
Chapter 645

“Job well done,” said Asmo, “-the days have been very profitable,” he puffed smoke. Various portals were summoned; the room emptied save for three.

“How much did we earn?” inquired Kul still weary of the spies.

“The gambling den made around a million, most of the profit came from this,” a packet of white dust attached to a string drifted off his index finger,”-the bartender did an awesome job sneaking the drug in their drinks. They’re hooked, and want more,” a half-smile later, “-let’s return home, master’s return. The place will be run by my right-hand man,” another demon materialized, “-he’ll do a fine job.” Surely enough, he cupped long wrinkled hands and hunched to say, ‘-the pleasure is mine.’

Life at the manor, was, let say, a bit hectic. After being forced into the Shadow Realm, the three wanted compensation. Thus, began a two-hour trip into town – they enjoyed part of what the town had to offer. A new gaming system, another instrument for Saniata, and a neck-pillow for Vanesa.

“Satisfied?” they slid inside the car.

“Very much,” returned the three, “-best day ever,” said Draconis.


“Yes, yes, best day ever,” the car roared, ‘-envious gaze from the moderate. The majority of families and people live in abject poverty, not homeless level, but modest. Struggling artists and actors, shifty nightclubs, reclusive parts of town, the growing industry of adult entertainment. Past Stanley’s homage and towards home, the street life for unnamed hoodlums was rough.

Out here, in the harsh world of unnamed mobsters, the cruelty knew no bounds. A few people went missing in the course of two weeks, many of which were crucial figures for the entertainment world, more so for Ansoft than the other. Hereon began the struggle of a reject. Metal bat smothered in blood, a tied and gagged person on the chair, a single low-intensity lamp, ‘-my hands,’ it trembled.

“Good job,” said a short but plump man, “-he’s out cold.” After much effort, the man reached on before his overlapping belly to pick a broken tooth, “-a full-powered swing to the face, very cruel from you, rookie. Stay here and wait.”

The entrance shut; the bat echoed onto the cold floor. No response came from the prisoner, he watched in silence, ‘-why did I think the mafia would be a great place to start...’

Skip forward, the same man waltz in, “-no good,” he said snatching meat off a chicken leg,”-Amsey’s secretary says no, they aren’t paying the ransom. Kill him,” he ordered and clocked a pistol, “-press it against the forehead and pull.” The nights shrouded darkness hid the recruit’s perspiration. He gulped, ‘-oh god, please help me.’ Moonlight flooded the inside, *Hero-Arts: A thousand Sword of Retribution.* Windows shattered, “-dinner is on me people,” said Aki, the trigger pulled and death.

‘I’m dead...’ a bullet hit the stomach, ‘-the mafia is a hard life,’ another blasted the head.

“Messy,” grappled Camilia down the roof, “-no one around,” she reported.

“Understood,” echoed the leader’s voice, “-dowse the man in potion and retreat. Aki, keep watch, shoot anyone on sight.”

“No need to tell me twice,” he leaned into the scope and fired, “-the mafia isn’t strong without proper training.”

“Stop messing around,” fired Tensy.

“Evac’s here!” tires screech to a stop, the elevated city skyline to the northwest brightly continued. Guns were shot, people were dropped, and the van darted onto the circular freeway.

“Don’t kill us, Ulia,” begged Kion.

“I won’t,” she slammed onto the pedal.

“Not to worry anyone,” they overtook plenty of cars, “-there are cars after us.” Whiteish outlines menacingly pelted in their direction, “-cause a crash or not?” inquired Aki.

“No now!” returned Odgar, ‘-if they take the next left, the red-light district will be close.’ No time wasted, “-Hello, éclair, my team’s being chased, can they stop by the motel?”

The sudden call arrived at the perfect time, “-What are you waiting for?” complained Asmo, “-we’ll leave without you...” they impatiently sat in a modest car. ‘Narrow streets,’ complained Ulia. Direction – the Red-Light district. A cacophonous yelp of the engine; gasps, swears from the bystanders, and warning shots.

“Get out the car,” inquired éclair politely, a map drew on the phone, ‘-arrival in two minutes.’

“Why?” begged the exasperated Asmodeus, “-I want to sleep...”

“Just do it,” no wasn’t an answer. Hence, the duo compromised under an arched tree.

“Yes, Odgar, éclair speaking,” the dots approached, “-come right by, we’ll take care of the rest.”

The hung foliage danced per the morning’s breeze tunes, “-again...” her eyes rolled, “-I want to go home and sleep, the cold isn’t doing much for me.”

“No, this will be beneficial,” said éclair, “-a van’s going to fly by us. Kill anyone who’s in their pursuit,” shortly enough, a block of white aired off a ramp. Ulia’s sadistic expression had Kul in awe.


Orbs of black dropped onto the chasers, no matter the speed and weight, the instant her fingers dropped, they glued to the street. 05:45, an action-packed 30th of September rose. Fast-forward a few hours later, and we reach the ‘food-train,’ of Igna’s manor. The dining hall easily accommodated the Odgar agency, Aceline, and the rescued hostage. éclair opted to care for the injured man.

‘Quite an ensemble of people,’ he thought and waited, food was carried over by an attending maid from the Shadow Realm. ‘The past four days have been hectic in the real world. Ansoft flew to Hidros to beg for Julius’s support. The latter accepted after signing a six-figure agreement. The idols would be paid according to their popularity and station. Publicity campaigns brought plenty of visitors to Odgawoan. Amsey got into Phantom’s good graces. It makes sense, the kidnapping, Ansoft’s dropped in popularity, and the increased interest from the Gaso group. I sense a deeper scheme; a culmination of the events will lead to the concert.’ Lum’s helicopter rudely landed, Amsey allowed himself in and took a seat at the dinner table.

“Master Igna, I do hope my inviting our client wasn’t too much,” said Odgar.

“No worries,” he kindly enjoyed the bread, “-do as is needed, the manor is a commute for all.” For once, breakfast passed in a more or less silent environment. The true meaning of the visit would be cleared after dishes were sent.

“Succulent,” said Amsey facing the high-ceiling, “-my, Alchemist, are the food served here regularly delicious?”

“Yes,” he replied.

“Suppose I should speak the truth. The conglomerates and I aren’t on friendly terms. The Gaso Group’s involvement in the entertainment world has made life a living hell for my brands. Ansoft, our flagship, has taken a lot of hits. The concert is the only way we can make a comeback, profits have been low. Let me say one thing when money is a dry, conglomerate or not, one’s doomed to fail.”

“What about the kidnapping?”

“Unrelated, or so I thought. The man’s one of my lawyers. They wanted to disrupt and add pressure for the coming event.”

“What then, Odgar’s brought the man home, what about the particular visit here?”

“To invite Aceline and Kinless to perform in the company of Julius and Xius. A gathering of great talents, the main event.”

“Let’s do it,” rose Aceline, “-I want to face the crowd again.”

Helicopters were immediately made for the newly erected festival grounds. The massive yard accommodated the stage and stalls with ease. The look from up above didn’t even see crowded. Adjacent hotels and sky-rise were oppressive in a good way(as in it were presiding guardians) don’t be mistaken by the time-limit of five days, the product was a city within a city.

“Looks amazing,” said Ulia.

“What happened to Inesa?”

“She’s taking a break for now,” replied Kion, “-the whole incident before cause quite the shock for us.”

The metal bird touched down at a neighboring skyscraper, “-where are we?” wondered Aki.

“My office,” said Amsey, “-the whole park is my Lum’s property,” he winked, “-why else would I host such a grand event.”

“Y-yes,” narrowed Aki, “-the adjacent buildings are rather inconspicuous.”

‘I heard that,’ turned Igna, ‘-the mention of buildings,’ he scanned the area, ‘-surely not... if I was trying to ruin an event of such a scale, how would I do it? Conditions are to cause damage without pinning the blame on my associates or me.’

“Something the matter?” said éclair.

“No, no,” they headed for the lift. Vanesa slept and so did the other two, ‘-it makes sense,’ they arrived at a studio, ‘-if I were the Gaso Group, I’d hire terrorists to reign down death from above. The distance and drop are almost perfect at key-location, hotels don’t have much security, add a few strays 1-3 stars hotels, and the game is set. I know their next move,’ Odgar and his team continued towards the festival grounds as did éclair, Asmodeus, and Kul.

“Igna, are you alright?” voiced Amsey, “-the face is paler than usual.”

“Mother Nature calls,” he smiled, Aceline’s frown didn’t impress. Xius and key performers were spotted in the background, “-I’ll be back,” he escaped.

The door locked, ‘-I need to confirm my hunch,’ *Dialing éclair.*

“Hello, boss, something the matter?”

“éclair, scan every surrounding building and infiltrate their surveillance system. I want each room to be combed.”

“Alright,” a few minutes later, “-nothing usual so far.”

“A bit too vague...”

“Boss, just tell me what you need.”

“I have the sinking sensation of a massacre.’

“Say no more,” the details were forwarded, “-I’ll be done in fifteen minutes.”

‘If what I think is right, then, Lum’s going to fall further, Ansoft will take another major hit then crumble. I could stop the incident from happening, save Ansoft and restore the conglomerate’s strength... or, I could ignite and flame the fire of revolt. Break Lum away from the five greats, ally them to Phantom and Elon’s agreement and make a three versus four. Better odds, not to mention, the boost of Ansoft with Phantom might give rise to Hidros’s market. All it would take is a massacre.’

“Master, the hunch was correct. A suspicious man has hauled in large bags ever since the announcement of the festival’s location. What shall we do?”

“Let it happen and keep the damage to a minimum. If the victim count goes in the hundreds, exterminate the terrorist. Have Kul and Asmodeus care for the performing stars, not so much a scratch must befall them, have I made myself clear?”


*Bang, bang,* “-cousin, get out already, you’ve been in the toilet for twenty minutes.”

“Julius,” he flushed, “-how rude to perturbed a man during a strenuous time.”

“Defecation isn’t an excuse...”

“Whatever,” they locked for a friendly embrace, “-how’ve you been?”

“Alright, I guess,” the face showed gloominess, “-what about you?” the few glances were subjectively generous.

“If it’s about Alicia’s death, don’t worry, I’m doing better.” Vorn and Xius waited in the corridor, ‘-what are they about?’

“Good to see you,” said Emi, “-we’re going to perform today.”

“I heard,” he chuckled, “-Vorn will join us on stage too,” he nodded at Enna, the pianist. The entourage gathered to an amiable exchange, stories of times spent apart had everyone in laughter. The mouth talked and spoke of random words, ‘-tonight will change the very face of the entertainment district. How many lives will be lost?’

éclair stared on from the festival grounds, ‘-master, is this really the path forward?’ he paused at the office.

“If the master says so,” added Asmodeus, “-then tis as we must.”

“Who cares,” shrugged Kul, “-humans are despicable.”

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