
Chapter 582

“Quite the party,” commented Igna. The room emptied, leaving Vorn and Xius to bounced about random ideas.

“I know right,” said Julius, “-this will only grow our influence. The sheer potential is unfathomable, I can’t believe my eyes. They’re gems, unrefined gems waiting to be polished. They have so much potential, I can’t stress it enough.”

“Igna,” called Enna, “-about the contract,” she smiled, “-thanks for everything,” the others followed to bow.

“Now, now,” said he in a cool manner, “-don’t sing my praises yet. There’s much to be accomplished. Don’t sell a bear’s skin without killing it,” turned to face Alicia, “-ladies, I’d like you to meet my partner.”

“Hello,” said Alicia in a very befitting outfit “-nice to meet you.”

“Pardon my asking, are you a model?” wondered Yuna.


“No, no,” she gently shrugged off the attention, “-I’m nothing more than a manager.”

“You’re very pretty for a manager,” said Sheiwai suddenly stood behind, “-very gentle hair smells nice too.”

“Thank you for the compliment,” said she stepping back.

“Cousin,” spoke Igna, “-I have a proposition.”

“Go ahead,” said he.

“I’d like to make Alicia the new manager of Vorn,” turned to the concerned parties, “-if they don’t mind, of course.”

“But Igna,” argued Alicia grabbing his hand, “-I’m your manager.”

“Sorry, I don’t think much of the world of music. More pressing issues wait far in the distance. I can’t leave you idle. Help Vorn grow, it’s a favor for me.”

“Don’t look at me like that,” her eyes averted shyly, “-I’ll do it.”

“I knew I can always count on you,” he smiled, “-Enna, is it settled?”

“Sure,” they nodded with a certain look of disdain. The question was clear but none wanted to speak. “Are you two dating?” inquired Nerilina nonchalantly.

“Yes,” replied Igna.

“We’re a couple. Sorry for the confusion. Shall we discuss what to do next?” the ladies soon parted to a different room. Nola and Enna chuckled on the way out.

“Goodness,” smiled Julius, “-you’re as popular with the ladies as I remember.”

“Cousin, surely you jest, they were most definitely attracted to thy princely charm.”

“Oh please.”

5th of April, the jet reached the border of Arda and Dorchester. Serene waited for the courteous welcome. A tall bridge went over the bottomless canyon. A single glance down and vertigo would punch the strongest of men. For the only access point, security was lax. Most of the faction’s forces were in border skirmishes. “I still can’t believe the absurd plan’s happening.”

“Leave it to us,” smiled Igna, “-guide us to Apid’s village.” The trio moved south on an off-road jeep. The lush forest was as strong as memory served. Over a few mild hills and across the denser forest, the voyage came to a stop at around 17:00. A whole day’s worth of driving. The scale only became apparent, Serene’s pessimism didn’t aspire much confidence.

“Here we are,” said she. Thatch roof, bricked walls protected by a broken wooden fence. The land was clearer as trees were lesser common. A village of demi-humans, one of the lucky survivors from the invasion. “Here,” at the entrance, “-Igna, Julius, the rest is up to you boys. Believe me, when I say this, no one will be angry if you give up. We’ll be in touch. Keep strong and watch yourselves. Monsters are very frequent.”

Wings sprouted, “-I’m off, take care,” and off she bolted into the clear sky. Julius threw a worried glance; the villagers weren’t very inviting. Mothers called on the children, the door was locked.

“Cousin,” called Igna, “-we’re stranded in a waring province.”

“No need to make it dramatic,” grinned he, “-I’ve always dreamed about going of an adventure. This is as good as it gets.”

“Let’s do this then,” a brotherly fist bump marked the start of the journey. A week, a month, vague numbers, the flight from one end of the province to another took on average 5 hours. Thinking about it made it even more depressing.

“First order of business,” said Igna, “-we’ll follow the plan. The wall follows the outline of the border villages. The more we head West, the louder will be the battles. 12 villages and 2 towns, we’ll help in the war effort along our journey.”

“We represent the Blood-King’s faction. Anyone who gets in our way will die,” a long-sword firmly held on Julius’s back. No armor, rather, enchanted clothes courtesy of Phantom’s alchemic and enchantment division. Orenmir and Tharis were at arm’s length.

“Supplies will last us at least three months,” said Julius checking inventory, “-mana induction as fuel. Spare weapons, a sniper rifle...” he squinted, “-Is this necessary?”

“Cousin,” smiled he, “-we’re in a foreign land. Who knows what danger lays ahead. Phantom sure was nice to give the armored jeep. I just wish it had a mounted gun.”

“Don’t get greedy,” refuted Julius, “-let’s start the quest then.” Parked near the broken gates, a quick walk inside gave chills.

‘We’re not invited.’

“There’s been reported kidnapping from this area,” commented éclair, “-adventurers turned rogue. Slavery is a good source of income for the decrepit.”

Ruffling from a bush caught their attention. Doors and windows were sealed shut. On closer inspection, a wild fox jumped to flee into the forest. “False alarm,” said Igna, the pressure had both on edge. The village well sprouted into the distance after a few houses. The dried ground felt most unusual. “Help me, father, don’t leave me to die!” clambered toward the southern exit.

“Cousin,” said over the earpiece, “-we’ve struck gold. The timing couldn’t have been any more perfect. Follow me, we’re going on the roofs, don’t make noise.” They hovered aided by green-colored cloak embedded with wind spirit.

Men stood in an arc as younglings were dragged by the heels. Rough-looking men in armor violently punched and stump if the captive resisted. ‘éclair, enhance the image.’

*Toggling to infiltration mode,* the image zoomed, the noisy lips transcribe to transmit over the channel.

“Good on ya to send away the kids. The boss said to pillage the farm. Looks about right, the war effort has cleaned the fields. As long as they’re something of value, we’ll be on good terms. Don’t bother contacting the guild, our gracious king has decreed the extermination of any inhuman beings.”

“What about the women?” asked one with a knee to a young boy’s throat.

“Don’t care about ’em,” said he, “-worthless old hags. My client likes younger boys.”

The men watched hopelessly; two boys were taken away. Alas, the one who cried earlier had a boiling knife slice away his tongue. The pitiful soul had his face dragged along the dirt with a trail of blood.

Crouched an on the lookout, “-cousin, isn’t the war supposed to be westward?”

“You’re right. Probably bandits working for some higher power. Starting the wall will bring attention. We should reach at least 25% completion before alerting the army. I’m quite impressed, don’t you feel anything towards them?”

“Why would I?” he sighed, “-war is a harsh reality.”

“Alright then,” they jumped, “-let’s go talk to the village elder.”

The hoodlums vanished over a meadowy hill, “-hello,” said Igna.

“Who are you?” inquired the village elder, the men’s hairs stood to no avail.

“Wandering travelers,” added Julius.

“I’m sorry, we cannot afford to provide rations or give basic courtesy. What is it you want?”

“Information,” smiled he, “-those bandits. Do they have a hideout somewhere around here?”

“Judging by your sword,” a comment to Julius, “-are you intent on fighting the bandits?”

“No,” refuted Igna, “-I’m interested in knowing their leader. Killing bandits will never bring closure.”

Thus, the interrogation led the cousins to a cliff overlooking a fort a few kilometers from the village. Soldiers were garrisoned, the stables were loaded and so was the on-lookers. “Are we still in the same era?” wondered Julius.

“Yes, traveling by horse is more efficient farther out the capital. Don’t judge yet, they have rifles.”

Unbeknownst to the leader, a middle-aged fighter in military-issued uniform, the earlier scouting party returned with prey. “-Is that all?”

“Sorry boss.”

“No matter, our lord’s off to parle with the council. We’ll hold the fort until further orders,” salutes rocked the cacophonous outside, “-adventurers, head on to the other villagers. The mistress’s looking for a young able man to recount mythical stories.”

“Oh, mythical stories, huh,” they winked, “-nobles are weird. Consider the job done.”

Down the cliff, “-cousin, follow the bandits. Don’t kill them, if they resist, kill the weaker member. We’ll need to keep leader for information.”

“What about you?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” he stood; “-I’m going to lay siege to the castle.”

“There are at least a hundred soldiers in there.”

“The worry is misplaced. Cousin, I was never meant to defend. Swordsmanship to magic, my strength lays in death and destruction. Don’t ever forget that.”

“Alright then,” and off they parted ways.

“Who are you!” hailed a guard.

“A traveling adventurer,” said Igna, “-I’m looking for work.” A nod to the opposite guard, the message carried on inside. ‘A square fort, a single entrance, plenty of open areas to get shot from. The aging looks about right, must be recently occupied. From the looks of it, no strong foes.

“No word,” returned the guard, “-go on and scram, filthy adventurers.”

‘Alright then,’ * Void Aspect: Flame Bullets Variant,* two shots, and two dead. ‘Better make quick work of this mess,’ *Death-Element: Shadow Step.*

“SHOTS FIRED!” cried the onlooker, “-sound the alarm, we have intruders,” the garrison scrambled to the yard with guns in hand. A bustling mess of gunfire and blood gathered a crowd. Fighters fired and fired without result; the lonesome shadow seemed to teleport leaving flash images. The brave who tried close-combat was killed instantly by a single punch, *Mana Control: Fire Element Variant – Azure Touch.* The slightest contact burnt the victims in a scorching blaze.

“Corporal, we’re getting slaughtered,” barged an injured guardsman.

“How many?” asked he grabbing a rifle.


‘He’s there,’ a punch transitioned into *Mana Control* ‘-here’s to you, old friend, *Purgatory Flames Variant – Mynsa,* a beam of fire howled through the crowd.

“What the-” the walls broke leaving the yard open. A single man stood surrounded by corpses and a raging inferno, *Blood-Arts: Bloody Mary.*

“CORPORAL,” the remainder crawled to form a defensive line, “-leave it to us,” posited and ready, “-FIRE!”


“How childish,” a blink left a line of headless men, “-guns are supposed to be the strongest weapon known to men.” Blood dripped from the glimmering blade, “-doesn’t do much against someone faster.”

“Who are you?” distraught by the slaughter.

“No one special,” replied Igna sat on the desk. The scarlet nectar channeled into a single dark orb.

“Kill me already,” cried the man.

“No need,” the orb flung up and landed in the mouth, “-my comrade should be here any minute.”

“I didn’t expect this place to be clear,” commented Julius dragging the adventurer’s collar. A few minutes later, the pair of Corporal and adventurer were tied to a pole. “Time for a pleasant chat.”

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