
Chapter 609

“Igna,” murmured Jen, “-why are you smirking?” the seal shattered without so much of an effort.

‘A nonaggression pact, what a load of bull. They’ve broken the treaty; wars upon us.’

“Igna, what’s happening?” Lampard’s phone rang. “-yeah, hello?” he answered. The other side panted, Leonard’s word barely made the trip, cacophony and carnage had drowned the sound.

“We’ve lost the town, the Empire’s risen their flag... GLENDA IS LOST,” the line cut into static. A look of disdain mounted the strong visage, veins and muscles tensed; the palpable tension grew in ire.

“Don’t worry,” he vaulted over the mud wall, ‘-whoever underestimated me will pay dearly,’ a brief stroke of the earring led into the lens making direct contact to people of interest.

Meanwhile, at the secondary manor, news of the attack had yet reached Julius and Malley. The household bustled, between chores and caring for the kids, the head maid’s mind went dry. A perpetual murmur of bickering garnered many frowns, especially from the other attendants. The words all but pointed to, ‘-Igna’s a jerk.’ However, not so long ago, a very well-mannered and handsomely dressed man in a tuxedo arrived on a private jet. The entrance was flashy, neatly combed hair, a frameless pair of glasses, a curved mustache, and a pointy goatee.


“éclair, could you kindly see to the laundry?” requested Julius adjacent to the study on the first floor.

“Already taken care of,” bowed he, “-lady Malley, I’ve drawn a relaxing herbal bath to tend to the sore joints.”

“Awesome,” she stretched, “-alright children, we’re done for today. Take note of what we learned; the rest of the day is off.”

“éclair, I must say, a butler like you is quite a boon.”

“Highness, your words are wasted on this humble servant.”

*Beep, beep,* his casual half-smile straightened, “-Master, is something the matter?”

“éclair, I’m deeply sorry. I know the new body and experiences have taken quite a toll on thee.”

“No master, I feel absolutely amazing. Since we moved my core to the other realm, I’ve been feeling better than ever. Especially this body, I’m grateful for everything.”

“As long as it makes you happy,” the tone deepened, “-say, we have a slight problem.”

“Which is?” the eyes narrowed.

“Check on Glenda,” said he softly, “-the town’s been claimed by the Empire. I have no idea as to the status.”

“My lord...” the aura dropped, “-they dare lay hands on thine dominion?” flickers of black lightning carried throughout the body, “-I’ll forever be your personal butler. Anything thee owns, is my duty to protect and care for. I swear on my pride as a high-tier demon,” the necktie loosened a little, “-they’ll pay dearly.”

“Just what I wanted to hear. Take over for the next hour or so, I ought to make a few phone calls.”

“As is wished. I’ll hack through the neighboring channels and figure how best to approach the situation.” *beeep.*

“éclair, what’s the matter?” inquired Julius.

“Highness,” glanced back, “-Glenda is under attack. Things are unknown as of now.”

“Is that so,” he turned towards the armory, “-I’ll join the fight.”

“Won’t be necessary,” assault rifles dropped from nowhere, “-as lord of the manor, thee should care about thine family. The children are my master’s precious servants. As the personal butler, my duty calls for a fight.”

“I guess you’re right...”

“What’s with the aura here?” asked Malley covered by a bath towel, “-so scary...”

“Nothing to worry about,” tipping the head, “-if you’ll excuse me.” *Poof.*

The nonchalant atmosphere felt frightening. The vanguard of the hero’s party, the elegantly dressed Alta, and short and mildly fanatic Ulia wandered the stone walls. Two thousand soldiers diffused through the vicinity. Anything of value was brought to the town square, there, merchants and other unrelated parties were held in a nearby warehouse. Men, women, and children were separated. Adventurers had it the worse, Captain Tells, Chief-Inquisitor of Dustina’s Cross sat in full armor. Head to toe, behind the visor’s gate, laid dormant a beast. Tells reputation of burning an entire village preceded onto Ardanian soil. Alongside him were two fully armored disciples, adventuring tag showed Tier-5 Ruby.

“Akton... what’s the meaning of this?” whispered Haru. The hall turned into a cell, hands tied and weapons stashed away, empty glances swapped faces.

“Oh, you didn’t know?” he smirked, the door opened.

“Captain Tells,” smiled a familiar face, “-long time no see, helmed one.”

“Don’t address our lord so amiably,” cried the assistant.

“Mind keeping your dogs on a tighter leash?”

“Cut it out,” a hand rose, “-Steward Undre, were you the mastermind of this plot?”

“Obviously,” he laughed, “-don’t call me Undre,” the visage altered, “-my name’s Inesa, a companion of Kion.”

“My god...” they fell onto their knees, “-Priestess Inesa, we apologize for the rude comments.”

“Our hero’s trusty strategist. A pleasure to make thy acquaintance,” said the Captain.

“Bury the pleasantries for another time,” she scanned the tied hostages, “-Akton, where are you?”

“Over here.”

“My trusted comrade,” they hugged, “-the plan went off without a hitch,” her open-minded glance locked onto Ling’s party, “-part of it I suppose. As long as humans are spared, our cause march as need be.”

“Guild leader Akton, have you betrayed the adventurers?” fired a random bystander.

“Worms aren’t worth my attention. I’d advise silence. Words from the mouth of the heretics are as disgusting as I’ve imagined.”

“Enough, Akton,” said Inesa, “-return to the true form,” a tap crumbed a layer of concealment. A child emerged, “-finally, I can freely move around.”

Out on the clouds, darkened wings flapped, ‘-Glenda’s in trouble. I count close to two thousand soldiers. There’s even more approaching from the south. They used the cult’s remaining power to fuel the teleportation device. A deeply layered plan, I suppose Eira was only planning A. This is plan B – not to be surprised, she did occupy the town for a long time, not hard to imagine backdoor entries. I suppose the massacre of their hideout didn’t suffice.’ *Sense Aura.* ‘-bad... they bear the blessing of Dustina. The church’s sent out their greatest ace, the summoned hero of another world. Things are about to get interesting, wouldn’t you say, my lord?’

Sunlight scattered between the foliage, Jen and her party rested under the idyllic scape, or so one would wish. Muddy, moist and cold, over in the distance... bodies in less than admirable shape. Draconis sprinted up and down the path; Vanesa’s slumber intensified. A constant feed of information flooded the lens, ‘-Plan B he says,’ the arms crossed whilst in thought. ‘-The casualties are guards, the townsfolk are safe for now. No idea till religion blinds their sight. Leonard’s stuck in my watchtower, the adventurers are at the guild. Thankfully Glenda isn’t so much a fortress, good men and a strategy should reclaim the land quickly... tis a last-ditch attempt at winning the way. If they occupied Glenda, we’re done. Trade routes will be stopped and accessing Noctis’s Hallow will prove easier. Luckily,’ the phone rang, ‘-I have my ways around this mess.’

“Hello, Elvira speaking.”

“Good morning aunt, it’s Igna.”

“Rare for you to call, what’s the matter darling, ran out of money?”

“No, much worse...” the information forwarded, “-Glenda has been invaded. A force of five-thousand is marching forth, the town’s already occupied.”

“Bad... this is bad,” her voice cracked, “-our forces were beaten, no way we can defend against that many of enemies. What about the pact, did the church break it?”

“Speaks for itself, doesn’t it?”

“Y-you’re right... Has the information been made to the Blood-King’s faction?”


“What then, if it is support, then I’m afraid we can’t spare men. Phantoms engaged in a border conflict at Iqeavea, the conjunction of the events makes me wonder.”

“I’d like to know if there’s a way to contact Emperor Paradus Essin?”

“Are you crazy...”

“No, I’m dead serious. I’d like to have a word with the Emperor, can it be arranged?”

“Obviously not!” shouted across, “-are you dumb?”

“It can be done,” interjected another voice, “-Hello son, is everything well?”

“Mother, it’s good to hear from you again. About the proposal, is it doable?”

“Shouldn’t be much of a problem, why though?”

“To send a message,” he smirked, “-might the arrangements be done?”

“Certainly,” a mild argument sprung, the constant bickering gave to yawns. An hour elapsed till the call. ‘Is my demand a little bit too much... come on, the Dark-Guild should have enough power to contact the emperor, I’m sure the Overlord’s taken to the task.’

Clan leaders were called on for a sudden war-council, the situation loomed on their doorstep, the haven was in direct line of fire. The revolution might end if push came to shove.

“What were you thinking?” facepalmed Elvira, “-contacting the Emperor directly, there’s a limit to absurdity.”

“Don’t sweat it,” winked Courtney, “-Igna’s a smart boy. Who knows, he might just turn this battle around.”

“What can a single man do against seven thousand...”

*Dring,* the call finally connected, “-Hello, Emperor Paradus Essin of Iqeavea speaking, who might this be?”

“Greeting, imperial majesty. I do apologize for the sudden call, there are a few matters I’d like to discuss.”

“Nonsense, I haven’t the time to waste on petty chatter.”

“Before hanging up,” the motion halted, “-hear this, Emperor of Iqeavea. The church has overstepped its boundaries. Sending Kion Hurworth was a mistake, one the Empire’s going to regret. Great men most often have three defining traits; charisma, strength, and an open mind, three of which thee lack.”

“How insolent of you, have you any idea who thou art addressing to?”

“Yes, a puppet,” he snickered, “-listen very carefully. I’m willing to strike a deal. I’ll be in touch after the Church’s army is soundly defeated. Be careful, a single spark might light the flames of civil war.” *Beep.*

“WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?” the device crashed against a vintage portrait, “-how dare a nobody threatened me, the emperor, so carefreely.”

‘Should suffice,’ he laughed, ‘-empty threats are often the best way to smother a person’s composure. Imagine getting a call from a nobody during a blatant infraction of an honored pact, I’d lost my mind. Quite the nice self-made grave.’

*Dring,* “-hello, how did the deliberation end?”

“No idea,” he shrugged, “-aunt Elvira, call onto Queen Gallienne and the entirety of Phantom’s forces. Images and evidence of unsolicited belligerency of the Church will make worldwide news.”

“How shrewd can a person be?” laughed Courtney, “-an ingenious plan. They see Glenda as the goal whilst thee sees the falling of an entire monarchy.”


“I’ll mobilize the VT10-BSQD,” fired Elvira, “-we’ll fight fire with fire.” Scandalous images and video of basic rights flooded the Arcanum. Hidros to Iqeavea, Alphia, and more, the many independent nations trembled. Alliance or whatnot, true fear of the disrespected pact riled ministers, nobility, and royalty.

“Draconis, Vanesa, it’s time to go.”

The overwhelming confidence slipped into anarchy, the blind followers built stakes. Those accused of heresy and blatant blasphemy of the lord were stripped to rags and thrown onto the street.

“This should put into perspective the world of hate of which thy kind have beckoned,” proclaimed a uniformed man, “-those who haven’t shown remorse are to be purified. I guess these girls will suffice.”

“Why are you doing this!” cried a merchant, “-the town has already given money and supplies, what else must you take, isn’t this enough?”

“SILENCE!” fired the officer, “-I don’t care about money, my job is to purify, and I shall do so,” a nine-tail lash embedded with spike flung across the lady’s back. “-We’ll first purify those wretched demi-human features, god must see thee as was meant, and tis clear and without mutation.” Dirt paths were wiped in the color of red, resistance was futile. Light-brown rags dowsed; each strike chipped and even fractured bones.

“Don’t cry for us,” said she first on the stake, “-our race has cried enough,” they watched on woefully,”-don’t be mistaken, filthy pretenders of the church. Our hatred will manifest. I trust in our master, he will come, I know he will!”

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