
Chapter 574

The fatigued seagull-hair specter crawled out the bed into the living room. ‘-What’s her deal?’ thought he sneaking few glances. The heavy dark circle snapped to his hand and stuffed mouth. “Food,” she mumbled. Arms stretched seekingly for the meal, head slightly tilted of which the darkened locks ran down the shoulders forth.

“Stay away,” said he with fingers joined in a cross, “-don’t come any closer,” the right leg lifted to stop the advances.

“Give me food,” she said.

“No, get away,” he gulped the remaining breakfast to smirk. “-Sea-weed zombie, you need be cleansed by the holy water of a steaming shower.”

“I get it,” she pulled back her hair around the ears, “-no need to say I’m dirty, I know.”

“Good,” he pinched his nose, “-go take a shower already. Smells like a wet dog, if latter had rolled around in a dump of dung, took a stroll to a fish-drying stack, leaped into the infamous sewer of bubbling excrement, and then proceeded to soil itself.”


“Really?” said she in a straight-face, “-do I smell that bad?”

“Yeah you do,” returned he without much care.

“You saying you don’t l-like m-me?” her tone sunk, “-I-Igna w-was our n-night that hopeless?”

“Stop playing around,” refuted he whilst checking the news, “-I’ve ordered breakfast, take a shower and forgo the grim.”

“Yeah, whatever,” she skipped around the foot barrier to latched onto his person, “-if I smell, so shall you, dearest partner,” just like that, an attacker snuck into the castle walls to steal the treasure of which was a kiss. “Later.”

‘What a mess.’ Lenses materialized, “-good morning éclair,” the interface booted, a white-line scanned the room and left wireframes in its wake.

“Good morning,” returned the spirit, “-Igna, there’s a lot of things on the agenda today.”

“I’m all ears.”

“Alright. The restraining of Princess Eira has been canceled. Queen Gallienne’s opted for another course of action. The incident concerning Reforge and the sudden invasion have been handled after much debate. A subsidiary of a parent company has undertaken the rebuilding of the outpost. To fill the lack of personnel, the military has deployed a few soldiers to serve the front line. Codd’s agency has horned on a massive lead in Nao’s case. As for us, the drug’s been fully synthesized by Clarise.”

‘-Things are moving along.’

“About today’s schedule. We’re to meet the Alchemist, then head for the adventuring academy per lady Haru’s request, and lastly, meet an interested party for dinner at Loron’s.”

“About Loron,” he paused, “-will bringing a few guests of mine be strenuous?”

“No, the party’s bringing their own entourage.”

“Alright, I’ll ask Celina if she wishes to join us for dinner. Have a car be readied to take her home and back, I want the best.”

“Understood,” the display dimmed to allow a moment of rest.

‘My prediction’s coming true. Please don’t tell me...’ another realization hit, ‘-if party-crashers show up...’

*Bang, bang, bang,*

“Silence you oaf,” the lock clicked, “-don’t bring the door down,” it opened to an unsightly scene.

“Good morning, Cousin...” said Julius slumped by the weight of Dei and Emi. Suga, meanwhile, dragged his feet along the red carpet of the hallway – consciousness spiraled in the rollercoaster world of his making. “-Sorry for the trouble,” the ajar entrance flung, Dei stumbled to faceplant into the couch. Emi kept her posture, strong and beautiful, and passed his shadow. He watched pleasantly, confident about her ironclad stomach. Few steps in, the arrow of a posture buckled to fall over the other couch.

“More drinks,” said Suga in only underpants, “-more drinks!” he knelt at the door in motion to hurl.

‘These party animals,’ dash to the kitchen and back, a plastic bag mercilessly wrapped around his ears. The weightlessness soon gained to hang. A beard made of vomit, quite the amusing display. Skipped an hour later, the drunks leaned on one another.

“Cousin Julius, what was it about keeping an eye on them?”

“Egh,” he gulped, “-they snuck and went bar-hopping.”

“Should have expected as much,” he sighed. Alicia carefully moved to tend to the stars. Embarrassment made it hard to look, ‘-was I the same as them?’ she wondered.

“Cousin,” called Julius, “-is the rumor true?”

“What rumor?”

“About you and Alicia...”

“Yeah, we’re a couple.”

“She’s pretty,” said he, “-pretty random.”

“Say that again,” they chuckled, “-listen, cousin, I have to leave to the adventuring academy. Use the room as long as is needed.”

“Sure, what about Alicia?”

“Why not ask her?”

*Clop, clop, clop,* “-anything the matter?”

“Don’t look so bashful,” remarked Igna, “-it gives another emote.”

“Shut it,” returned she, “-you sadist.”

“Ha-ha,” laughter escaped, “-pardon me, ha-ha,” the princely charm shook in mirth. It took a few to settle, “-Alicia, cousin Igna’s headed for the academy, what will you do?”

“I’m staying,” said she, “-we ought to care for them.”

10:00 shown on the watch, from a jet to a train, the journey happened effortlessly. The academy waited atop the vexing staircase. Students gathered around the dormitories. A festive air lingered; excitement and anticipation screamed on the many faces. ‘More active than before,’ he climbed.

The prior visit to lady Clarise proved eventful. She and her own manic laboratory relocated to the university, rose from a drunkard stupor. ‘why am I running into alcoholics,’ he wondered.

“Igna,” flailed she, “-over here.”

“Are you drunk?” asked he.

“Just a little,” *hic,* “-the drug is potent. I managed to remove the poison. Just the smell can knock out a veteran. I can say for sure, this is the handy work of the off-shore research lab,” the dazed state faded, “-the effects dissipate fairly quickly. Here,” she showed variations, “-the one that killed Leko is here, and the one published in the papers is here. It can’t be an imposter; the substance is made from the ground up using expensive equipment. The technology is available to only us and the Cobalt-unit. The assassination was a botched job. Else, the drug wouldn’t have been found. Something must have happened during their exchange.”

“A bruise,” voiced he.

“You knew?” asked she.

“Yes, I had éclair made an exact copy of the body. My doubts were at foul-play, must have evaded my thoughts, emotions are a powerful tool to fight and to forget.”

“Speculation leads me to this. The killing of Leko wasn’t intentional. There’s nothing to gain in doing so.”

“Wrong,” voiced he, “-there’s someone who stands to gain. The facts are well-hidden, which doesn’t surprise why people would be puzzled. The best-hidden secrets are out in the open. We didn’t once think of questioning the person’s intent. A narrative of them being the victim had a view with compassion and sympathy. Leko’s wife stands to gain.”

“Didn’t she say the school would be a greater burden?”

“A lie, obviously.”

The safety glasses laid in between her fingers, “-the school’s home to prominent families and dynasties.”

“Right, I don’t need to say anymore. Good job on clearing my suspicion. The botched job means an amateur did the killing, and another covered their tracks. Two parties are involved,” that in mind, the lively campus hoisted against the blueish sky. Posters advertised a coming festival. Many were busy gathering raw materials for signs and decorations. ‘Lady Haru’s leaving the academy today.’ He walked, ‘-Clarise gave me antidotes against the poison. The assassin should be at the academy. Can’t be careless. I have a bad feeling about this.’

Short-lived memories flooded. Today would be the last time he stepped foot within its vicinity. The journey of being a trader halted completely and so did the dive into cooking. Goes to show, not all effort is rewarded, not all hard work is acknowledged. The more one strives for a certain path; the sharper grows the thorns. Ghosting past the crowd, the office building waited. An ominous gale blew onto the cobblestone path. The windows, doorways, and additional decorations merged to form a fearsome expression. ‘Annoying pareidolia.’

“Igna,” hailed Haru, “-over here,” she sat off the premises.

“Didn’t realize there was a garden here too,” he joined her company.

“Not many students come around here. The office is like a nightmare for them, being called equals to expulsion. There’s even the belief that good fortune befalls those who never have to enter the office’s surroundings. The administration is ostentatious, a big cry for affection. I’m glad,” the lips relaxed, “-to be freed from this racist and sexist organization. Demi-humans aren’t viewed in good light. The queen’s attempt helped, falling nobles, crumbling dynasties, many see Arda as the culprits. It’s very common among the upper-class. Getting harassed, treated as a plaything for the sake of profanity. Leko helped, the trader’s guild never had much to show. He took on the responsibility to carry us. I’m sorry to spring this on you.”

“No problem,” said he, “-lady Haru, you’re leaving, right?”

“Yes, my students in Arda waits. I’m the Guild Master when said and done. Our haven is at risk, the new leadership vows to seclude the kingdom from the world. If that happens, we’ll be feared the same as was so many years ago. Nothing’s changed, they’re all the same.”

“Lady Haru,” gestured an innocent-looking lady, “-how goes it?” she held bottles of juice.

“Carly, how have you been dear,” stood to give a tight embrace, “-Igna, she’s the only one who helped Chef Leko in the kitchen. Her skills with a knife are second to none, I’ve never seen anyone work so fast before. He held her in quite a high standard.”

“Pleasure to make your acquaintance,” said he.

“Likewise, Igna,” a faint nod caught his eye of which she flowed into conversation.

“I do hope lady Leko’s fine,” said he softly.

“Lady Leko?” paused she, “-do you perhaps know her?”

“Yes,” cigar lit, “-her role as the new director couldn’t have been any more perfect. She’s a hard worker. I heard she came to visit the chef before he sadly passed. I can’t help but imagine how she must have felt,” smoke puffed to the skies. Haru listened attentively, in those words laid hints towards a greater picture.

“The burden is certainly hefty to carry,” said she.

“What about you?” asked he, “-how was Chef Leko, I wanted to speak to him about the potential of accepting the offer.”

“What offer?” asked she strongly.

“To be his successor. Didn’t he say?” turned he sternly, “-weren’t you an assistant?”

“I’m afraid not,” she sighed, “standing to your standard is tough, unbelievably so”

‘éclair, run a background check. She doesn’t seem right. The presence, the unfaithful smile, what’s she plotting?’

Haru sweated as she’d often held her shirt to blow.

“Here,” she handed over the juice, “-it’s so hot.”


“Thanks,” she graciously gulped half of the bottle until Igna interrupted.

“Let me have some,” he interjected. The conniving girl watched in pleasure. He sipped to see the Guild Master fall and coughed, her mouth foamed, “-l-lady H-Haru,” he fell in turn, ‘-careless.’

“The job is done. Target’s been eliminated.”

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