
Chapter 648 - 648 Chapter 648 Love, a power not to be underestimated.

With her trusty crystal spear, Katya was about to make her move when a third voice interrupted the tension between her and Lilith. “As I thought, you had your own plans in this matter. It was not very polite of you to use me like this, Katya.”

Had Desmond been present, he would have recognized Myrilla’s honeyed voice. Still, he would not have recognized the angel of love’s appearance. The angel of love’s pink hair had changed to a shimmering iridescent, her eyes, although they remained the same color, now seemed to be filled with fire, and two silver dragon horns protruded from her forehead.

However, perhaps the most noticeable thing about the current Myrilla was not the changes in her appearance but the fact that she was standing on the head of a huge black dragon. The mere pressure emitted by the dragon was enough to suffocate Katya and Lilith. As an ultimate life form, those at the pinnacle of the food chain, dragons were a real threat even to an archangel like Katya or an absolute blood like Lilith.

As sharp as Katya’s gaze was, she even noted that the dragon seemed to suppress its energy fluctuations. Otherwise, the spacetime of a low-level dimension like the one they were in would likely begin to collapse.

To tell the truth, even at this point, Katya and Lilith had been holding back a lot; otherwise, with their Moon-class strength, this planet would have been wiped out from the first clash. In a way, Lilith was lucky to be able to unleash almost all of her powers because her blood magic spells were not very destructive to the environment, yet lethal to her targets.

On the other hand, Lilith didn’t look as much as Katya, but she didn’t have to; she had no intention of fighting if that dragon was going to join the fray. Although calm on the outside, Lilith was already creating a teleportation magic formation in secret.

Contrary to Katya and Lilith’s wariness, Myrilla seemed very calm, though given her personality, that was strange. Suddenly, Myrilla’s pink eyes fixed on Lilith. “Trying to run away isn’t very polite either, Miss Lilith.”

For a micro fraction of a second, the black dragon under Myrilla’s feet let out some of its Aura, distorting the spacetime continuity in the area, which in turn caused Lilith’s teleportation spell to collapse and hindered Katya’s space movement ability.


“So, would someone bother to explain to me why you two were fighting?” Seeing the silence of Katya and Lilith, Myrilla addressed both of them with an unkind tone. Unlike her usual incredibly adorable and childish demeanor, Myrilla now looked much more stern and stoic.

Looking at the embarrassment on Lilith’s face and the slight anger on Katya’s face, Myrilla deduced what had happened. “I can’t say that you surprised me, Lilith; you haven’t changed at all. I can’t say the same about you, Katya.”

Unlike how she usually was, Katya couldn’t remain indifferent to Myrilla’s opinion. For her part, Lilith was now trying to remember if she knew the woman who rode a dragon from somewhere.

“Forget it; I have no interest in either your petty quarrels or staying in this form any longer. Lilith, I understand how you feel about this world, that you must end its misery, but I will not let you bear the burden of destroying your home world.” Myrilla spoke, showing some kind of rejection for her current form.

Lilith was silent, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with Myrilla. As much as she told herself that this world had to perish, Lilith had been born of this world, of its tragedy, and had been a part of it for thousands of years. She saw this world grow and flourish, but she, too, saw it fall into depravity. Lilith’s feelings towards her world were complicated, to say the least.

Now turning to Katya, Myrilla spoke. “I know you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have a goal and a plan. I trusted you not to use Lilith as a disposable pawn just because she is so similar in origin to the Oscuras.”

More than a statement, Lilith’s words clearly sounded like a threat, but Katya did not object. Katya had no plan to hurt Lilith, to begin with, and it could even be said that Katya’s plan would help Lilith, so the archangel had no problem with what Myrilla said. The only reason Katya had even interfered with Lilith’s magic spell was that she temporarily needed this world and its people as intact as possible.

Not subtly, Myrilla’s presence intimidated Lilith enough that she was willing to listen to Katya, who had also calmed down. Seeing that the situation had calmed down, with a flash of pink light, Myrilla reverted to her other form, waving the dragon away as if it were a faithful little dog being told to come home. “Thank you, Eveltargan.”

The black dragon only growled, conveying a response that only Myrilla understood. Then, the dragon entered the void, disappearing from this dimension. Heaving a sigh of relief, Myrilla said one last thing before opening a portal somewhere. “I trusted you guys to behave like civilized people once you get out of my sight.”

Although reluctant, Katya and Lilith gave up and headed for the portal. Before entering, Lilith took one last look at her world. A second later, Lilith looked at Myrilla and asked. “What will happen to this world?”

Myrilla responded with another question. “Do you know who I am?” Seeing Lilith shake her head, Myrilla responded. “I am the angel of love. Tell me, young lady, what do you think the angel of love would do when she finds a world like yours?”

Although Myrilla now sounded more cute and childish, the question sent shivers down Lilith’s spine. Before Lilith even had a chance to reply, Myrilla continued. “A world like this should not exist, Lilith, but the sin of annihilating an entire world should not fall on the shoulders of a child like you; no, it is my task as a Celestial to bear this sin. My class has already failed your world once; when we let this happen right under our noses, I won’t fail again.”

“Why do I feel so much pain in her voice, in her words?” Lilith couldn’t help but wonder upon hearing Myrilla. Although she knew roughly what the Celestials were and their role in the universe, Lilith hadn’t actually interacted with one. Now she wondered if these creatures were perhaps the most tragic existences in the multiverse.

The Celestials were the light that was born from darkness and extreme tragedy. Celestials represented everything good in the universe; agents of order who would fight until the bitter end to protect the cosmos from evil beings like the Oscuras, to prevent more tragedies like those that gave birth to them being repeated. The Celestials were perhaps the only species in the multiverse that wished for their own extinction, for a world without Celestials was a world without pain and evil.

The pain of the universe was their pain, the darkness of the universe devoured their light, and the weight of the universe rested on their shoulders. How tragic were their lives? Seeing pain fill Myrilla’s eyes as she gazed down at the decaying world below her, Lilith felt that she could now understand even a little of the existences known as Celestials.

“You should go, Lilith; your brother is waiting for you.” Myrilla suddenly interrupted Lilith’s thoughts.

In response to the surprise written on Lilith’s face, Myrilla commented. “You said it yourself; blood is love. As the angel of love, I would shame myself if I didn’t know at least that much. You should seriously hurry up; Desmond went through a lot of trouble to save you, not because of a debt to me or any other justification he used in the past. He went through hell and saved you exclusively because of his own conviction; that’s a big change for him, and it will be very helpful if you are there for him. Go, Lilith, remind that stubborn and pessimistic hunter that his blood-stained hands can still pull someone out of the darkness.”

With that as her last message to Lilith, Myrilla flapped her wings and pushed the girl into the portal. As soon as Lilith disappeared, Myrilla sighed wearily. Once again, looking at the twisted world below her, Myrilla couldn’t help but hate the one to blame for all of this.

Minutes passed, but Myrilla didn’t move; she just watched every act of violence or cruelty registered in her pink eyes. She memorized the scenario before her, another of the innumerable sins of that hateful race. “Oscuras.” With a hatred that didn’t fit her appearance, Myrilla spat out the name of her race’s sworn enemies.

Unwilling to stay any longer, Myrilla gathered the full power of the law of love into her right hand. Then, Myrilla, the angel of love, slapped an entire world with the weight of all the love she had accumulated in her long existence.

The complete instantaneous annihilation of a world seemed too strange and abrupt. Still, such was the power wielded by the angel of love. This adorable little girl with too many hearts on her dress was an unreasonable existence with power that shattered all common sense. Myrilla certainly completely redefined the concept of the power of love and friendship with the way she could turn entire planets to rubble.

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