
Chapter 651

Without much trouble, the day advance to the 7th of October. By then, Thena and Nike were used to live at the manor. *Driing,* commonly rose the day, and so woke Igna in a larger-than-life bed. Draconis, Saniata, and Vanesa curled and scattered throughout the map-like sheets.

‘Two days,’ he thought and made for the corridor, *click,* the opposite bedroom opened to fatigued looking gentlemen. “Thena and Nike,” he said, “-good morning,” a courteous hug headed for the washroom.

“Aren’t you ashamed to share such a private moment in the company of young maidens?”

Amberly lit bulb warmed the sink, “-aren’t you ashamed to be taking a shower in company of a man?” returned Igna, “-besides,” he meaningfully glared to Thena’s underpants, “-I see the morning wood has yet to subside.”

“Shut up,” the curtain pulled with arrogance. Nike breathed a chuckle and wandered through the morning routine. Downstairs, the familiar sound of breakfast hummed melodiously, the scent drew one after the other to the dining hall. There, éclair brazenly tied a very feminine apron, “-good morning master,” he said in the company of an arduously working Aceline.

“The idol’s putting in the work,” jested Igna, “-I’ll take these next room. Wake the children in an hour or so; the night’s been very stressful.” Currently at the manor were, Igna, Aceline, éclair, the children, Thena and Nike, the latter two were new and temporary... or so he thought, or would see later on. Asmodeus and Kul took the liberty and flew north to Tale(also known as Tole), a village recently turned town, of unwanted affairs. Far as Dostein politics cared, Tale, partly ruled by Cimier, was but a hunting and agricultural area. A twinkle of a bell projected a screen onto the wall, there, news of current events displayed.


*Good morning everyone, I’m your favorite host, Misty from the Morning Fall show, and today, we have updates on the shooting at the musical festival. Aceline and Kinless, two heroes of the said night, spoke on the matters a few days ago. Due to some constraints, we weren’t allowed to show the full speech. In any case, more than a few million people have seen it already. A compilation of the guitarist’s heroism of which had our trusted Sultrians put to shame, and the willingness to embrace death for the people’s sake is on the site for all to see. The ‘boycott Ansoft’ movement has cleared, Arcanum users have raised important questions per Igna’s speech. The way he phrased many ideas was in a way, reawakening, I, myself, the ever-shining Misty, couldn’t believe it. There are so many things we do not know about, and I, for once, want to know the full history. Despite public outrage, the Gaso Group has denied any allegations and refuses to make an official statement, save a few rudimentary comments on social media. Alphia bonded together in a time of crisis, a true sight of fraternity towards our continent. Our voice was heard by our emperor, official messengers have said his imperial majesty shall address the public once the terrorist threat is under control. In other news, Ansoft’s influence over the entertainment world has dropped substantially. The company’s going through a rough time, the conglomerate has paid a humongous amount for the physical damages. Good on you, Chef Amsey, great work, We from the station and on behalf of the populous, accept the events as one tragic and unlucky. Enough gloomy news, here’s one for my fellow female listeners, the lady who coordinated the investigation and supervised the rescue operation was promoted to Chief of Odgawoan, the first female public officer to reach such an influential position. Chief of Police, Jula Valentino Rozemal, from the very distinguished household of Rozemal, daughter of the General Dockzt Rozemal, who’s actually on the phone, good morning, Lady Jula.”

“Good morning, Misty.”

“I was surprised when I heard from my manager, the chief of police wanted to be on my show.”

“Well, everyone here listens to the Misty show.”

“Thank you for the compliment,” she laughed, “-you had an announcement?”

“Yes, to the efforts of my team, we have found and tracked the location of potential suspects involved in the incidents on the 5th. The captured prisoners will be put on trial before his imperial majesty’s self. Kinless and Aceline, heroes of the 5th, Emperor Sultria VI, requests thee to be present.”

“A public announcement,” interjected Misty, “-should this not be done officially?”

“No,” she refused, “-staple official on an act and people think it to be political. I rather do it publicly and without restraints.”

*Beep,* breakfast ended before the show, “-Master?” said éclair, “-should I be worried?”

“No, ignore what she said,” firmed Igna, “-tis publicity. As new Chief, she ought to show a great deal of affection to the people and safety. Trust me, her words are fleeting. The supposed trial is over already.”

“How do you know?” narrowed Thena, “-see the future much?”

“Common sense,” he smirked, “-would one willingly bring an unknown before the monarch. What if the body had a spell or greater offense, caution over bravado.”

Dishes aside; the hours progressed until 10:00. ‘I don’t get this world fully,’ gritted Thena. Multiple canvases laid beautifully on white walls. The study was refurbished to be a painting station for the new resident. Materials, canvas, anything he wanted or needed was made available. His best pieces were taken to the ground floor in a remodeled dancing hall. The open space was sliced and divided by wooden walls painted white, lighting and décor matched one of pleasantness.

‘Why must I have to paint...’ the lift opened, a fatigued Thena ambled his way to the gallery and hung his piece. “Igna...” he turned the corner, “-why must I paint?”

“To pay the rent,” replied he, an open entrance gave a sense of freedom. The exquisitely cleaned marbled floor sparkled, “-didn’t I say to experience what the mortal realm has to offer,” stood behind were avant-garde paintings. Whereas the personages, landscape, or object be centered and follow a certain symmetry, his choices were bold and meaningless. Obviously, many of her paintings followed that same ideology – very detailed and immaculate reproduction of Zeus, self-portraits, and idyllic scenery only seen through a god’s eye. “I get that,” he handed a smaller piece, “-what about my other works, you’ve kept everything I deem grand and befitting my station in the study. Instead, what the gallery compromises are abstract lines and shifts... I admit I like them better, still, why?”

“Don’t worry about the why or how,” returned Igna, “-just paint and do whatever, the only condition is for I to be the sole claimant on said pieces.”

“Whatever,” his eyes rolled, “-can we go out now?” medium-length hair drew briskly against his relaxed shoulders, “-Nike’s impatient too...”

“When they said I’m the deity of Strength...” puffed a constipated voice after the lift, “-don’t take it literally...” a hefty statue clambered to their stead, “-I can’t hold it,” the face pulsed to red, veins budged as came a painful squint.”

“See, he’s impatient,” rebutted Thena.

“NO, I’M...” A simple spell carried the object inside, the art room blacked out. A spacious sports utility vehicle branded by the esteemed Keihizer waited solemnly at the entrance. A shadow of a beast flew over, two loud flaps rustled the windows.

“We’re going out,” said Draconis, “-pops, fighting monsters is fun,” he commented.

“Saniata,” sighed Igna exiting the manor, “-what are you two planning?”

“Not my fault,” she refuted, “-Lilith said for us to train in the Shadow Realm.” The pungent aura of the vortex elapsed, “-hey Igna,” waved Lilith, “-I’ll be taking these two.”

“Ok...” he shrugged.

Meanwhile, a whole province away to the silent Tale, Kul hid behind rusty blinders. “This place is a sham.”

“Stop complaining,” returned Asmo, “-I’m not the one eating fast-food...” a small television played reruns of Autumn’s Blossom, “-look at the table, there are pizza boxes everywhere.”

“Shut up,” returned she sharply, “-not my fault... you had to go and make a deal with Yonak. Look at us now, spying on filthy humans.”

“They offered one million just to sit back and watch, the more information we have, the more we get paid.”

Flashback to a few days ago, after the completion with Yonak, the boss, contacted again to spy on another family. The reasoning was, ‘-Ravens are independent and don’t care about hierarchy, the leader wants money.’ Apparently, the four families were at each other’s throats in the trafficking business. “Anything to report yet?”

“Not really,” she replied. Empty street and shabby buildings, such was the scene onto the great beyond of two blocks. No clue, and no idea, Kul watched day in and day out. “Any luck on the microphone?” asked she.

“No luck,” he replied, “-éclair’s gadget hasn’t responded...”

“Wait, wait,” she ate the last bite,”-strange figures,” the prince quickly shuffled to the window, “-here,” they wore headsets.

“Ha-ha-ha, last night was amazing,” the crowd disappeared into the building.

“I know, the yellows have no idea we stole the produce from last week’s transit.”

“Aye, don’t speak too loudly,” yelled another, “-pack the stuff and have the produce readied for Odgawoan. Our clientele waits patiently.”

“Boss, we got a problem,” the phone rang of which, éclair’s autonomous system intercepted, “-to the dealers, we have found a new manufacturer. The Yonak’s are ending relations.”

“Ingrates,” a loud crash echoed, presumably, a kick.

“What are we going to do?” articulated a frightened voice.

“Shut it, man, let me think. We stole the shipment, let’s just resell it to Saku or the Vermillion.”

“We can’t... Cimier rules this town.”

“Whatever man, load the trunk, we’re going on a little trip.”

The door slammed, and off went the figures, “-what now?” sat Asmo, “-nothing’s happened...”

“Maybe they know they’re being watched?” Kul suggested.

“Doubt it, those buffoons don’t know anything about secrecy. I wonder what secret the Yonak wants to find out. Annoying, very annoying, I could be spending time with my harem, better yet, sending ladies to the Shadow Realm.”

*Beep, incoming transmission,* “-hello boys, I hope I wasn’t too late. Yonak’s have backed out of the agreed deal. A team’s going to attack their shipyard later today. They never realized a double agent was in their midst. They will pay greatly for the blatant betrayal; us reds will never fall to their treachery again.”

“Track the caller,” ordered Asmo, ‘-I wonder, is such an infant scheme worth 1 million?’

“Orders confirmed... Caller, Unknown, Location, Unknown... Name, Tela Sizla. Associations, Yonak and Saku, disposition; traitorous.”

“We got our share,” smiled Asmo.

“No,” her mood swung to belligerent, “-those buffoons played us for fools...” *Demon-Arts: Spirit Sense,* the walls melted in favor of the life-essence, multiple gunmen posited. One held three fingers and counted, “-get ready,” she whispered. Fist clenched, heavy boots stormed the door, “-hands up.” Easy as breathing, a sloppy horizontal swipe imploded the invaders.

“Master, Kul, and Asmodeus were ambushed on their mission to Tale. The culprits have been dealt with, a greater scheme between the families may be profitable. Should I investigate further?”

“Go for it,” the scenery gently swayed for the town-center, the destination, an art exposition showcasing a collector’s pieces.

“What now?” sighed Thena, “-riding these is far comfier to chariots.”

“We’re headed to meet an art critic,” he replied, “-here’s thy chance at stardom.”

“Really?” the shoulders rose confidently, “-I am the god of arts and craft, don’t get jealous when they revere me.”

‘I won’t. Trust me,’ he emotionlessly faced forward, ‘-the underworld families bother me. Why send the Raven’s to spy, common sense says they can sell the information for more profit. Is it Esvalo’s doing or someone else. The greater reason is why – stirring the pot doesn’t equate to ambitions coming to fruition. Never mind them, Thena will learn a lesson today; art and crafts pitted against ignorance and yes men.’

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