
Chapter 94

“It wasn’t explained in detail in the briefing, but I have heard that a lot of churches started getting raided and destroyed in the territory,” Mil said, taking her hand back.

“I see. Do you think it’s the Anabald doing?” I said, looking at Kayda.

“No, they aren’t cowards like that. They will rather fight in the open where everyone can see them.” Kayda said, denying my question.

“Yes, Lady Kayda is right. The house Anabald as much as I hate them, they won’t do something like that. They live in the light and only work like that. All they are doing is replicating angels is so loathing.” Mil said, not holding back her disdain.

“But do you guys know who this problem is and if it has anything to do with the head of the Anabalds disappearance?” I asked, ignoring her comment about the Anabalds being like angels.

“No, they are good at hiding their identities, and who cares about the head of the Anabald house? These people already destroyed 4 newly-built churches.” Mil said, frustrated.

“Where were these 4 destroyed?” Kayda asked from the side.


“2 were destroyed in the city of Anabald. one in Dublin, and a few days ago it was Armillian,” Mil said, looking at me.

“I see, is there any way to see what they used to destroy them?” I asked, tapping her head.

“There were no traces of mana so that it couldn’t be a spell. But they always attack a moonless night, and if our guards at the time have night vision, they would use some red light to blind them for a second and take them out in that time.” Mil explains, surprising us a bit at their methods.

“Wait, how do they know if the person has night vision?” Kayda asked with a worried look.

“We don’t know how they know, but they will always kill a person with it like that,” Mil explains, shrugging.

“That’s... wait. How do you guys know this? Didn’t they kill them?” I asked, confused.

“that’s another thing. They always leave 6 alive after a raid. The 6 that survived will be upside down against a black pillar in the middle of the destroyed church.” Mil explains with a heavy look.

“A black pillar, huh, how original,” I said sarcastically.

“You said there were no traces of mana that can explain the way they destroyed the church. But if they used mana and have the same control like me, they could easily make that happen.” Kayda explains, making me look at her a bit surprised.

“Lady Kayda, what might you be implying here?” Mil said on guard.

“I am saying if I wanted to, I could use spells and leave no traces of my mana left. Making it seem that I was never there. If you still don’t get it. This enemy, you guys, might be in the same level as me in mana control.” Kayda said, making Mils’ eyes widen.

” That is... Lady Kayda, are you certain that we might be dealing with someone like that.” Mil said hesitantly.

“You guys might be, and I don’t think just an archbishop will be enough to destroy this enemy of yours,” Kayda said with a serious expression.

‘To say that. There aren’t many people in history that obtained the same amount of mana control that Kayda has, and if there were, they wouldn’t be so secretive about it, but then there is an entire class of kids that can get something like that for free. Oh, but I need to get that sort of control if I want to do assassinations in the future.’ I thought with a thoughtful look before looking at Mil.

“Mil is there anything you can say that was said about the explosions.”

“Not really. All that is left after the destroyed church is some rubble, the black pillar, and shrapnel,” Mil explains, looking at me a bit confused at my question.

“Metal? It was probably mostly concentrated around the middle of the explosion.” I mumbled to myself.

“Yes, how did you know that?” Mil said, surprised.

“Well, because reincarnation people have their tendencies. I mean, only leaving 6 people alive every time. The light to stop night vision is also something that might have come from my previous world. In war, any tricks are legal. So, using bright light to bling you enemies who use night vision goggles are there.” I explain with a smile.

“Nova, this sounds more like speculation than facts,” Kayda said with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, it is speculation, to begin with, but I am also 80% certain it’s a reincarnation person we are dealing with here, or at least they had some lessons from a reincarnation person,” I said, shrugging.

“And why is that?” Mil asked, confused.

“The shrapnel. It could have been a container holding natural elements that, if mixed together, make it explode, and something like that can be strong enough to destroy a lot of buildings, no question asked.” I explain, smiling, seeing Mil’s eyes go wide.

“Also, using natural elements won’t leave any mana traces behind. I see not bad.” Kayda said with a proud smile.

“Ah, this might be too late to say, but all this information has not been made public. And please keep it like that. The church doesn’t want to make the masses see them struggle.” Mil explains, making Kayda.

“I see. Thank you for making that clear,” I said, nodding. Looking between Mil and Kayda, I got a small smile on my face before I went and lay down on Mil’s lap.

“Nova, what do you think you’re doing,” Mil said, getting flustered.

“Getting comfortable. I didn’t lie when I said I was still tired.” I said, not moving from her lap while keeping an eye on Kayda.

“Why are you so tired? Is it because of the fight previously?” Mil asked with some concern.

“it’s all her fault. She is a slave driver.” I said give Kayda a playful glare.

“It really seems Dragonoids only cause problems,” Mil said with a small amount of killing intent, not even close enough to affect Kayda.

“Woah, calm down. You can’t do something like that in their faces. If you want to insult Dragonoid’s, you must call them lizards.” I said, receiving a death glare from Kayda.

“That’s worse than an insult, stupid fox, and get off her lap,” Kayda said with a warning tone.

“That might be so, but it is still funny, and how about no. Mil’s lap is really comfortable.” I said, closing my eyes with a smile.

“Nova, get off her lap right now,” Kayda said with a low voice.


“Fine then,” Kayda said with a sigh.

“What are you doing? Let go of me.” Mil shouting being sent out from under my making my head fall on the seat.

“Hey, what did you do to my pillow,” I said, opening my eyes only to see Kayda standing at the door with mil trying to get out of her grip. Opening the door, she threw mil out before slamming the door shut again, turning around glaring at me.

“I can’t take it anymore,” Kayda said with a loud voice making me pale a bit.

“Uh, Kayda, calm down. It was only a joke,” I said, moving backward with my back against the carriage wall.

“A joke you think I will take all your actions as a joke every time,” Kayda said, moving closer to me.

‘I definitely went too far this time. I accept my punishment.’ I thought, closing my eyes, waiting for Kayda to hit me. Contrary to my expectations, I felt Kaydas’ tail curl around my waist before it picked me up.

“Huh? What are you doing?” I said, opening my eyes seeing that Kayda was sitting again at her original spot while pulling me closer with her tail.

“Shut up,” Kayda said, sitting me down next to her.

“Yes, Ma’am?” I said, confused, feeling Kayda grabbing my head before pulling it down onto her lap.

“Don’t even think about saying anything,” Kayda said in a warning tone.

‘Was she jealous? Well, I did try to make her jealous. I couldn’t resist she isn’t with her soul mate, and seeing someone else having fun with a partner does make you jealous sometimes, but this. This isn’t normal jealousy. Have I read her wrong? Now that I think about it, she did spend a lot of time with me the past month. Actually, an abnormal amount of time for a stranger.’ I thought while peeking upwards at Kaydas’ relaxed expression. Looking away from her again, I sighed.

“Kayda, who is actually your soulmate?” I asked hesitantly. Feeling her stiffen, I could already guess what the answer was.


“So, it’s me,” I mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed about only realizing it just now. Calming myself, I chuckled a bit before saying with a sarcastic tone. “Heh, it seems you draw the short end of the stick this time.”

“And why would you say that,” Kayda said, tilting her head while looking down at me.

“I am a broken person in so many ways. Mentally being the worst one of all.” I said, just shrugging still lying on her lap.

“I wouldn’t say your mind is the worst. But you are indeed broken in a lot of ways. And having a broken soul mate isn’t ideal, especially for a Dragon.” Kayda explains, sighing to herself.

“Oi, that is not what you should say,” I said, annoyed.

“But soulmates are for a reason, and the past month showed me why we were chosen to be together. I can say with confidence that you are an embodiment of a...” Kayda said, taking a deep breath.

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