
Chapter 712

“What now?” she stepped away with hands clasped, “-what am I supposed to do?”

“I don’t know really,” he veered towards the townscape, “-I knew a confession would eventually happen. I- I’m sorry, I should have noticed earlier and made sure the feelings grew in the opposite end of the spectrum.”

“Tell me,” she inched closer, “-do you love someone?”

“I do actually,” he smiled, “-three little bundles of mess and joy, Draconis, Vanesa, and the fiery Saniata. Why do you ask?”

“If you’re allowed to be selfish,” wind blew across her visage, “-goes the same for me, I’m allowed to be selfish too,” her gaze landed firmly, “-I’ll make sure my feelings come across. I won’t give up easily.” In said instant, when the words of her hearts of hearts uttered out her mouth, a shy ray of light landed, a playful gust blew to scatter the falling leaves across her stead, “-did I make you speechless?” she winked.

“Try again later,” he patted her shoulder, “-we ought to head out.” The following drive happened in a cheerier tone, the princess talked, he listened, at interval would make a snarly remark, she’d laugh or dismiss the comment, then continue on her tangent. In no way did it feel overwhelming, her casual tone of voice was pleasing to the ears.


Rendezvous location, a building in Stanley’s homage, coincidently, the same meet-up place chosen by Asmodeus for later. Down to the road where many vehicles went back and forth, clueless passersby, infatuated by the car, made passing comments and ambled on their merry way. Attention was part of day-to-day life. A four-way intersection halted the advancement, this time, at the heart of Stanley’s homage. Visitors were frequent, the day life went about without hassle. “-We’re near,” he pulled to the right and into an underground parking lot. The building above ground was tall, robust, and held various company names at its peak.

‘Should be the place,’ he halted, “-éclair,” hands to the earring, “-relay our location to the emperor.”


“You always talk alone, what’s the deal?”

“Does it matter?” he stepped out, “-tis convenient to have my trusted butler leading the way.”

“Honestly,” she exhaled, “-no freedom whatsoever.”

“Think what you wish,” arms crossed and towards the lift, “-éclair’s one of the best things to ever come into my humble life. Worry not princess Loftha, I don’t play for the other team.”

“Stop it,” she pinched, “-no teasing whilst in public.”

“Fair enough.”

Up to the ground floor, the sheets parted before a crowd of white-collar workers. One on their phone, another stern on the watch, and some with head to the ground and bags under their eyes, “-the work culture is strenuous.”

“Tell me about it,” they stepped out, “-I bet they work for her...”


“Excuse me,” hailed a man dressed smartly, “-are you perhaps Viscount Igna Haggard and Princess Loftha?”


“My name’s Thanoa, the personal secretary to lady Amber Sultria. Please follow me this way,” tall and confident, a private lift seemed to drop suddenly, “-my lady awaits.”

‘Amber Sultria,’ he reflected, Loftha’s gripped tightened, ‘-we met in my past life if memory serves well, she had a strict mouth, didn’t care for emotions, and had her head deep into business and the survival of the imperial family. The mother figure of the Sultria family, by that logic, Loftha was described as lacking emotion due to her abilities. Maybe the powers were hampered in favor of her emotions...’

“Viscount Igna, I advise patience with my lady, she’s quite hot-headed.”

“I appreciate the word of warning,” *ding.* A cacophony of phone, erratic answers, typing, printing machines going full blasts, “-follow me,” said secretary once again. Workaholics drowned in the pits of keys, the small beige cabinets spoke volume – cheap and efficient. None cared about appearance nor comfort, the mutual feeling of forced productivity spanned. Loftha’s grip gradually tightened.

“Here we are,” stopped before a metal rectangle, “-here’s the lady’s office.”

‘More of a cell,’ they ambled through. A simple box was placed in the corner of the floor. Papers laid in multiple piles, the shelf, where one would put their accomplishments, was left empty save for cans of energy drinks.

“The runaway is back,” glared across the room, or rather, a few steps. The place was small and minimalist, “-how’s my little sister doing?” her head rose to block the outside light, dark circles, frameless glasses reflected the screen’s light focused on the visitors.

“Welcome back, sister,” said another sat against the wall without a chair, “-seems like our older sister’s on one of her tyrants.”

“Brother,” her jaws dropped, “-big sister, how can you be so cruel to the emperor. Does the prospect of hierarchy not worth its salt?”

“I don’t want to hear this from a brat,” her impaling words and cruel face didn’t help, the eyebrows, though trimmed and proper, were arranged in a perpetual frown, “-how was the little vacation, I heard the royal guards were left scouring the battlefield in fear of thine death. Tell me, Loftha, was it worth the excursion, might I remind, the little stunt cost us a pretty penny.” The sharped tongue Loftha met her maker.

‘She’s the one she got it from, very interesting.’

“You,” turned to Igna, “-why does thee stand quiet and not speak?”

The Emperor’s mien washed in discomfort; a warning sign to the lady of which brought naught.

‘éclair, any information about the company?’

‘Privately owned Sultria Corp. They focus mainly on the world of technology and accounting, failure to bring about a good income forced the Corp to split into two factions. One under Amber Sultria, and the other, ruled by Hyde and Xyra. Profits for the former’s been rather tough, her ventures are sound in theory but lack a certain charm. Alas, on the verge of bankruptcy, the company was bought out by Kura’s Trading Corporation. They mainly operate under the conglomerate. Further information will require hacking, shall I investigate?’

‘Go for it.’

“Answer me boy, who are you?”

“Apologies,” a few steps and he glared down onto her seat, “-Viscount Igna Haggard. Her ladyship didn’t give the authority to speak, therefore, I kept quiet. Pretell, is the lady’s high-pitch yelling considered the speaking tone, or must I order earplugs for a humane conversation?”

Her right cheek twitched, Loftha and the emperor averted her gaze.

“Viscount Haggard, to what do I owe the pleasure of said visit. Can’t help but notice the intimacy my sister and you share.”

“Surely a lady as mature as you can distinguish between an amorous venture and platonic companionship.” Her lower lip deflated with a sudden bite, frustration went from left to right. “Lady Amber Sultria, any question I might answer?”

“No,” the bubbling cauldron calmed to a menacing smirk, “-we’re related by marriage from my brother and Eira. She did warn about her cousin’s ability to get on one’s nerve. The blatant aggression is a way to find weak spots in another’s moral shield, mentally torture until they yield.”

“Not really,” he shrugged, “-I say what’s on my mind. Mincing words was never one of my strong suits. Passive aggressivity is a nicer way of sending a message across.”

“I see,” she exhaled, “-I heard part of the story from the Markus. Care to continue the tale?”

“What he said is probably true. Lady Loftha was on the battlefield, fought monsters, and remained under my care for the longest of time. The incompetence from the AHA and the military appalls me. The lack of care for the fighters’ life. Order for a mass-scale genocide barely evaded completion. The number of resources I had to use reaches far into the hundreds of thousands. Do I expect to be paid, no?”

“-Should I care?”

“Yes,” he slammed the table, “-not about the money, but about the lives of your people. Is the imperial family of Sultria so weak they can’t spare the authority to challenge the independent military factions, have the conglomerate stiffen away thy powers, tell me, lady Amber, am I right or wrong?”

“Shouting about it won’t make a difference,” she sharply stood, her chair fell into a loud crash, “-what was said is right, the military is growing strong. The nobles in favor of the imperial family are being weeded out, the conglomerates have allied to the militants. We can’t fight, even if we wanted. What would a young adult know about politics and troubles.”

“What do I know about politics?” he spun and made for Loftha, “-Fia, tell me,” eye to eye, “-what you said earlier, was it true, are those the true feelings?”

“Yes, why,” she grabbed his arms, “-Igna, don’t do anything foolish.”

“I never do foolish things,” he reached and tapped his forehead with hers, “-I’ve decided,” hand in hand, “-Lady Amber, how much do you trust us?”

“Huh?” her face crinkled, “-what about trust. We’ve been screwed over so much it’s out of the question. I care not for anyone else except me and the imperial family. I have to make sure the next generation advance without hassle, to fight the conglomerates, I’ll work my way up the corporate ladder and topple the leaders, tis how I’ll win.”

“Very well,” he pulled onto her soft hands, “-Amber Sultria, I, Igna Haggard, on this day forth, humbly ask for thy blessing.”

“Igna...” her face reddened, “-don’t...”

“Blessing in what?” Amber snarled, “-you stupid or what?”

“Blessing in marriage.”

“STOP,” she pulled her hand, “-IGNA, NO!” refuted Loftha, “- I mean, yes, but no. I want you to accept me for who I am, not what I represent. I sense what thee thought, political marriage to topple the conglomerates... still, I don’t want that sort of relation. I want something pure, something greater.”

“Igna,” hands to his shoulder, “-I appreciate the thoughtfulness,” smiled the emperor, “-still, I don’t want our troubles to reflect on thee. The Haggard name has already given us my wife, I couldn’t potentially ask for more.”

“Viscount,” hands to the table, “-are you serious?” the explosive expression mellowed, “-asking for my blessing in marriage to aid us – such a rash decision, I can’t tell if tis sincere or an honest mistake.”

“The imperial family truly are upstanding citizens. Good intentions alone will not win against the underhanded tricks. The reason why I asked for the princess’s hand was to resolute the alliance between our family. I didn’t mean for it to be viewed as a political advance, part of me wanted to know the princess. Affection can be born after marriage. Well, seems like I’ve lost this battle,” he chuckled, “-I apologize for my outburst.”


“Don’t give me puppy eyes now,” he patted her head, “-you shot me down, akin to how I shot thee down earlier. Who is to say really, perhaps there’s more to life,” turned to Amber, “-my lady, young as I may seem, we have a common goal, the defeat of the conglomerate, no change that. The ascension of the imperial family.”

“Let’s say we agreed, what then?”

“Simple, I’m a noble of Hidros. Once married to Loftha, I’d have rights to what she owns and vice-versa – it wouldn’t have taken long to reclaim the vacant seat of count Oathtall considering I own all of the land and assets. After the title was granted, I would have had my company rise to a strong position. The five heads are busy fighting over Lumian O’dla, Stiol is only interested in arts and crafts. I’ll keep the rest, not much use speaking of an unachieved plan.”

“What about Loftha?” inquired the emperor.

“What about her, she’d be my wife, and I would do all in my power to make her happy. If she wishes to accompany me on the battlefield, I welcome it. If she wishes to stay and enjoy life, I welcome it, and if she wishes for us to hide, I’d welcome it.”

“I yield,” murmured Amber, “-if my little sister is guaranteed happiness, I’ll accept anything.”

“Hold on a moment, the what-ifs won’t do much. My proposal was refused and I bear no ill-will, what’s done is done, I suggest we move on,” he tapped her head, ‘-she looks happy enough. I nearly lost my composure. Damn Origin and the attraction to medium lengthened hair girl.’

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