
Chapter 102

The Queen had become quite attached to Skye within the few hours that they’d met and bonded. Celestia hadn’t connected with others often for various reasons; her position being a main one. Everyone put her up on a pedestal so high that no one could reach her. She’d felt like a doll most of her life, except whenever alone with her mother.

The Empress mostly treated her daughter like anyone else would treat theirs. She played with her often as a child. Brushing and styling her hair, playing dress up, and having tea parties. But their time was always cut short due to her mother’s duties, and because her advisers didn’t like the only two royal Fae in the world to be in the same place too long. Until Maevis had begun to visit her, Celestia had been very lonely.

Aero knew his wife wasn’t the type to bond easily. It still bothered him that they were about to reveal Fae to the world of humans.. But he didn’t get a negative feeling as he looked at the group of humans before him. Lucas and Lidia hugged and fussed over their daughter, Maevis and Nicolas figured out their seating in their coach, and the prince made sure everything and everyone was ready to leave.

The scene was familiar; almost like a déjà vu to the king. His magic called to him, but not in a hostile way. More like it was letting him know that this was how it was supposed to be. From the moment Aero had met Skye in the woods, he’d sensed her magic was similar in it’s nature to that of the Royal Fae. Not just it’s strength and connection to the Source, but the serenity it invoked in others.

If any other humans had been the one to injure Celestia that day, Aero would’ve killed them on the spot. His beta had actually been the one who’d hesitated to attack. Now, he fully understood why.. And why Maevis and Nicolas were willing to go back to the place they hated most in the human world: the Royal Court.

Finishing up their goodbyes, Skye and Tidas climbed into their stagecoach. Peggy, Maevis, and Nicolas rode in a separate one to make sure everyone would be comfortable during their lengthy travels. It would take several days to reach the capital, but Tidas had sent several men ahead to make arrangements.

Leaving a day and a half behind schedule had made it more difficult, but not impossible, to reach the capital in time for the trials. Tidas had his men arrange not only food and drink, but fresh horses at every stop.

They would switch out the horses during their breaks, and ride through the nights to make up the lost days. They’d still be arriving later than the prince had wanted, but there was nothing he could do about it.


Their original plans had them arriving during the early morning hours, when fewer people would be out. Their new arrival time put them walking through the capital slightly past the noon hour, two days from now. The streets would be packed with people, making it difficult to reach the palace.

To gain some control on the eventual road blocks, Tidas had decided to have at least one of the men keep going onward to the capital. To notify them of their impending arrival, and hopefully have a path cleared. The prince knew his father was eager to see Skye, and would use it to his advantage.

“Out yer head, love.. Yer place is here, with me,” Skye stated as she cupped her husband’s cheek to gain his attention.

Tidas smiled softly at his sleepy wife. About ten minutes after they’d left, she’d remembered that she still needed to feed Zazzy. She’d been sleeping while Skye had shown her off to Celestia before, and figured it was probably close to her feeding time.

Anticipating his wife, Tidas had made sure to pack up Zazzy, as well as some clothes and basic hygiene items in a separate trunk. He then had it placed inside their coach for convenience. Skye had hugged and kissed her husband for his thoughtfulness, then fed the baby dragon.

The prince had allowed his thoughts to drift as Skye fed her magic to Zazzy. When she’d finished, she placed the egg back in the trunk for safe keeping, then snuggled up against her distracted husband.

Once back with her, he immediately noticed how tired she’d looked. It was the kind of exhaustion one got when they overused their powers. He was quite familiar with it after his training with the RMC..

“Would you like to sleep? Those neck pillow things are right here,” Tidas inquired as he held up the crescent-shaped pillows.

“Yes and no...” Skye replied as she slowly slid her hand down from her husband’s face, to his chest.

Tidas knew what Skye wanted, but wasn’t sure if he should give in. She’d been through an emotional ringer, and expended a lot of her magic in a very short time. Skye had always loved food, but the amount she’d consumed had been unsettling to her parents and Peggy. Tidas and her Fae friends understood why, and explained the cause of her ravenous appetite.

The prince’s main concern now was his wife’s emotional state. Tidas knew of what she’d gone through to create his armor. He’d been angry she’d put herself through so much pain to make something for him, regardless of it’s usefulness. Then, she had to deal with Jacob alone.

That thought made Tidas feel both furious, and ashamed. His mind told him that it wasn’t anything he could’ve seen coming, but his heart railed at him. After reading Snare’s journal, Tidas swore to himself that he’d never let anyone threaten or hurt Skye again. He felt as though he’d failed her, and it tugged at his conscience.

His wife could feel his hesitation, and asked Tidas what was wrong. The concern in her features made him feel worse, so he told Skye most of it. He explained how the journal had affected him; including his worries of how alike she and Shia seem. He then went on about everything from the Nomads, to her disappearance, but left out knowing about the armor. He finished with Jacob’s attack, and sequential death by her hands.

Skye was startled by Tidas’ level of concern, and the vow he’d made to himself. It wasn’t rational, and would only cause him pain in the long run. Squaring her shoulders; Skye took a deep breath before attempting to reason with her husband.

“I understand yer concern, and I love ye for it.. But ye Must remember that Ima not Shia. Ima not some weak little lass who can’t defend herself, either. I know ye worry for me, and I worry just as much for you.. But Ima gonna do what I feel is necessary, and I expect ye to do the same, husband. I have faith in you; do ye have it in me?”

Tidas thought deeply on his wife’s words for several minutes before he replied; “Aye, I have faith in you Skye.. But I won’t ever stop worrying about you.”

Grinning sweetly at her husband, Skye added; “Aye, and I you.. Just don’t let it cloud yer judgment.”

Tidas returned his wife’s smile with a devilish one and said; “Like how your lust clouds yours now?”

Skye stared at her husband with a confused look a few moments before he laughed and added; “I know how exhausted you must be, even if you don’t realize it.”

“Oh, Ima fine enough for this,” Skye replied as she attempted to grab at her husband’s member, but he stopped her.

The couple locked eyes as their battle of wills ensued. Tidas knew he was right because of the way Skye’s eyes fluttered. She was literally fighting to stay awake, and the prince knew he would win; even though he really didn’t want to. The dress his wife was wearing gave him an exquisite view of her cleavage, and was making it difficult to stick to his own words. If his wife’s exhaustion hadn’t been so apparent, he would’ve gladly taken her up on her offer.

After several minutes had passed, Skye gave in; “Ack! Fine! But I will have me way with you once we reach the capital.”

Tidas wrapped his arm around his wife’s waist, and pulled her against himself before replying; “I look forward to it, my wee, feisty wife..”

Skye had slept on and off through almost their entire ride; well over thirty-six hours in total out of the nearly seventy-two. She’d woken up the morning of their arrival, during their final stop before the capital. The sun was just beginning to rise in the late morning as the smell of food drew her from her slumber. She initially panicked at the fact that she’d slept through feeding Zazzy, but was pleasantly surprised that Tidas had done it for her.

Their food had been basic; ham sandwiches with cheese, lettuce, and tomato. Peggy also made a fruit salad, and her signature salad, more or less for the Fae. Skye had eaten two sandwiches, half the bowl of fruit, and a serving of the salad. The owner of the tavern that they had stopped at was beyond shocked at the amount of food the small lass ate. He’d been kind enough to allow Peggy to use his kitchen too.

The prince’s guards had made various comments about how Skye would fit right in once she joined the RMC. They had all talked often along the road to the capital, and agreed that Skye was a perfect match for their prince.

Ralph had been the one Tidas had sent ahead to the capital, to make sure their path through the city wouldn’t be so bad. Tidas wondered if his father had accommodated his guard, but pushed it aside. The moment Ralph would’ve mentioned that Skye was with the prince, the king probably sent the the army out to regulate the crowds.

Right as Tidas finished his thoughts, Ralph came running down the road. He didn’t have a horse because it’d been quicker just to use his magic. As he slowed, Tidas could see a worried expression on his features, prompting him to approach the cloud of dust his guard captain had just kicked up. He was breathing hard as he attempted to catch his breath before speaking.

Bowing to his prince, Ralph gave his report; “All is ready for your entry into the city. The king sent out his personal guard to coordinate the army, haha! People are already lining the streets to catch a glimpse of you and your Bonny wife.”

Tidas stared at Ralph, waiting for the rest of the news. He was obviously hesitating telling him something, and Tidas asked if there was anything else to report. His guard captain finished catching his breath before he replied; “The other bit comes directly from the king.. Your other brother is visiting from the Ruscovic kingdom.. He says he’s confirmed that your uncle is in the Highlands.”

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