
Chapter 389

“Julius,” said Eira, “-did you know of father’s arrival.”

“Not as much no, I saw Skokdrag earlier inquiring about watchmaking and if he could borrow some from a fellow noble’s collection. My mind clicked, the only reason he’d do such a thing was if orders came from our father,” dressed sharply, Prince Julius was as handsome as they came. Same as Eira, Julius won the Inter-magical tournament to be known as the next Prodigy. Despite the offers from celebrated magical academies, he chose to follow the King. When asked by Queen Shanna, the response was, ‘-sister is doing everything she can to study hard. I don’t want to impose on her anymore, I want to find my purpose, and I think staying by father’s side will help me in that endeavor.’

“Once again, welcome back home,” said Eira retreated to the comfort of the balcony off side of the music-filled hall.

“It’s good to see you,” said he giving a hug, little Lizzie demanded more attention. Her selfishness was cute, though, in due time, said habit would change.

“I’ll call it a night,” said the king, “-my queen, please take care of the rest.”

“Sure,” said she smiling, “-go ahead, I’ll have Youst sent.”


‘It feels like ages,’ the music grew far and silent, the hallways came to be empty and dim, no sign of life the more one walked. ‘Alphia took a lot of energy. Gophy, Intherna, I’m counting on thee,’ a black-oak door came broadly. A twist of the handle revealed the Royal-bedchambers. He hadn’t been here in the last five years ago; not since the day when the supposed cheating happened. *Click,* toggled to a warm candle glow, the heavy darkness lifted, the bed stood invitingly with comfortable pillows. ‘Seriously?’ a crack in the window left unchanged, a memento for said incident. A barrier was cast to not let the cold intrude. A big portrait faced the bed, Queen, King, Prince, and Princesses, a family picture was taken on Lizzie’s birth. ‘He did change history to become part of my family.’

“Hey, hey, wake up, father!”

“What is it?” just as sleep was to take the helm, Prince Julius snuck out of the party.

“I completed part of our deal,” said he smiling.

“Integrating the family, I assume you lived all those years and have a concrete memory of history?”

“Yes, I did live as thy child – the eighteen long years went by fast.”

“Did you have fun?”

“Oh, more than fun, I met new people, found friends, was blessed with a lovely and caring mother and siblings. Remove the part where war-affected our kingdom, I’d say this is close to paradise. It’s surprising to see the God of Death be viewed as a Hero during the Holy Kreston Invasion. I was studying at Skylar Magical Academy. Following thy adventures was fun – I’m impressed.”

“What about the real Father, Creation, the All-mighty?”

“Oh, I spoke to him beforehand. He said he didn’t care since this dimension is under thy protection.”

“Tell me more about thy life, my son, thee knows of my journey, yet, I know naught of thine.”

“Sure, father. I was born on the 4th of February XX75. This is where the first inconsistency comes into play. I know full well that you and the queen were married around 7-8 years ago. In no way would it be possible if I was born in XX75, almost two decades ago. Well, something happened, I don’t understand the full extent of it. History changed a little; it changed to fit my arrival, instead of meeting Queen Shanna at the end of the Holy-Crusade, thee met her far long ago. Being imprisoned for 16 years didn’t help the course of history. Long story short, thee and she met to have me as a child. Since Princess Eira is 24 years old, I think you met Queen Shanna on her diplomatic journeys to Dorchester. It’s a huge mess, how changing history can be troublesome. Skipping over said details, it all continued as plan. The Crusade, meeting with Julius, yes, I know why thou choose mine name. As her first child, mother treated me very well, I was doted upon by everyone. Despite the rumors of the queen having had an illicit relation, most understood the circumstances and soon the news would be known to all. I studied day and night, waiting for the day the young Baron would enter Arda. Thee might not have noticed on said day, Queen Shanna knew who thee were. She followed thy journey ever since thy passionate night. Her heart was filled with admiration for the one she loves – thus, the courtship, the establishment of a Guild in Arda to now. I most lived as a spectator, enjoying the company of my comrades – groomed to be a Prince is hard. Then, thy got married, I got to meet you, the past self. We got along; Eira came to be the Heir to the throne as she was eldest. She studied at Claireville Academy, won the Inter-magical tournament while I studied at Skylar Magical Academy. We did manage to meet on her last day at the academy – a friendly training match between our schools. She destroyed us, especially her little brother, her face, her eyes, the white hair, she didn’t hold anything. There’s nothing more of interest from that point, life continued till the Invasion – Arda in peril, the Blood-King faction breaking the alliance, and more. Quite a heavy story. Here I am, after so many years, I’ve come to finally meet him who I swore to be an ally.”

“History changed with me meeting Queen Shanna and having a babe well before our courtship. Tis rather savage, I wished for it to be under normal circumstances. Yes, I wish I remembered how and when it happened, sadly, the memories elude me.”

“No wonder, the memories would have changed for every living being – well, all those who are mortal; it excludes the divine. You know of the prior timeline, not the new one.”

“As far as I’m concerned, I trust nothing more changed?”

“Yes, nothing more changed, everything is as you remember. Except for the part where I’m involved. Not worry, I did my best to not alter the course of history, I remained hidden and limited my involvement – after all, I’m heir to the All-mighty, there’s nothing I can’t do.”

“Well, Prince Julius,” sat upright, the hand reached to give a comforting slap on the back, “-we’re family now. Go catch up with lost time, Eira and Lizzie await; as their brother, you mustn’t let harm befall them.”

“I know, I know, it’s just that Big Sister Eira is stronger, she protects us instead.”

“How adorable,” said he with slow blinks, “-forget not, she’s to be married to the Emperor of Sultria. Young Lizzie remains; be a good big brother, as for I, sleep beckons.”

“As you wish, father, I’ll see you tomorrow,” the door closed. A change in history to fit his presence. Creation’s heir did a number on the time-line. It was as said, little too much was changed, the world remains as is.

A peaceful feeling of relaxation overcame the strain of everyday life. Sleep was on way, when “-Hey,” came a whisper underneath the blanket.

‘Not another one,’ he thought and forced the eyes shut.

“Don’t ignore me,” said the voice close to the ears, a tingling sensation went from the neck down, “-wake up,” said it again. Gentle lips seem to rest itself against the neck.

“AHH,” he stood, “-what the hell is wrong with you,” said he staring upon a modestly dressed Xula. “Are you serious... is this the time to be aroused?” her cheeks flushed; her eyes were of a mild pink.

“Shut up,” she crawled atop with her index pressed against his mouth, “-don’t say another word,” the other hand caressed his chest to head for the stomach.

“I do hope the door is locked,” he whispered to suddenly reach for an embrace, thus continued the night unknown to all. The bedchamber was as hot as a summer day, as hot as the boiling of water, and as hot as the hot springs.

‘What a night,’ thought he with the sun breaking through the curtains. Xula laid beside wrapped in the blanket, the cold morning was treacherous. *Muah,* a peck on her forehead signaled the start of a new day.

“Ay, majesty.”

“Good morning, Skokdrag.” Sat in a newly furbished meeting room, drinks were brought over by Youst.

“I heard from Lady Serene about the watchmaking endeavor. What’s that about?”

“It’s business, the market for timepieces has yet to be ventured in.”

“No need to explain,” a briefcase opened with three watches, “-these are what my apprentices made from the little information we got. What you think?”

“Beautiful,” said he staring at the pieces, the back was of glass allowing to see the moving mechanical parts. “Did it really take a few hours to make these?”

“No, of course not. These are pieces from renowned watch-makers around Arda. The prototype of what my apprentices made is here,” another case was placed onto the table.

“Oh...” robust, built more like a weapon than an accessory, “-durable.”

“I know,” he took away the examples, “-we need more time to understand the inner-workings.”

“It’s good enough for our purpose,” *ding,* a press of a button had Serene walk inside.

“Majesty, thee called?”

“I want to know the names and addresses of the watchmakers.”

“Already taken care of,” she smirked, “-I took the liberty and had transport fetch them.”

“Good thinking. Guild Leader Skokdrag, have thy apprentice work more on perfecting the mechanisms – I have a feeling it will play a big part in the future.”

“Yes, majesty, I’ll be on it.”

“Business?” asked Serene.

“Where’s Haru?”

“She’s at Roth.”

“Good, want to tag along?”

“With pleasure,” said the secretary.

Teleported to the entrance of the castle, Young Lizzie and Prince Julius were spotted running around the yard under the watchful eye of Rosetta. The sight never grew old, each time he came across a soldier, the latter would stop and salute. Argashield Federation, oppose to armor, they now wore uniforms of which were red and blue. Trained beyond the point one would say humane, the fighters were readied to fight and kill at a single notice. The military-focused Federation’s influence could be spotted as fortification along the castle walls, watch-towers in which resided marksmen. Elves dropped the bow and arrow to pick up the sniper rifle. Faster, easier, and deadlier, the peace was held tightly by them, the freedom fighters.

Dirt road replaced by tarmac; the streets were larger with vehicles as opposed to horse-carriages. New buildings were made of Ikahmold, a synthesized ore born from Alchemy. Cheap to make giving 50% magical protection and 2 times resilience – the ore was mixed with materials used to make the buildings.

“How has this place changed so much.”

“Product of war,” added Serene along the pavement. Trees were planted to contrast against the blandness of the new architecture.

Roth stood tall and high. Led by the four guild-masters and backed by the Royal Family, an asylum for those in search of a job.

“Excuse me,” said a boy bumping against Staxius.

“Mind thyself,” voiced Serene sharply.

“He apologized, there’s no need to get worked up,” returned a deep menacing voice from behind. A silver tag lit as he walked smugly inside.


“Stop,” said the king holding her arm, “-there’s no need for commotion.”

“Adventurers are so smug nowadays,” her tongue clicked.

“What you say missy?” stopped the broad man, “-we’re smug?” the furred muzzle, a scar running down the left eye, and the presence of a monster said coldly.

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