
Chapter 150 - A Setback

Chapter 150 - A Setback

The moment the guard stopped right before the pillar Mr. Cat was hiding behind, so did the latter.

Right now, Mr. Cat was in his most compromising position. If the guard so much as looked down, he would be caught and escorted out of the castle.

The guard raised his eyebrows for a moment, then shook his head with a scoff and resumed his patrol.

Mr. Cat heaved a sigh of relief in his heart and continued shifting his position according to the guard\'s movements.

Suddenly, the guard turned around and looked towards the pillar.

Mr. Cat almost shrieked, but managed to keep his mouth shut and remained absolutely still.

It wasn\'t that the guard\'s eyesight was based on movement, but that a slight change in his position would make his body visible to the guard.

After he continued staring at the same place for some moments, the guard turned around and left. Within moments, he was far enough that Mr. Cat could leave the protection of the pillar and continue his journey to the party hall.

This simple adventure was proving to be way more stressful than he had thought.

Why the fuck did he think that finding someone to take Samur to a room was a good idea? Samur seemed perfectly content with sleeping in the garden, so there was no actual need to move him to a room.

It was only out of the goodness of his heart that Mr. Cat decided to help, and right now, he was regretting his kindness.

Mr. cat, suffering from success.

Oh well, he was too far into the game to backout now. The only option was to move forward, and so he continued making his way towards the party venue.

Thankfully, he didn\'t encounter any guards during the rest of his journey, so before long he was in front of the door to the party hall.

Just as he was wondering how he should enter, the door suddenly flung open.

Once again thankfully, the door opened inside or else Mr. Cat would have been hit square in his jaw.

As it jumped in fright, a man with jet black hairs stepped out from the hall.

"Hmm, a cat?" He looked at Mr. Cat with his particularly sharp gaze. "What is it doing here… whatever."

The man seemed to be in a hurry, so after sparing the cat a glance, he quickly made his way down the hallway. While leaving, that man continued looking around as if he was afraid of being followed.

Mr. Cat sighed as he watched the man leave and entered the party hall. The door closed behind him.

With this, the second phase was complete. The third and final phase was to find someone suitable and lead him/her to where Samur was.

And by someone suitable, what he actually meant was someone who would just look at the sleeping Samur, sigh while thinking why he was sleeping in the garden and then escort him to a room.

In other words, people who might make a big deal out of Samur sleeping in a garden were a big no-no.

So, Arteria and Noelle were immediately crossed off from the list.

The first person to enter his line of sight was Neia, but after a bit of thought, he crossed her off the list too.

Only Azell and Vafferan were left, out of which the latter seemed like the most ideal choice.

"Hmm? A cat?" Just then, someone picked him up from behind.

"!!" Mr. Cat didn\'t expect an attack from behind; he was caught completely off guard.

"Oh? Isn\'t this the familiar of the Witch?" His kidnapper smiled as she looked at him.

Why, it was the Guild Master of the Old Blood Guild, Jennifer Palatine.

Mr. Cat struggled with all his might to set himself free, but his struggles were futile against the strongest human on this continent.

"Hey, since I\'ve caught you, the Witch will join my Guild, right?" Jennifer\'s eyes sparkled.

The Witch was currently one of the best magicians on this continent; it was only natural for a Guild Master to want her to join their Guild.

The cat stopped its struggles and quietly looked at Jennifer, then vigorously shook his head.

"She won\'t?" Jennifer raised her eyebrow.

This was different from what the challenge said.

Mr. Cat shook his head again.

He actually wanted to say that the challenge had already been completed by someone else, but there was only so much he could convey through body language.

Jennifer didn\'t seem to be an expert at reading between the lines either, so she could not understand what Mr. Cat meant.

Though in her defence, there were no lines to read between.

"Do I take this as the Witch going back on her word?" Her eyes narrowed dangerously as her grip tightened slightly.

Even if the Witch was one of the best, she was still a newbie so Jennifer couldn\'t let her make a fool out of the Guild Masters.

If the Witch was indeed going back on her word, Jennifer would personally mete out an appropriate punishment on her.

"Actually, she\'s not," just then, like an Angel descending from Heaven to bless the lowly mortals, Noelle appeared.

"What do you mean she\'s not?" Jennifer asked.

"The challenge has already been won."

"…" Jennifer raised her eyebrow and looked down at Mr. Cat, who vigorously nodded. "By whom?"

"By Samur," Noelle slightly puffed her chest with pride.

"Samur…?" Jennifer furrowed her brows. "Ah, the cheeky brat who was trying to scam me."

"Scam you?"

"He wants to charge me 100 Gold Coins in return for teaching an illusion magic spell."


\'What the hell is he up to now?\' Noelle let out a heavy sigh.

"Well… that\'s between you and him. The point is that the challenge issued by the Witch has already been completed by one of our own," Noelle took Mr. Cat from Jennifer, who reluctantly let him go. "She will soon be joining us."

"Huh," Jennifer scoffed with a slight smile. "Congratulations."

Another potential \'Game Changer\' was lost to the New Dawn Guild. It was almost as if they had a secret method of finding budding talents with nearly limitless potential.

"Thank you," Noelle smiled. "Now if you\'ll excuse me."

"Sure," Jennifer nodded and Noelle left.

However, contrary to Mr. Cat\'s expectations, Noelle actually left the party hall with him in her arms. Once outside, she grabbed him and hoisted him until his eyes were on her level.

"Now spill the beans. Where is Samur?"


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