
Chapter 480

Draco sighed heavily as Karena hurled insults at Shasta and Lawrence. The two men locked eyes, and flashed each other a look that screamed sympathy. Draco for his mistress’ behavior, and Lawrence just felt bad for Draco in general.

Everyone in the capital knew how Karena treated him, and Lawrence felt particularly sorry for his former friend. Before Draco served Marco exclusively, he was Lawrence’s bodyguard when he was still just a prince. It had only been for a year before Lawrence had married his first wife, but the two had become genuine friends within that time.

Draco was rare among people because he never treated Lawrence like a free ride. Most just expected the royal family to flip the bill whenever there was a party or event, but Draco never let Lawrence pay, even when he offered. He always spoke respectfully, but bluntly; especially when it was something that he didn’t want to hear.

Lawrence had offered to take him to Ruscovic with him, but he had already accepted a transfer position with Marco. Looking back on it now, for a split second: Draco wished that he would’ve taken Lawrence up on his offer..

‘Oh well.. What’s passed is the past.. No point in wallowing in it.. I’m So close to my revenge now.. It wasn’t worth it, but at least I’ll have the satisfaction of watching the light fade from her eyes..’

As the thought crossed Draco’s mind, Skye and Tidas came walking up. Draco straightened up and smiled for a split second, which Lawrence had caught. He wanted to chuckle about the fact that it was his tell when he liked someone. But Karena and Shasta were now screaming at each other..

“A mangy animal like you has no business being here in the first place. I don’t know why Lawrence suddenly chose bestiality over a proper human wife.. You’re just a shabby old cat that can’t-”

“That is enough, Karena! Shasta is the Future Queen of Ruscovic! You will respect her, or I’ll take it as an insult to my kingdom. Marco is Not the King, which means you have the same level of authority as Shasta, so you can stop trying to act superior,” Lawrence barked at her with barely restrained fury.


“Actually,” Tidas said as he came to a stop in front of them with Skye; “Because Shasta is the Vice Commander of the RMC, she holds more authority than her. If a war breaks out, Shasta outranks most here.”

Draco put his hand on Karena’s shoulder, and whispered; “Please stop, Princess. You’re causing another scene. The king will be-”

“Shut up, Draco! You speak when spoken to! That’s it!” Karena snapped before turning back to the group.

She took a breath, then spoke as calmly as she could; “Well of course. I’m a Real lady. A battlefield is no place for a dignified woman such as myself.”

Skye barked a sharp laugh; “Well of course! We wouldna want a weak, powerless dobber like you out there. You’d break a nail! Or maybe yer neck: if we were lucky.”

Karena glared at Skye with unabashed hatred as she said; “How Dare you even speak to me, you disgusting peasant! You’re just a freak of nature! When I’m Queen, I’ll have you whipped in the public square before I send you to the gall-”

“Karena Garcia! What do you think you’re doing?!” came an angry, familiar voice from inside the banquet room.

People had gathered around to watch the spectacle both inside, and out of the room. The voice had been so loud that it to reverberated into the hallway. Making the crowds part to reveal a very angry King Magnus. Karena had instantly clammed up upon seeing him, knowing that she was in for a scolding.

Coming to a stop in front of the group, Magnus yelled; “What the bloody hell is going on?! I could hear you two yelling from the main table! Didn’t I already warn you two about arguing?!”

Lawrence stepped forward; “Father, Shasta was only defending herself. She was insulted as soon as Karena came up to us..”

As soon as Magnus turned and glared Karena, she started scrambling; “I was only kidding. Anyone could tell that-”

Skye chuckled before commenting to Tidas; “Where does she come up wit this shite?”

Magnus looked at his daughter-in-law; “What happened here Skye?”

“Why would you ask her? She wasn’t even here the whole time! She and Tidas just arrived!”

Magnus turned back to Karena with a scowl; “Because Skye is Always honest, and she’s neutral in all of this.”

“No she’s not!”

“I am not neutral,” Skye and Karena had spoken at the same time.

“But she’s honest to a fault,” Magnus replied with a small smirk; “That’s why I know she’ll tell me the truth of what she knows.”

Karena’s face scrunched, then twisted with utter contempt as she glanced at Skye. She didn’t even flinch under the Crowned Princess’ hateful glare, and told the truth of what she’d seen and heard. Magnus’ sighed heavily in exasperation as he listened, then looked at Karena with apathy..

“You refuse to try and get along with your family, and you refuse listen to me. I am running out of ways to deal with you painlessly, Karena.. After tonight, you are confined to your quarters until Lawrence and Shasta’s wedding. You will no longer participate in it; you will merely be a guest.”

Karena’s face turned bright red as she listened to the gossip around her. Many were saying that she was jealous of Skye and Shasta for their accomplishments, and statuses..

The other two had magic, and Karena didn’t. They were loved by their men, and that Marco only tolerated her because she gave him sons. They were both loved by the people and seen as heroes, while Karena did nothing but shower herself in clothes, jewelry, and pointless parties.

Skye and Tidas had done so much for the people that it was openly said that they would make far better rulers than Marco and Karena. No one spoke about it within earshot of the king, but even the nobles debated about whether they would support Marco or not if Tidas stepped up to claim the throne.

Most nobles around her agreed that Marco should be king, but that Karena shouldn’t be Queen. Listening to everyone as Magnus, Lawrence, Shasta, Tidas, and Skye looked on her with pity; Karena could feel herself slipping..

“I apologize for my behavior, my King. But I am the victim here.. These four have been harassing me ever since She came to the capital. The only small reprieve I had was when Skye and Tidas were in the Highlands. I tried to befriend them, but they just don’t like me because I am a True Royal. They’re just commoners who-”

“That is Enough, Karena! The only one between you three that cares about it is you. Did you even know that Skye has royal blood in her veins? It’s an old family that lost it’s power long ago, but she does have royalty in her, and it’s Much older than yours.”

Karena’s, along with everyone else’s dropped at the king’s revaluation. Rumors had circulated that the Highlanders referred to Skye as their ‘True Queen’, but most brushed it off as her being Tidas’ wife. With the king’s new information, many started to say that Skye would definitely make a better Queen than Karena.

The whispers and looks of disgust and pity that she was getting were too much for Karena to handle..

“How can you just side with them?! Can’t you see what She is doing?! That commoner whore is after my crown! The rumors of Marco choosing her over me are ridiculous! I was Born to rule! I have birthed princes! I come from a Real royal family! Who is she?! Nothing! She is Nothing!”

“Karena! You are humiliating yourself! Stop and go to your quarters Now!” Magnus screamed at her.

“YOU humiliate yourself by surrounding yourself with lesser people! Do not expect me to drag my good, noble name through the mud by associating with common riffraff! Commoners are meant to serve! Not sit at the same damn table!”

“ENOUGH! Restrain yourself, or I Will punish you, Karena! This is your final warning!” Magnus yelled so loudly that his voice strained.

Karena looked at Magnus like he had just slapped her, then turned her burning gaze on Skye..

“YOU! This is ALL Your Fault! If you had never overreached, then NONE of this would’ve happened! You’re a curse! A disease in this world that Must be cut out!”

Without a thought, Karena grabbed Draco’s sword, and pushed him away before turning towards Skye. She yelled as she took the couple steps, and tried to stab her in the heart. Skye had easily caught the blade, although she did cut her hand open doing it.

Tidas stood off to the side, watching, as the spectators all screamed in shock and horror. Karena tried to force the short sword, but Skye’s grip was too strong. With a sigh and a small grunt, she flung Karena to the side, and onto the ground.

She cried out once as she landed, then turned to stare daggers at Skye as she said; “Yer lucky that Ima in a good mood, Karena.. I could easily kill you, but I’d never go against me King like that..”

As the words left Skye’s mouth, Karena felt like a fog had been lifted off of her mind. The situation came crashing down on heras she looked over at King Magnus’ furious expression. She couldn’t explain what had come over her, or why her self-control had been lost.

In that moment, all Karen knew was that Magnus was angrier than he had even been before..

The nobles, dignitaries, and other important figures watching were whispering about treason. Karena didn’t understand at first until she looked at Skye’s hand. She healed the injury quickly, and didn’t so much as wince when it had happened, but that wasn’t the point for Magnus.

He looked at the people around him, and sighed with deep regret.. ‘That stupid lass! If only she had listened to me.. I can’t protect her after this..’

After taking a deep breath, Magnus looked at his daughter-in-law with hard eyes as he spoke; “Karena Garcia: you have broken the law by attacking Skye Moonstone, wife of my son Tidas MacArthur. Attempted harm of Any member of the royal family is grounds for execution! I hereby order you to be restrained, and taken to the dungeons until I have decided upon a final judgment for you! Guards: seize her!”

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