
Chapter 60

It only happened due to Ayleth scouting further into the forest. There, with the help of Fenrir, they located what appeared to be scouts from the Krestonian army as the holy crest brightly shone on their chest plate. In the heat of the moment, Ayleth carefully killed and dispatched a small platoon of five soldiers. After bringing back whatever the unfortunate souls had in their possession – the villagers were convinced. The order to pack everything of value was given. At last, after hours of waiting that felt like centuries – the trucks with Adelana and Alyson arrived. Thus the extraction begun, children were given priority and then came the elderly. The total count reached around thirty.

The truck was filled as everyone got on for the exception of one man. The elder, the village leader, the one who took Staxius in so many years ago, the man who miraculously draws breath. The years didn’t do him any favors for he lost the ability to speak, though that didn’t stop him from leading everyone. The last words given to Adelana after she desperately tried to pursue him is, “it’s better to burn away than to fade away.” He was adamant about staying even though the village was going to turn into a mini-warzone. With the pressure of the evacuation weighing heavy on her mind, Adelana called in a meeting.

“We’ve been lucky so far, the evacuation is going at a favorable pace. We should be able to depart in less than an hour. How’s the status of the Kreston army?” She looked at Ayleth.

“I’ve slain the scouts, that didn’t stop them from marching. Traversing the forest is going to be hard on foot. I doubt they are going to walk into Dorchester, they probably have armored vehicles who are ravaging everything as we speak.” Ayleth voiced her fears.

“Even though that’s just a guess, I do agree that we should move fast. As you know, we’ve all

thought about it – but someone might die today. Holding back an army with only us as the defense is basically suicide.” Adelana’s tone lowered. The realization that one of her sisters might not make it back weighted heavily on her mind.

“Snap out of it,” Annet gently pinched her cheeks. “-don’t forget who we are.” She smiled.


“They are ready to leave, Adelana, take Alyson with you and get out of here,” Fenrir spoke.

“Annet, Ayleth and I shall defend until you guys are cleared to go. And don’t forget that we have two objectives, one is to not die and the other is to not let Brisnet heights be conquered. Rest assured that we will fulfill said requirements, now go, they wait.”

Also happening at the same time, province away, the envoys sent to Arda by her royal princess have finally got an audience with the queen. The throne room felt darker than usual, the queen sat up high and overlooked Theodore and the young butler. As ordered by her princess, the inexperienced butler spoke – rather harshly and not paying heed to the queen’s authority. This lack of respect riled up the people overseeing this meeting. In spite of their growing animosity; their faces remained calm and composed.

“Thus, princess Gallienne has agreed to give Arda it’s independency and wants you to stop your attack onto Dorchester.” His eyes fixed on the fairy’s, he didn’t move nor blink, he spoke without fear, the task he had been assign to do was complete.

“Is that so, tell your princess that Arda will comply. Sadly, what Kreston does is out of my jurisdiction – we indeed made an agreement to attack Dorchester. Though now as our wishes have been answered, we do not wish to engage in barbaric practices.” Her tone relaxed, the envoy’s shoulder relaxed as well.

“There is one thing I forgot to mention,” her tone grew sharper, “-there’s a man who I simply can’t forgive. He’s a noble living in Dorchester, I want him dead by all means. I will, in fact, march into Dorchester, but we won’t cause any more trouble, the noble in question is named Staxius Haggard.

He’s defiled and insulted the envoys I once sent to visit castle Garsley. This I cannot forgive; we will slay that foul beast who dares not respect us. Tell princess Gallienne that we are to be considered friendly, though, there’s a man we have to killed to seal the deal as they say. Now go, this audience is over.”

With a snap of her fingers, both Theodore and the butler now stood near the border. Everything went as wished, none wanted to scheme their way for war only brought devastation. Against all odds, the princess was in favor of a peaceful relationship with Arda. If the latter became independent, it would lower the financial burden on the royal family; not to mention the fact that trading with them could prove to be fruitful. Also, as known by the public, Arda would become more secluded, thus making demi-humans and other non-human creatures raise up in value. Previously own slave’s price might right up, and underneath all that filth, the one pulling the strings is someone of royal blood, and in that, you can see how this change will affect both parties for the better.

“Job well-done kid,” Theodore broke the ice.

“T-thanks,” he fell onto his knees, the pressure finally got to him. As mysterious and noncaring as

Theodore appeared to be, seeing a young guy like him, one who is the perfect replica of himself when he was younger sent a little flutter in his heart. A soft spot for the clueless and shy boy grew.

A small grin appeared on his face and held out a helping hand. Out of respect, the boy, whose name still remains a mystery, graciously accepted the courteous gesture. The audience ended without being overly complicated, and they were back on the road, direction, Rosespire.

Everything happened almost at the same time, Adelana was on her way to castle Garsley with the villagers. Annet, Ayleth, and Fenrir stayed back to defend and hold back Kreston’s holy army as they now advance through Rotten Thicket. Eira had settled down at Claireville academy, she’s slowly adapting to the new environment. Undrar and Ancret still guard the castle. Thunderstain on their end, after Staxius killed part of their army; recruited soldiers.

As opposed to where Frostrest was, the noble district felt sunnier and more joyous. The air felt warm and friendly. His right hand rested atop Avon’s head; his gaze met Julius’s, an old friend. The room slipped into silence, Staxius kept on eyeing Julius from head to toe.

“S-Staxius?” He still could not believe it. Autumn’s face said it all, she was clueless for it was so long ago when she met this man. Since then, her memories were jumbled up. Leaving Avon’s head, Staxius placed both hands onto Julius’s broad shoulders. “Yes, I’m Staxius Haggard, the one you met so long ago, the one who made you promise to take care of Autumn.” After a quick glance at the now grown-up Autumn, he continued with, “-you’ve done well on your promise.”

“I-impossible, y-you look just the same as sixteen years ago, h-how is this p-possible?” Julius asked.

The one who’s footstep he was following in for so many years stood before him. It brought a joy unrivaled anything he ever felt. “It must be confusing, I told myself that I would try and not meet with the people I knew in the past. Though that was but a lie, guess fate has another thing planned out for us.” Julius grew more confused, the expression he held was something unlike another, his eyebrows were questioning whatever was happening while the face cringed.

“B-brother,” Autumn tugged on his shirt. “What is it?” he asked as he continued staring at Staxius.

He feared that if he closed his eyes or moved away, the man he called friend would disappear. “D-do you k-know this m-man?”

“D-do I know this man? Of course, I do, he’s the only person I admire and respect.” He answered loudly, Staxius heard it. Embarrassed, he shifted his gaze onto Avon. “I appreciate the thought, but going as far as saying you admire me is a bit farfetched. I’m naught but a heartless killer. A person as honest as you should not lower your standard and respect one such as I.” Staxius shook his head in disagreement. “I’m not as honest as you think, old friend.” Julius’s tone changed to match Staxius’s. He changed from friendly to serious and emotionless. “Old friend or not, I’ll still kill you if you stand in my way.” Julius tried showing that his ideals were changed. “You really think you can kill me? Old friend, surely you jest. I see you’ve trained your emotions and mannerism perfectly – fool the world you might but I, one who’s whole identity reflects that of the person who stands in front of me, it would do you no good. Become aggressive, and I shall double said aggressivity, try to be witty and I’ll surpass your intelligence, try to be cold and menacing and I’ll turn into the nightmare you wish you’d never have dreamed of. I’m Staxius Haggard, someone with no personality, someone strong yet weak.” His aura slowly filled the room, he showed Julius that trying to be cold towards him will only result in failure. The atmosphere grew dense, both Julius and Staxius locked eyes, they seemed to want to kill each other. The killing intent was palpable, until, out of nowhere, they both chuckled and laughed. That little display was just a show, Julius and Staxius were always friendly, said act was only there to show they other how long they’ve come. The laughter continued for a good two to three minutes, in the end, they tightly embraced each other. Nothing else was to be said, even though they knew each other for a week at most, their bond truly was strong.

“J-Julius,” the laughter died down. “I was planning to visit you but I heard you were out of Hidros.”

“Is that what they said, pathetic.” He spoke to himself.

“What do you mean by is that what they said?” Staxius quickly followed up.

“After the war was lost, I made my way back to the capital. There, I received a message telling me to take an airship and fly out. Apparently, I was going to be promoted to S-rank. Thus, I took the airship, but midflight, something strange happened. I-I was rendered unconscious. After that I don’t have any memories, all I know is that I awoke in my home, or what used to be yours. Some people found me near Savaview bridge and brought me there, or so what I heard. After that, Autumn came to visit me. As a Duke, I had duties to attend too, so she decided to accompany me on my various trips. We went to Dundee, for trading purposes, then back to the capital. It’s there that we heard a rumor about Dorchester’s noble district having properties up for sale. It’s on that trip that the beast came out of nowhere and attacked us. We fought, day and night until we fell into a strange portal and mysteriously ended up here. Don’t ask me how and don’t ask me when – I’ve got no idea.”

“That some story, Julius. Honestly, I don’t care for it. I’m glad we’ve both met yet again. Sadly, you’ve grown old and look scarier as opposed to the young charming Julius I knew.”

“And you still look the same, old friend.” They smiled. “What’s your plan after this Julius? You’re

headed back to the capital to try and find out who is responsible for the airship incident, I assume?”

“Not really, I’ve done my investigation. After carefully analyzing everything, I found nothing. From what I’ve gathered, they wanted my crest which I luckily gave to Autumn. After the princess framed and killed you so many years ago, I was both shocked and baffled. Sophie, your so-called sister, didn’t even try and clear your name. On top of that, she had the audacity to claim that you left a notebook in which you had written down plans on how to dethrone the king. No need to worry, I did my part as a friend and demanded that her name be removed from yours. I grew stronger and more powerful. I severed my bond with my family and started anew, on my own, just to clear your name. I’d like to think I did my job, nowadays, no one even knows who Staxius Haggard is, I’ve removed every trace of your existence.”

“This is why no one recognized me the first time I awoke, Undrar did say I was accused of defiling her royal princess, but I guess it was Julius’s doing for wiping that foul stench off my name. That dragon was right when she said Julius didn’t betray me.”

“Staxius? Say something, what do you plan to do now?”

“Sorry about that. I came here because I got a tip that Arda was planning to attack, but I guess it’s not going to happen.”

“I guess that’s fine, but why go out of your way to come to this rejected province? Who is ordering you to put your head on the line?”

“You’ve got it wrong Julius; I’ve come here on my own volition. You see, I’m a noble serving the council of Dorchester.”

“Amazing… I didn’t expect you to be a noble, so where is your mansion located at?”

“We’re standing in it.” He laughed. “Julius, this is but a request, but will you help me in making Dorchester change into the Hidros’s most powerful province. My sole goal is to make the people who’ve abused my natal province cower into submission.”

“Mhmmm… I don’t really think I’ll be of any use to you. However, I’m all for joining up with you, let’s make Dorchester the strongest province that ever existed, I’m duke by title but hold no land, which means this is perfect.”

“Thanks, Julius,” they embraced again, one might think they were brothers or rather lovers instead of friends. A bond that was created over a week but lasted for over a decade, their journey begins, in a world which also changes.

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