
Chapter 365

“What’s the matter?” stood Eira with a gentle gaze upon him who rushed upstairs.

“I’m afraid this matter is of utmost importance,” panted the son-in-law with a visage of utter fear.

“Take a seat,” offered Staxius, “-the one nearest to Eira shall do the trick. Calm thy breath and speech, I need not the blabbering of an emotionally charged fanatic.”

*Cough,* the gaze darted left to right, it wanted to settle onto something calm and peaceful. Something reassuring for the mind was in utter chaos. Emperor Sultria, accompanied by a combat-butler, was on edge that much was said in action alone.

“Majesty,” followed his butler with a grey-suit and a traditional hat, “-I’m afraid that the situation is going out of control,” said he with a lowered head.

“Rosetta,” called the King, “-go fetch something to drink,” he ordered with Lizzie sat on his lap, she played around with the necklaces around the neck.


“As you ordered,” came the head-maid without losing a second. An ice-cold orange glass of juice was served of which had droplets of water dripping.

“Now then,” said Staxius, “-what is it that you wanted to discuss?”

Gulping the beverage, a sense of clarity soothed the mind into a restful state. “Thank you for that, father.”

“What’s the matter?” asked the Queen who peered the two intricately.

“I-it’s Alphia, we’re close to being destroyed. I’m afraid a long prophecy that our scientific mind decided to forgo as to stand with reason, had an inclination of truth. In legend is that that on the day the Grim Reaper descends onto the mortal plane and takes the heritage, an army of the fallen angels and demons will rise. They will be led by the true apostle of he who led the war, the god of Kreston.”

“Are those exact words what was said?” asked Xula interested in the story.

“Yes, in no way will I ever speak of such-nonsense without a base for truth.”

“What is it that you want us to do?” turned an expressionless Staxius. ‘I don’t recall anyone knowing of my identity. There are but a few, and in said few are still more than little. The god of death has taken the throne, meaning my ascension. Is this the carnage I was warned about upon my succession?’

“I don’t know, father,” he said worryingly, “-as you know, I’m the eldest in the family. My sisters aren’t yet ready to lead a continent as big as Alphia. I was lucky enough to get teachings from my father, who’s now with the stars. I never said this, though I think it best you know. I don’t really hold much respect for keeping up appearances and being courteous to those unworthy. I rather say it how it is. Since I lead Alphia, I’ve always gotten what I want, all the respect I needed, and more of which would bore people to death. That is where you come in, King Staxius Haggard, a man I still have no idea of how thee acts. Thou say things depending on the situation and do the best for those around. I’ve heard many o’ rumors of thee being a blood-thirsted killer. I hope I never see said side agai-” he paused with a gasp, “-I’m sorry, my habit of rambling got the better.”

“Would you calm down already?” turned Eira coldly, “-why don’t you start again. Keep it short,” the lips rose to a smile with the eyes saying another story.

“W-will do,” he glimpsed the butler who all but nodded. “To summarize, Alphia is in danger. I just got reports that monsters of which none has ever seen, are rising in the northernmost province.”

“That is most troubling,” said the king who stood, “-art thou in need of assistance?”

“I’d kindly appreciate to have thee as my council till the matter is resolved,” the tone returned from on the verge of panic.

“Council you say,” he gestured the butler, “-I suppose thou have information of which could make this decision a little easier?”

“Yes, majesty,” the head lifted to reveal a sharp-nose, well-groomed facial hair and gelled back hair. “As his majesty said, we’ve got a monster invasion. It is unlike anything we’ve seen, and unlike Hidros has seen as well for you see, the monsters are actually the general public of Alphia. Our continent is filled with humans classified as super. Some boast god-like strength and others the power to levitate a mountain with a thought. As generic as it sounds, the AHA, else known as the Allied Heroes of Alphia is already on the move.”

A breed of superhuman, the evolution of mankind was one very peculiar. From Vampire Slayers to Mages, Adventurers, and Super-Humans – some finer details have been omitted from said evolution tree. Adventurers and Super-humans are one of the same. As trading and exploration grew common, people mingled with one another, and the genes evolved to now. An evolution for survival, tis how an organism lives. The Alphia Empire, with ties closer to Vampire Slayer than mages, evolved away from the use of mana. Instead, the body evolved their DNA, giving them extraordinary abilities. Given the power, either one falls to the dark side or rises to light and understanding. The AHA, an organization the same as the Guild, monitored the Heroes and rewards with payment according to the work done. The people are far worst than monsters as they hold the same power and often fall to the darker-side and cause massive panic and slaughter. One side used the power of the world and mana, while the other used the power from within, the power of DNA.

“What of the situation then?” asked Staxius. The room was but a confusing waterfall of words and explanations. Lizzie all but moved her head from one person to another eventually leading her to being dizzy.

“The AHA is handling, or should I say, was handling the situation. It’s gone to shit. Pardon my language, however, it’s all gone down the gutter.”

“May I ask why the Emperor is here opposed to his land?” asked Staxius, “-was leaving them in peril the best solution?”

“Actually,” interjected the butler once more, “-I was the one told to keep his majesty from the information. If he had known of the situation, I doubt him coming here.”

“I’ve grasped the situation,” sighed Staxius, “-the true intention was to have me return to Alphia. In no way would I have accepted said proposal if it was sent via message. Thus, thee sent the Emperor as the messenger. I’m obliged he’s of a higher rank than I.??

“Is that true?” said Sultria deeply shocked, “-Father, I’m thoroughly apologetic for what has happened. I truly didn’t know of the intention of the council. Please forgive me,” overwhelmed, he bowed.

“Don’t,” spoke Staxius with a handheld out, he stopped the emperor from bowing, “-there’s no need for such a display.”

“Wha-” gulped the butler for the king was but a few meters away. He moved so quickly the eyes didn’t react. It left a trail of a gust of which rose coats and dresses alike.

“Why the look of distress,” smiled the king, “-you really thought I wouldn’t notice, an agent of the AHA, Arle Fielder, Second Class A Hero,” a locket hung and swayed gently.

“How-” he reached out to grasp at nothing.

“You certainly are fast,” smiled Staxius, “-though, not fast as me,” the chill went up Arle’s spine.

“Now then, would you explain what’s the true purpose of this visit?”

“The stories are true,” from manly, the figure melted and changed into another person. The height grew shorter, the face smaller, a bigger thigh, long hair and eyelashes, a lady with a skin-tight suit. “I’m Arle Fielder, a hero from the AHA.”

“What about my butler?” asked Sultria with an even more baffling visage, the situation was unknown to the emperor himself.

“He’s fine, taking a long vacation at the sister archipelagoes,” returned the lady with a smirk. “I’ll drop the act. The Emperor was indeed kept out of the loop. The situation runs farther than one might think. The reason why the AHA was put into place was to handle said situation. Along the way, people turned rogue, and thus the villains came into being. They were but mere training for the real fight which is yet to come. Only Heroes in the A-class ranking are allowed this information and sworn to secrecy. Many of our strongest are out there fighting the infection. We’ve named it Noire, the over evolution of DNA to the point of indiscriminate violence. Here’s the truth, the reason why Alphia paid attention to the Argashield Federation was on a rumor. One in which someone detailed a person being as strong as a god. We’ve scoured all over the planet to lead to you, King Staxius, the holy invasion of Kreston, showed us proof enough. You must realize, Alphia didn’t become strong because of trading, we’re strong because of how extensive the pool of knowledge and information is. It was luck that the Emperor took a liking to Eira, we’d have opposed the relation if not for you, Blood-king.”

“Alphia has its hand into the underworld too,” refuted Staxius, “-all of this lead to one answer. My going to Alphia, is that the wish of the council?”


“What can I expect in return, not that I want anything in particular. Doing work for free isn’t really a way a king should conduct himself.”

“I agree,” smiled the spy who proceeded to take out a rolled piece of paper, “-here’s the contract for Alphia to join the Argashield Federation.”

“Why would I accept such a thing?” he frowned with a crinkle, “-my daughter marrying into Sultria will suffice to forge the alliance. Besides,” he leaned, “-I’m the one who decides whether to help or not. All the efforts of finding the rumored man might come to naught if I’m not present.”

“Astute,” she whispered.

“...” the tanned face turned into one angered, Sultria’s gesture turned aggressive. “What is the meaning of this!”

“Emperor,” the thunderous order forced Arle onto her knee.

“Explain this to me at once.”

“Very well,”

“Dear Father-in-law, I shall be back shortly.”

The door creaked to a stop leaving the others speechless.

“What happened?” asked Eira with a roll of the eye.

“Shanna, could you come here a sec?” he moved over to a corner where no other could hear nor see. Eira didn’t mind as for Rosetta, her attention was turned to the princess.

“Did you read their minds?”

“Obviously,” she smiled, “-what of you?” said behind her hand, it resembled two ladies gossiping about a potential suitor.

“Their emotions seemed to be a little hyper. I wish to hear of the spy, what is she thinking?”

“From what I’ve gathered, the monster problem is a thing of utmost importance. A town has already been laid to ruin, though the news was covered and disguised as an Earthquake. The Noire are truly other citizens turned rogue.”

“It ties in,” he mumbled.

“Care to explain?”

“It ties in, remember how he said the God of Kreston’s army, what did the pope try to do?”

“The Immortal Army,” she said with a step back, “-you don’t mean!”

“Careful,” he took her arm and pulled, “-Kreston has yet to die. I’m afraid that continent will always haunt us for the God presiding over is but a fiend. A monstrous fiend who loves to toy with pawns.”

“Still, who would have thought that everything would unwind itself into such a complex labyrinth of questions and answers.”

“Yeah, the war might have ended – the darkness remains nonetheless.”

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