
Chapter 107

‘In the end, I still didn’t sleep on the bed.’ I thought, looking at Kayda wings taking the entire bed again.

“Mmh.” Hearing Kayda hum, I looked back at her seeing her eyes flutter open.

“We need to go now,” I said, a bit more serious than before.

“Why? the sun isn’t even up yet,” Kayda said, looking up at me from the bed.

“Someone is here for us,” I said, looking at the windows.

“Who and why is someone this early look for us,” Kayda said, lifting her head up looking around the room.

“I don’t know, but they are here full force,” I said, shrugging.


‘I do know who, but she doesn’t need to know just yet.’ I said, looking through the window looking at the 4 ninja-like shadows.

“Ugh, so annoying,” Kayda said, climbing out of bed. Standing straight, she glanced at the window before looking at me. “Did you go and piss off people while I was sleeping.

“No, I was sleeping the entire night before I felt them,” I said, feeling a bit offended.

‘Not that I could sleep again with you in the room.’ I thought, looking at Kayda with a neutral expression.

“Tch, you sure about that?” Kayda said, looking at me skeptically.

“Yes, I was here the entire night, Kayda,” I said, getting annoyed.

“Just making sure. What do you want to do?” Kayda said, stretching.

“Well, they are just watching us for the moment. So, want to take this outside the city?” I said, looking at Kayda again.

“Hmm,” Kayda hummed at my plan, still looking at me skeptically. “Fine, we can take it outside the city.”

“Okay, are we running?”

“of course, we are running,” Kayda said, pointing her hand at the window before firing a scorch beam out, destroying the wall.


“Let’s move to the south,” Kayda said before disappearing.

“...Dammit, she definitely knows this has something to do with me pissing off people,” I said, flash stepping away to the closest person on the rooftops.

“Huh-ugh?” Confused at my sudden appearance, the guy didn’t have enough time to dodge my scythe swing decapitating him.


“IAN! DIE!” Seeing their friend die, the last 3 ninja-like people jumped at me.

“Idiots,” I mumbled, swinging the scythe sideways, cutting all of them in half.


“Just jumping in like that. Were they actually trained?” Looking closely at the corpses, I saw a ring on all their middle fingers. Taking one of the rings, I inspect it. “This looks closely what Sammy said their rings look like.”

‘Whatever, I am pretty certain it’s the crimson bandits anyways.’ I thought, putting the ring into my storage before running south.

Jumping to the next rooftop 2 people on either side of me appear running in the same direction that I was.

‘So, they are leading me to their ambush? Well, sadly, there is nothing I can do about that. I need to go this direction, anyways no need to lead me.’ I thought before looking to the right side.

“But that’s doesn’t mean I just have to take all of them on at the same time,” I said, appearing behind the two to bring my katanas down towards their heads.

“Dodge-ugh.” The one said, not having enough time to dodge. While the other one barely dodged my attack. Even though he dodged the attack, he still lost an arm in the process.

“Ugh.” Grunting in pain, he jumped back, trying to make the distance between us.

“Naha, you too slow to get away from me,” I whispered from behind into the guy’s ear.

“What!?” Turning around, looking at him, smiling at him.

“Thank you for the shield,” I said, grabbing his collar before throwing him into a fireball that was aimed at me.


“That bitch, where is she!?” The mage yelled, not seeing me through the explosion.

“Behind you, miss,” I said, cutting off her head.


“Now, what will you do, Grandenzil?” I said, looking at a watchtower a couple of kilometers away from me. Look to the opposite side in the air. I looked at Kayda flying in the air, looking down at us. “And you. What the hell are you thinking?”

‘Whatever, she won’t let me die at least.’ I thought, starting to run south again.

Not long after I started running, another 7 people appeared behind me.

“More?” I said, looking behind me, annoyed.

“Grandenzil gave the order to kill. We are giving up on capturing her for Sammy.” The one in the lead said to the other.

“Yes, Sir!” They all yelled in confirmation.

“I really want to take this out of the city,” I said, appearing in front of the leader, grabbing his throat.

“Ugh!” Grunting, the leader struggling in my grip.

“I see you stronger than the rest,” I said, feeling my grip waver on his throat and my wrist starting to crack under his own grip. Looking away from him, I looked at his men before adding. “Let’s take this outside of the walls.”

“Let go of the leader!?”

“Okay, see you guys on the other side,” I said, throwing their leader over the city walls.




“Cheers,” I said, taking the opportunity of their distraction to run away.

“So, have you figured out who they are?” Kayda said, seeing me jump on top of the wall.

“You already know I knew from the beginning, didn’t you?” I said, looking at her, annoyed.

“Yes, I knew you had an idea, but I truly don’t know who they are,” Kayda said, shrugging at me with a wry smile.

“it’s the crimson bandits. Remember how I told you to wear the coat I bought for you.”

“Yes, after we had our swim.”

“Yes, there was a reason I told you to do that. I wanted to see if Grandenzil was on the lookout for ‘Alice’ for doing what I did to Sammy.” I explain, getting a raised eyebrow from Kayda.

“Ooh, so that’s why,” Kayda said, walking close to me.


“Next time, tell me when you are planning things. We are partners now. So, think beforehand and about other people around you.” Kayda said after she is slapping me.

“Ow, that hurt, you know,” I said, rubbing my cheek.

“Kitsuna, did you even listen to what I just said,” Kayda said in a low voice, making my back break out in a cold sweat.

“I heard you loud and clear,” I said before looking to the side where Grandenzil and 2 masked people jumped onto the wall looking towards us. “There is more than just them involved, by the way.”

“Who?” Kayda asked, not taking her eyes of Grandenzil and her party.

“I am not sure who, but I know they will be useful captured alive,” I whispered to Kayda.

“What are you guys whispering about? And I was pretty certain I killed you.” Grandenzil said, looking at me.

“What can I say? I am hard to kill,” I said, creating a white mask in my hand while grinning at Grandenzil.

“What! You are Alice.”

“Well, not quite my name. I just used Alice for safety,” I said, shrugging.

“Is that so. In that case, thank you for the demon rock you gave me.” Grandenzil said, exposing her right arm that was made out of demon rock.

“Nova did you...”

“I didn’t think it through, okay,” I said defensively.

“Ooh, I can see that, you dumb fox,” Kayda said, hitting me other the head.

“Ow, you are really grumpy today,” I said, rubbing my head.

“If you guys are done with your conversation, can we start fighting already?” Grandenzil said with annoyance clearly in her voice.


“Yeah yeah, but your underlings and I will be going outside of the wall for our fight,” I said, walking closer to the edge of the wall. Looking back at Kayda, I smirked and added. “I will help you, though.”

“How?” Kayda said, looking at me confused.



“Heh, did you think-What!?” Grandenzil said, blocking the lightning attack easily only to feel her arm crumble.

“Ma’am/Mom!?” Both the people standing next to Grandenzil yelled in alarm seeing her arm crumble.

“Oooh, you heard that. Anyways your fight should be easier now.” I said, jumping off the wall.

While falling down, I took out all my chakrams and used them as a footrest to slow down my fall.


Even though I slowed it down enough for a civilian to see me fall, I still made a crater in the ground.

“Huh, I still made a crater even though I slowed myself down that much,” I said, waving the dust away.

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