. You don’t want to feel the pain of losing a beta alpha. It’s excruciating,” he replied.

“A way to break him out of this place...”

“You should forget about me, you know. I was a dead man the moment I got bitten by her. I might want to get out of here and live the life I rejected. Protect the Luna that I am now dutybound to serve...” he paused, sighing, “But I know the crimes I’ve committed. You might have forgotten Ash’s innocent face, but it was I that slit her throat and let her bleed out in that classroom. You would choose well to let me die.”

“He makes it so hard to reason with him, doesn’t he?” Cole sighed.

“You’re not going to make any more progress than I’ve made,” Katie chuckled, “Listen to me, Kyle. You have never been forgiven for the crimes you’ve committed. Don’t forget that. Even if we save you from the hellhole, your life won’t be easy. Out there, you’re a dead man... a wanted man. And well, in here, you’ll soon be a dead man. The choice is yours though. Out there, we can keep you from dying. I can’t make any promises and say you won’t be uninjured because you are going to be put through a lot, however, death will be off the table.”

The boy looked between the two of these people wondering which one of them was more insane than the other and if he was worse than them for loving that insanity.

“I’m not sure if that will be possible...” Kyle replied.


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