
Chapter 564

“Shut it,” refuted Igna. Time was nigh, it was back to Rotherham. The interior, robust, simple, and efficient. The advance squad sat in order, some moved about, and others discussed missions or debriefed to the leader’s command. A little out of place, he made till the upper area and sat where Julius told to. To and fro made the simple take-off feel heavy and charged.

‘And my time here is done,’ thought he, the plane lifted. ‘A single day and all of this occurred. Feels like another world. Suppose merging with Origin made it worthwhile. I can use magic once again, the mana manipulation arts is limitless. Things are looking up, well, I’d like to think so.’ Notification blasted into his face, calls from Lady Courtney, Julius, and Alicia, most of all, éclair. Once putting the lenses, “-ABOUT TIME!”

“Chill,” voiced he.

“No, I’ve been in the dark for two days. What happened, where have you been?”

“Look through my memories, the answer should be there.”

“Fine, no need to be standoffish.”


Halfway into the flight, a figure slipped onto the next seat, black hair and fierce eyes. “Shall we catch up?” asked she leaned to envelop his seat.

“Do you mind?” returned he unimpressed, “-still got the habit of exposing cleavage.”

“And that’s why I love you,” she settled pretty easily, “-where were you for 6 years?”

“I was killed by Lucifer and Eira. Happened in Iqeavea. Remember the mission to help border control, apparently, it was a trap. No idea what happened after that. I found myself watching me, as Igna. The barrier broke, and we merged. Mind and soul, I’m Staxius. Name and body, Igna. It doesn’t matter. The fresh start gives perspective. What about you, how’s handling Arda been?”

“A mess,” she half-heartedly sighed, “-glad we got out of there.”

“Are things that bad in Arda?”

“Terrible. The Blood-King’s faction is doing fine. Lady Elvira and I made sure to round the clan leaders. We’re a neutral party, similar to the Haggard’s departure from the Federation. Tension is high, Elendor’s keeping us together at the moment, no idea when it might break.”

“Sorry about that,” said he a little concerned for abandoning such a task on her.

“No worry,” said she, “-I quite enjoyed playing politics.”

“Enjoyed playing politics. It truly was just a game.”

“Don’t get me wrong,” her posture straightened, “-tis a game of cat and mouse. On another note, what’s the deal with you, what now?”

“Trying to make a career in Alphia. There are a few things amiss. Remember Aceline?”

“The pride of Hidros, of course, I know. She was murdered, right?”

“Wrong, we actually revived her, quite a tedious story for another time,” the gaze escaped to the passing clouds.

“Don’t want to talk about it. No problem,” she stood, “-let’s go over the details behind a nice dinner later, my treat.”

“Sure,” he nodded. ‘éclair, can I have an update on what Serene’s doing here?’

“The lady is shadowing Prince Julius, learning about the intricacies of Xenon and the underworld. She’s secretary to the current head of the family, your lady mother. Results so far are worthwhile, Arda doesn’t dare make a move on the alliance because of her.”

‘I get it, the closest confidant turned coat to a neutral party. Prince Julius and princess Lizzie are other issues entirely.’

Blond locks snuck to glance over the next seat. Blue eyes sparkled in the well-lit interior. The blueness outside befitted her visage, “-Lady Viola,” said he matching her gaze, “-stop being a cat, join me already.”

“Sorry about that,” she cleared her throat and sat, “-it’s been quite a while.”

“No joke,” he gave a once-over. “-Undrar, you’ve grown into a very beautiful lady.”

“Ha-ha,” the face remained dull, “-I’ve got more than a few complaints. Need I remind, you pulled me from the hall of rebirth onto the mortal plane to then disappear. We did a few quests then you up and left with responsibilities on my shoulder.”

“I know, I know. I dumped most of my work onto others. Call it outsourcing...”

“Shut up,” she slammed the seat, “-no way, I’m pissed,” the mild expression before was naught but a trap. A sweet innocent bunny holding a knife and murderous intent.

“Ok, ok. Let me explain.” Thus, for the next fifteen minutes – he spared no details and told everything. “To conclude, I’ve inherited Scifer’s will as well as the duty of becoming king of the monsters.”

“Seriously,” her head hang low, “-so much happened. You died for god’s sake.”

“Well,” pointing to Kniq’s emblem, “-memories of old is what kept me so long. What’s happened to attaining divinity. Demi-Goddess, shouldn’t you be a goddess by now?”

“Jokes on you,” said she leering at his neck, “-I ascended into a higher-being a few years ago. Undrar, the bringer of death, separated from me, Viola, to perform her godly duties. I wield the power of an angel still.”

“Why separate?”

“Really?” shadows covered her empty gaze, “-I stayed because of you, idiot. I enjoy the mortal plain, grown fond of it. The heir of Lord Death died; the element didn’t change host. Left quite a mess. To fill the empty spot, Undrar took on the mantle of the current god of death besides Lord Death. ”

“Why speak in the third person?”

“Because Undrar is another being,” said she, “-we share most things. Consciousness isn’t one of them.”


“Speechless?” she remarked in jest.

“Yeah, very much so. Can’t believe how most things have altered. What about the personal life; made a family yet?”

“Yes,” said she proudly, “-matter of fact, I’m a mother.”

“Mother?” a brow rose, “-stop lying.”

“It’s true.”

“Stop right there,” palm to her face, “-the wind of lies, I sense it.”

“Just a passing gust,” returned she sternly. “Jokes aside, I watch over an Orphanage back in Aria. Adventurers, no, climbers, die almost daily. Some leave behind massive families, up to us to take care of them. Phantom has helped a lot, Lady Elvira in particular, she sends funds, provides food and weapons,” her reminiscing followed into, “-the students often become Climbers. At the age of 16, they can either go out into the world, stay until 18, or venture up the tower. I’ve trained so many young recruits who’ve gone on and became Silver-tier adventurers.”

Igna sat and watched, a slight grin showed fulfillment. “Sorry, did I ramble?”

“Not really,” said he, “-I’m glad for the children. Being trained by an angel isn’t something to be laughed at.”

“Shut it. Anyway, what now, what about you?”

“Nothing at the moment. Viola, tis a good time to say, I won’t be calling on thy help. The kids have a home and a charming instructor.”

“I know,” she held his hands, “-already made my peace with it. I’m not strong, my power dwindles every year. I’ll die the same as a human and fully merge with Undrar. Good things don’t last.”

“I’m sorry,” the gaze lowered in shame.

“Don’t misunderstand-” she pinched.

“My cheeks,” he squirmed.

“-This isn’t goodbye. I’ll be in touch. We’re family. The time spent apart made me realize, you’re the only one I can truly feel at ease with. Even now, the long reunion feels second to none, it feels right.”

“I agree, being able to say things otherwise kept secret. I won’t apologize, instead, let me thank you for everything, Viola,” he bowed,”-I appreciate all the support and patience, I’m grateful.”

“Shut up,” she pulled his head on her lap, “-I accept the sentiment,” her fingers went through the hair, “-I’ll always help. We started, walked, and parted ways. I was immature and you were a kid, time made us wiser. I’m happy, happier than fighting for the sake of fighting. The difficulty will only increase from here on. Remember,” she gave a soft peck, “-I’ll always be on thy side.”

The plane landed at 17:32. Prince Julius took command and directed the troops onto their next duties. Healers and medics headed for the hospital. Smiles and overall bliss carried on in conversations. They’d saved an outpost; the gratification, a sense of achievement, and fulfillment.

‘I’m 2 days into the trip and already this much has happened.’ Transport for the hotel waited. Serene and Viola made for the skyscraper, Julius took a car for the train station.

‘A long walk seems fair,’ thought he stood at the first bus stop. Behind, after empty roads, stone walls, buildings, and the dome-shaped roof of the university of Magiology. He took a detour for the town-square, a relatively empty lot separating the university and the hospital. Further along the square came the mall. Mostly self-sufficient, the shops were of brands associated with Elon’s Empire and Phantom’s many ventures. This year alone, Elvira bought out countless companies, some thriving, some cutting losses. Her talent in business made the thriving into colossal and the poor into resilient businesses. Unlike other times, Rotherham opened its gate to visitors. Access to the military and research area was tightly guarded, to which they expanded more to the south. The ease of travel by train made it somewhat popular. Clearer, technologically more advanced, and efficient, the feel differed tremendously from the capital.

The town itself, where the hoodlums and local gangs resided was the same. Illegal activities ran rampant; the Dark-Guild controlled the whole vicinity, thus limiting the damage. It actually made it visitable. Godfather Renaud had a mansion towards the outer edge of town, a massive area supervised by his elite guards. Such pressure alone didn’t require law enforcement for the familia made their own. Officially a Dukedom, Duchess Haggard’s word was the law.

A mall next to a university and hospital; good or not, the opinions differed. The clean streets and artistic design felt like a dream. ‘First time visiting the mall,’ off the popular couple’s destination and onto the concrete stairs, neon lights, cleanly displayed, and refined advertisement. Looks alone screamed wealthy. Once inside, people were up and about. Security stood strong, couples, families, students. A private high school opened three years ago, emphasis was on student autonomy. The University gradually allowed for more subjects without dropping its prestige.

‘Classy restaurants overlooking the yard. When was this even built?’

“Six years is a long time. Construction completed in around three years. Lady Elvira’s objective was always to make Phantom flourish. Her foresight led to Rotherham being a worthy town.”

“No more trivia,” voiced he, “-I’m hungry. Let’s pick it up at a later date?”

“Fine, the bike is on its way. Enjoy the finer details of what the town has to offer.”

‘He’s right,’

Elvira’s office burnt, reports of the spies had her in shock. “-The empire’s invaded the country.”

“We’re lucky,” said Serene, “-if not for Igna, the situation would have never been brought to light.”

“What about Aria?”

“Still the same,” said Viola, “-Julius did a good job leading the troops. Didn’t expect to meet Igna so soon. My job’s done here. Report if things get rough.”

“Viola,” called Elvira, “-I appreciate the help.”

“Don’t mention it,” she winked and left.

“Serene, are they being interrogated?”

“Yeah. One of them is already talking. We should have more information during the week. Uncovering the spy ring is a must.”

“I know,” sat strongly behind the desk, “-call in the nightwalkers. They’re best for these assignments. I’ll handle the guild and her majesty.”

The evening turned to dusk, the skyscrapers gleamed in a blueish hue. The night was another scene. People flocked to the mall, high-schoolers weren’t as common as university students. Cheap alcohol in hand; others with books and laptops, the price of living wasn’t much. Looks were deceiving.

‘No luck in Leko’s investigation. What are they doing, the cause of death is still suicide.’ Dinner arrived swiftly, ‘-why did he die, who killed him?’ the chosen place to eat was a bar. Counters had people chatting and drinking. He sat facing the yard, the cold nightly breeze enhanced the meal’s appearance. ‘Food...’ taking a bite, ‘-wait, I’m looking at this the wrong way. Tis not how he died, but who would benefit from the death. Don’t tell me,’ a suspect came to mind, ‘-the wife...’


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