
Chapter 414

The man did have a lot to say about the king getting involved. It didn’t take long to persuade him else wise – to which he grudgingly accepted. He had remained in Hidros for two months; there were things still needed to be done in Alphia. Tasked to become better, Dei, Sugar, and Emi formed a band named Retribution, or, RTB, for short. Their journey had just begun.

The walk up the stairs to the jet felt strange; a memory of the unorganized lady came to mind. He hadn’t seen her after the encounter in the hallway; the boyband too – no traces of being present.

“Aceline,” spoke he inside the moving plane.

“How can I help?” returned she fastening the seat belt.

“I know not if my memory is failing me. Was there ever another group with a young, disorganized, manager at the center?”

“No, Apexi only removed members, not hire, that goes double for the idols.”


“What of her then?” trying hard to remember, the elbow came to rest on the seat’s arm as he held his chin.

“Maybe...” interjected Aceline, the plane soon had liftoff.

“Maybe?” asked he a few minutes later.

“Do you remember her name?”

“Miss Alexia, I think, memory concerning her presence is curious.”

“Is that it...” her face sulked into a gloomy stare, “-Are you sure it’s Alexia?”

“Yes, why is that?” returned he intrigued by her reaction.

“It’s a myth; Alexia, and she was with a boyband, right?”

“Correct,” he raised a brow, “-how did you know?”

“Damn it,” her face felt into one far beyond worried, “-Alexia isn’t a real person. She’s a myth or dead person, information on her is entirely a mystery. I heard long ago that a disorganized manager got together a group of friends into a band. Their unmotivated way of working had them hit the top 20. She knew their potential but they were unwilling to work. She kept on working, days, weeks, months, years until the band was motivated by single news – she was diagnosed with a terminal disease. After said news, the band gave it they’re all to have their big first concert to the world and realize her dreams. On the day of the performance, well after the event, news arrived that she died in her hospital bed. The news had the boys spiral into depression, some took to substance abuse while others fell into more convoluted traps. It’s said that to this day; her soul wanders around the halls trying to latch onto a potential target. Those who have said they saw the figure met with an uncertain death or bad-fortune,” the idealness of the plane made it ever so eerie.

“Suppose a person had a full-on conversation?”

“I’ve no idea,” her tensed expression relaxed into a smile, “-a myth is a myth. I don’t think this Alexia person exists. Probably some fantasy made by a drunkard.”

‘Was it a premonition, did it foretell the possible future?’ wondered he along the journey. ‘Wrong, far from it.’ The plane didn’t only have him and Aceline, no, there was another entity, one unseen to the human eye; Miss Alexia.

“See,” thought Staxius, “-the stories about you are related to death. You have the aura of an Angel of Death.”

“No, no,” returned she telepathically, “-I refuse to say a word on the matter. I’m not an Angel of Death; I’m Alexia, a manager.”

“Don’t get it twisted. Tis blatant to see how thee doesn’t belong on this realm. There’s but one thing to do, go back, else misfortune might befall another.”

“LEAVE ME ALONE,” cried she. Following a gesture, a portal opened to suck Alexia into the Hall of Rebirth.

‘How did an angel manage to escape. Those things fly over the world to distribute the news of death and the misfortune carried with it. I know for certain there’s no way for them to become sentient and have their thoughts. The angels are made for one purpose, to help souls to the afterlife or kill those misfortuned enough to witness the presence. Consciousness and a story, a potential recipe for disaster. Glad it’s taken care of,’ the body relaxed to peer outside. The clouds over yonder came in various shapes and sizes, and soon, the mind had a fun activity of discerning shapes.

The trip to Alphia didn’t happen on a whim. He had made plans to remain in Hidros for another month to study how Apexi evolves. Duty had called, Godfather Renaud to be precise. There had been another incident – one costing the Lerado’s half of their fighting force. The details were as followed; Lerado was ready to exchange money for narcotics close to their base. A normal and easy transaction, however, this time, Public Safety got involved. Two detectives managed to track down the deal and report to the Anti-Narco unit. The latter were ruthless and soon, without the worry of repercussion, a shoot-out between the unit and the underworld factions started. Nothing more could be found on the matter. It made no show in the news, the Anti-Narco Unit was just as bad as the underworld members. If nothing was done, Lerado would be wiped and the Jefferson’s would become the sole representative in Alphia – thus profits would be handed to Godfather Stanley.

Seven long hours later; Marrowy came to sight. The landing, hard as it was, seemed easy in the talented pilots’ hand. Giving a salute without need for refueling, the plane turned to return from whence they came. Cake had more work for the pilots as the monarch of Easel Run Gard was due to meet with Queen Gallienne.

*Clang,* opened the closed hangar. Behind, the jet turned to nothing more than an outline in the sky.

“Where are we?” asked she looking all over.

“Marrowy,” said he pushed against the massive sliding doors, “-the airfield to be more precise.”

“It’s barren and alone, there’s not even a control tower. Why not use the one other planes uses?” she referred to public airports.

“No can do,” the hangar stood opened with dust levitating, “-its easier to use this place. No waiting line and people will not dare to use it; have thee seen the run-way and scenery?”

“Yeah,” she entered tactfully, it was as if a cat trying to touch water, “-are we allowed here?” her voice echoed.

“No,” the outline of a car came from the back,”-it would have been trespassing a few months ago. The airfield is owned by Phantom,” he pulled onto a dark-sheet revealing the less than pretty EDO-4. “She’s gotten dirty,” the headlight toggled with a silent groan. “Wait outside,” he drove, got off, shut the hangar, got in, had Aceline seated, then accelerated down the valley on route to Melmark.

“I was wondering, what am I going to do from now on?”

“Ansoft, the ex-agency has no business with a dead idol. Apexi is all the way in Hidros. I did say I would have you be in the spotlight – there are legions of young idols who support thee out there. Don’t worry about the ‘hows’, trust me. I made sure the thing about thy death be nothing but a rumor.”

“The smirk makes me wonder – what sort of deal have thee struck?” asked she rather sharply.

“I pulled some strings and became the sponsor for an upcoming film. I’ll give you the script later. Just know, the agency we’re working with is Ecliprises.”

“Shut up,” her head turned in shock, “-the Ecliprises?”

“Yes, the third most popular filmmaking studio in the world, I know.”


“Do you think I rested on my laurels for those two months?”

“Where have we headed now?” her voice spiked with excitement and energy.

“To Melmark, the business district – there’s an audition.”

Ecliprises, an agency worth in the billions. They were close and very picky about the actors and actresses. Said pickiness was what had them skyrocket into the world of film-making. Emphasis is placed on quality as opposed to quantity and the iron-will to not fall prey to what is popular. Negotiations took days of back and forth -éclair did most of the talking as an assistant to Staxius. In the end, he was welcomed to financially help in the coming movie. A murder-mystery from the glimpses given over the phone. The pulling factor was the dead Aceline. Her accident would be taken as a publicity stunt for the movie – her re-appearance would bring so much attention. The people from marketing couldn’t ignore her influence. The director was swayed by money and a priceless talent.

The capital city came over the horizon, a multiple of high reaching buildings. They had no idea what was going to be dropped on them. Going round the outer capital road, he continued to the East. A place farther from the Business district, a closed compound with Ecliprises Studios written in bold.

Stopped short of the entrance, a guard asked for their purpose. The casual exchange occurred and soon, access was granted into the world of cinema. Her eyes had the glimmer of a child brought to the park. Many buildings serving a vast amount of purpose had people in costumes walking.

*Set 05,* went by on a sign. A dark-black building with 05 written, stood menacingly. The car parked, he stepped out to escort Aceline inside. There, a lady was kind enough to guide them to the auditioning room.

“How does it feel?”

“I’m beyond words,” her hands trembled, “-this feeling, I haven’t been excited in a while.” Soon to arrive, a queue of actresses of renown sat with their managers. The latter held formal conversations on the phone while the former practiced their lines.

Another assistant came to hand a copy of the script, *The Casefiles of Blair Riley.*

None cared any less about who was there or not. “My lady, do you work here?” asked Staxius politely.

“Y-yes, I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do to advance the queue. Please, wait with the others,” she repeated an answer of which had been said so many times before.

“No, no,” he shook his head, “-I’m Mr. Haggard, could I see the Director?”

“I-I’m sorry b-but m-managers aren’t allowed to meet the Director unless called for.” The simple request he made had the other managers turned with malicious glares.

“It’s fine,” he smiled to defuse the situation. The assistant went away.

“éclair, get a hold of the Producer, tell him we’ve come.”

“Orders confirmed, any particulars might I add?”

“Do it in the most threatening way possible.”


“Why do you want to meet the director so badly?” asked Aceline who went over her lines.

“Focus, we need thee in top-shape.” The two-double doors inside which conducted the auditions barged open. A multiple of staff came in haste with the Director and the Producers.”

“Good afternoon, Mr. Haggard,” said the Director tipping his beret.

“Good afternoon, Director.”

“It’s true,” voiced the producer, “-Lady Aceline is alive and well.”

“Let’s not waste time,” said Staxius.

“Y-yes,” gulped the Producer, “-Director, let’s have her audition.”

“Sure,” he cast a reluctant gaze.

“Let’s go,” they followed to empty the once crowded space.

Aceline was taken to a separate room leaving Staxius and Mr. Drowney, the executive producer, alone.

“About the budget,” said he in a lowered voice.

“I said it beforehand; money is not an issue. I have a team working to evaluate the approximate cost of the movie – if the margin goes beyond 10 percent, consider the deal voided.”

“Yes sir, we would never think of stealing.”

“About the other condition.”

“Depends on the director’s choice, there’s nothing much I can do.”

“Mr. Drowney, in no way do I intend to compromise thy situation. Aceline would not enjoy the prospect of having bought her way into the movie. Just make sure the Director doesn’t use his prejudice – the strong-headed man might be renowned in the world of cinema, but...”

“I understand, Sir, I’ll do what is in my power.” Soon, an assistant came to fetch, the sense of relief was palpable.

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