
Chapter 517

“It was no trouble,” he smiled, “-the methodology I used is simple, I rather not get into details since what I pursue is deemed unworthy and heresy.” A bite at those who viewed from their comfortable heavenly seats, looking down onto those who made mistakes while trying things of new.

“Before I taste,” the pace slowed to have a gentle glimmer in the otherwise blank stare, “-if this is truly the blood of an elder dragon, then my boy, I’ll have no option than to bypass the whole judgment process. I will not shudder in using my wildcard to have you become a respected chef, trust me on that.”

“Wildcard?” the inquiry of Emi and the crowd turned towards Chef Agneo.

Left-right, he watched, paused, breathed, then,”-fine,” the stance relaxed.

“Could you please tell us a bit more?” wondered she, and once again, Kyle, who had put his heart and soul in the dish was ignored for the unusualness of Igna. Frustration couldn’t be put in actions let alone words. Heavy sighs permeated as a result... the judges took to the stage and waited behind the Virtuoso of ingredients. ‘Again,’ he scanned the audience, ‘-he stole the spotlight again... my dish is the best this competition has ever seen. The judges were left on their knees, how is he able to garner such promotion without effort. Where’s Syndra, surely my fiancé is watching me instead of him...”

“The wildcard is as the name describes. In the unfortunate moment where someone has been misjudged – Lord Amsey has the power to grant any candidate the desired collar of which he deems fit for the participant.”


“I understand,” and so did the audience.

“Igna sure knows how to make a scene,” said Julius in jest.

“I don’t know,” shrugged lady Haru, “-he’s just the same old boy I found lost so many months ago.”

“Don’t reminisce,” fired Courtney, “-tis my son thou art speaking for. He’s not dead.”

“Excuse me,” said a shaken tone.

“Elvira?” wondered Haru as the lady dashed out per a phone call.

Lights, audience, and critic, they glued onto a single spoon moving towards an old man’s mouth. Shut in the same manner as a gate, he stared at the ceiling in awe, the spoon returned softly at the table. A white glow outlined the wrinkles on his face, “-the blood of an elder dragon grants the user youth and reverts the clock by 40 years,” the grey hair amassed color to turn dark-red mixed with black, “-or so said the rumors,” he smiled through pearly white teeth. The cheeks and body went from limp to straight and confident, “-Igna,” grey pupils adorned by white flakes reverted to black and deep, “-you’re a monster.”

“Why?” he smirked.

“Don’t you dare say this wasn’t planned,” he approached holding an aura of prestige and fame, “-I can see it in thine eyes, this was the moment you waited for.”

“I won’t deny it,” he smiled, “-I knew the audience would be taken aback by dungeon-style cooking, still, I had to make sure they hated me so that no one else tasted the meal before you. I did do my research, I found out the reason why Chef Leko is so alienated from the culinary world, tis the same reason why you personally came on stage. This here is a gift from me to you, Lord Amsey, a thank you for allowing unconventional cooks to shine dimly but fully.”

“No, no,” he glanced at the crowd then returned, “-I know my history with monsters. Dragons are rare and majestical, the boon of reverting one’s age doesn’t come with simply drinking the blood, it’s prepared using an ancient ritual none knows about.”

“Cooking,” said Igna, “-before potions people used to mix magic into pills, sweets, or meals. The only way to extract mana in that era was through cooking and adding the touch personally. Tis taken for granted now, using potions when things get through is almost second nature. I tell you, if not for a certain alchemist and founder of a certain field of research, we would have not seen this change.”

“How were you able to do so?”

“A recipe is a chef’s hidden weapon. I hope you understand. The boon of youth came at a price that I already paid for. Don’t worry, Lord Amsey, the effects were meant for thine pallet only.”

“You saying anyone who tastes the dish now is?”

“Is only going to experience the taste, not the effect.”

A man turned back time onto his own body per a single bite of food. The whole amphitheater rattled at such an ungodly prospect. Potions, magic, who cares, the world of adventuring was always fascinating. They viewed it as a privilege to be able to fight against the monsters – now, facing them was a new breed of unknown. An insolent young cook acquired an ingredient many, many people sought after for years and even decades. The only sighting of dragons was a decade ago per a certain guild listing.

“Effect aside, I’ll taste the dish itself.” Old age had dulled the senses, he missed enjoying the taste of good food which resulted in the distant and listless expression. Returned to his prime, the scent, taste, and every single detail didn’t escape, the voice had the power and vigor returned as well.

‘Look at them gawk,’ thought Igna, ‘-scheming my way to this point was tough. I don’t want to do that again... the blood of a Dragon, they think I’ve killed one just to obtain such a worthless commodity. Piglet went and stuck a syringe inside the elder dragon’s bottom, the image is burnt into my mind, I can’t forget... it’s hilarious,’ he sneered, ‘-the onslaught of the insult he got, as a result, was even funnier. Totrya is a cheerful place.’

“Amazing,” said Amsey, “-it doesn’t compare to what the others have made here today. By my goddess Syhton, the way the tinges of the monster flesh working in harmony quenches the palette by warm pats down my neck. Igna Haggard, you’ve gained my respect and admiration. For one so young and for one who fought through so much absurdity to produce this work of art, I’m honored.”

“Lord Amsey, please, there’s no need for such things.”

“You bet it’s necessary,” he spun to the judges, “-you, you, and you,” cold and straight-faced, “-go and taste his dish. Yuki, Yanni,” side-glancing the platform, “-come here this instant.”

One by one, a single spoon had the taster fall onto their knees. The explosion of fierceness and power shook their very cores. Igna made it to a point where ranking didn’t matter. “Members of the esteemed audience,” said Amsey taking the microphone, “-heed me well. What I’ve witnessed today is a thing of divinity, granting an old man the gift of youth once again – tis the ultimate show of what Dungeon-Styled Cooking is capable of. Chef Leko, a man I dubbed Carnage, has found the perfect sous-chef for their adventures into such dangerous lands. Kyle Darker isn’t to be trifled with either, he has the potential to outclass even Chef Yanni, and I believe it wholeheartedly. Tis a shame I wasn’t able to taste the other participant’s dishes. Nonetheless, I see that the culinary world is only going to get bigger and better,” he moved to stand at Igna’s side, “-Igna Haggard,” a butler came with a silver-lid plate, “-I chose thee to bear the nickname of Alchemist,” the lid lifted to reveal a black-color collar, “-this here is a special color since it doesn’t define thy abilities. Tis the color of the unknown and the unjudged. Aside from you, Chef Yuki also bears the same color, well, tis a fitting end for you’ve vowed to never stand at her side.”

“Yes.” Amsey personally wrapped it around Igna’s neck, “-I suppose the battle between you and Yuki has come to an end?” the duo stood face to face.

“Medusa of Cooking,” said Igna, “-I’m here not because of what you taught me, take that to heart. I won’t ever forgive the torture I was put through during the supposed training. I won’t forgive you turning thy back on me after hearing comments about Kyle’s dish,” the center of the stage lit to showcase the two, prodigy and master. Those around contented in stepping into the shadows.

“This is far from what Chef Leko did for Kyle, he at least knew how to provoke the boy into becoming better. All you wanted was to have someone who’d cook boringly,” to which he turned and took out another dish, “-here’s the dish Kyle made for graduation, I recreated it with ease. Go on, have a taste.”

She grudgingly accepted, “-amazing,” the spoon returned to the plate. A look of woe flashed her face, the hands and feet moved nervously.

“You never really believed in me, the seven months at Loron was because lady Elvira forced you to do so. Anyway, what is done is done, I hereby break all my ties with you, your family, and anything to do with Loron. Good-bye,” he faced away, “-one more thing,” he dug his pockets, “-the bandana you gave me was nice while it lasted,” it flung to rest at her feet.

In the distance, “-Lord Amsey, everything is over, right?”

“Yes,” he nodded.

“Then I’ll take my leave,” heavy clops echoed, a single spotlight followed him heading for the backstage area through the audience. All stood on their feet and watched in silence. The blow to her ego and pride shifted their attention, Yanni approached to give a hug, “-there, there,” said she as if a big sister, “-it had to happen.”

The ceremony continued, the participants were given their colored collars and congratulated by their mentors. Those in support of Kyle stood at his side; a lid revealed the sought-after collar, “-per the institute, we deem you, Kyle Darker, befitting the highest grade. This is but a stepping stone into the real world, there are more awards out in the wild to be gathered. You’ve taken the first step into a thunderstorm, destiny is in thy hands, walk, crumble, or persevere, you decide.”

“Thank you, everyone, for making the trip to Cle,” said Emi taking the stage, the lights turned off, “-we have special guests here this evening to put an end to the eventful ceremony.” The cooking stations gave way to a magnificent piano at the center, “-Prince Julius Haggard and Princess Lizzie Haggard have requested to perform a little piece for the entertainment of all.” Music enthusiasts rushed onto their seats, hearing the princess perform live was a once-in-a-lifetime event, none could dare to leave after her entrance. She and her brother gracefully walked onto the stage, she wore a lovely white dress paired with light green as her brother wore a fitting tuxedo. He took the microphone and she seated near the instrument. A push and the piano hummed melodically, it started slow and painful, Julius waited for a certain note. A high-pitched resolve had him start at a low tone, she went from high to low, while he went from low to high, two masters performed.

Out in the corridor leading outside, “-Elvira, is something the matter?” approached Lady Haru. The outside was mellow and orange, dusk wandered without their knowledge. The event took more time than anticipated.

“Yeah,” she returned checking for prying eyes, “-we’re in trouble. The Empire is starting to move, I don’t know when or why, but they appear to be getting ready for a war.”

“A war?” said Courtney, “-impossible, the Federation has more firepower.”

“That’s the thing, they’re moving to wage war, not on Hidros, but reclaiming the land of Elendor and Dreqai.”

“Old Cray is up to no good again,” sighed Haru as it was usual for the war-hungry king to move his forces where he pleased.

“No,” said Elvira with a shaken smile, “-the orders came from the Emperor.”

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