
Chapter 720

*Knock, knock,*

“-come in.”

*Thud,* the room echoed, “...” striking beautiful eyes peered towards the center. One arm held a handbag, simple in color and adornment, a radiant dress matching the light-grey hair, gloves, the crest of the Imperial family, and a mien of fortitude. Her eyelashes were long and neat, difficult to ignore considering her whole outfit. “-Igna...”


“Do you have something to say?”

‘She’s onto me or what?’ he paused and waited, ‘-I thought her role in the current events to be over, we rejected one another, there’s no need to continue.’


“Stop thinking and speak,” blustered out the otherwise tightly pressed lips, “-I need to know,” hands clasps to her chest, “-I need to know, WHO ARE YOU!” the yell roared across the room, an illusion of the words taking the form of a gust had him left stumped.

“The introduction is well past due.”

“Don’t ignore me,” she moved closer, “-Carter Lake, the fight against that thing... the place took damage, water boiled, smoke rose for hours on end. A massive event didn’t once make it to the news, I saw law-enforcement on the scene, yet, there’s no media coverage...”

“Loftha, it would behoove thee not to get involved,” elbows to the desk, “-tonight’s my farewell party. I’m returning to Hidros tomorrow. Might not be much, but I have people waiting home, I’d be a fool to ignore the request.”

“-You’ll return, right?” fear disrupted the breathing, “-back, right?”

“Who is to say,” he ambled over, “-depends on how the continent develops,” gently grabbing her hand, “-Loftha Sultria, you look absolutely beautiful. The outfit befits you, the simpleness, unwillingness to draw attention.”


“No matter,” the grip eased, her preciously tender hands slipped, “-I know it’s easy to say, but, you have to forget about me. Forget what thee saw, forget the feelings.”

“You’re joking,” she backed off, “-how can I forget one of the times where my emotions overwhelmed my powers. I don’t want to return to stone, I want to feel and experience more things, can’t you see, even if we rejected each other, I’m still here...”

“Which is the reason why,” he held out an index, “-I must erase thy memories.”

“Don’t kid around,” her palms stretched and pulled a chair before them, the object hovered in a green tinge, “-my memories are mine, don’t you dare. THEY’RE PRECIOUS, I’LL FIGHT IF I HAVE TO!”

*Snap,* ‘-he’s done something...’

“Big words,” leaped over her shoulder, “-I want action,” arms around her shoulder, “-close your eyes and breathe,” he pulled her to his chest, “-enjoy part of my memories.”

“ENOUGH,” resounded, “-MY HEAD,” she cried, “-IT HURTS, STOP IT, PLEASE!” the legs gave.

“See,” cleanly catching her fall, “-how was part of my past. The death and destruction, the pure malice in my words and mind. By the time I return from Hidros, have an answer readied, either embrace the darkness and become one with the devil, or choose to forget and never contact me again. The experience must have left a scar,” *clap, clap,* a butler summoned and stood in the corner, “-take her to one of the chambers, notify the imperial family about the stray lass.”

“Yes sire,” the lasting images of her traumatized expression vanished into the fetching hallway.

‘There’s that.’

The roof, ravaged by the cold and wind, held two suited men sharing a smoke, “-Mammon, how was the time spend in imprisoned?”

“Hell,” he replied, “-I hate to say it, they got the better, anything with an inkling of faith has my stomach churning. Their constant prayers and forgiveness towards my action, release myself to the lord they said,” a brief chuckled gave time to puff, “-screw that.”

“Must have suffered a lot,” returned Asmodeus brazenly, “-the tale of the man who controlled the seven vexes, remember?”

“I know, our true ruler, the man who managed to ensnare the seven princes of vex, he became the sole entity to rule hell and the mortal realm. Those days are so long gone it’s not even funny. He who wield the seven sins shall reincarnate as the epitome and root of evil.”

“Too bad the godly army ambushed us and killed the man, he wielded tremendous power – the curse of forgetfulness, last-ditch attempts to preserve the identity...”

“It worked, don’t get me wrong, I don’t remember squat,” *-puff,* “-If not for mother, we’d never know. Why bring it up now?”

“Asmodeus, Lust, Beelzebub, Envy, and now, Mammon, Greed.”


“Use the brain cell,” he puffed.

“You mean lord Igna’s trying to collect the seven?”

“Not master, I think tis mother’s doing. Lucifer: pride, Beelzebub: envy, Sathanas: wrath, Abadon: sloth, Mammon: greed, Belphegor: gluttony, and lastly, Asmodeus: Lust.”

“Our brothers and sisters,” came through a little smirk, “-I miss them.”

“Us seven standing under one master will never happen. Lucifer’s too prideful, he won’t even join the brothers, the only hope is for another pride to take his place. Didn’t mother say the titles are free to be swapped around granted one of the four demon gods accepts the plea? We need sister Sathanas, her powers go beyond what we possess.”

“Time will dictate if our family will reunite. I severely doubt it, the days of battle are far gone. Look at townscape, ever imagine this from our pits of hell, a place of constant murderous intent. Mother Lilith has more secrets, maybe the reason isn’t simple.”

“Mammon, you truly are my twin,” they laughed, “-let’s put the idea behind us, the focus is on conquering the mortal realm. Greed and Lust, there’s no greater vices to ensnare lower lifeforms.”

“Question, is Lord Igna truly competent?”

“He fought a demon without the boon of godhood or a god slaying weapon. The only way he damaged the angel was through sheer force of will. I was truly useless, defeated so easily; shames me to say, we’re still weak. Reawakened princes are little more than newborns. Besides, can’t thee see the casino, tis decided I’ll take command of the operations, my harem is itching for the human souls. What about you, Greed, what will it be?”

“I don’t get why I’m referred to as greed, I enjoy the companion of a fair maiden same as the next guy, why isn’t it lust? Dumb question, I already know the answer. The greedy always flock to me, the big shiny coffers of an endless supply of money, abled to skyrocket the value of just about anything. Once I used the greed of power and fake promises to trap, now, the real application of wealth; how many kings and kingdoms have fallen to my whims, I don’t know, one thing is for sure, I love to spend, and I love money.”

“Welcome to the mortal realm,” two pats on his back, “-money and power are what rules this world. Let’s work together, combined, none will ever resist.”

“I’m down,” they locked elbows, “-brother, I missed you.”

“Missed you too, Mammon.”

A touching reunion at the top, and trouble below, “-éclair, what’s the girl doing here?” inquired Kul.


“Yes,” she glared, “-she’s caused nothing but trouble; let me at her.”

“Calm down,” sighed the butler neck-deep inside a truck, “-here, catch,” wires flung across, “-don’t worry about the princess, she’s one of the master’s possible paths to a greater future.”

“Why are we setting up the stage... should this not be the job of audio engineers?” piles of boxes hovered inside, “-I’m wasting mana.”

“Stop complaining,” cried éclair, “-we have JIO performing after the auction. Leina’s decided to send their stars – word spreads fast.”

“Sure...” shuffled backstage, “-the always reliable butler surely has nothing to do with the influx of guests.”

“Very cynical, I confess I might have pulled a few strings, not to this proportion, I never expected so many high-profiled individuals to make their way.”

The clock struck 17:00, an hour remained before the event started. Courtesy says to arrive before the appointed time, thus, the guests followed slowly. The guard details were stern and without blind spots. éclair ordered marksmen to scatter and raise a protective radius of at least 1.5 kilometers. Some blended with the would-be guests, others disguised as waiters and some even took the appearance of the normal townsfolk. In addition to the Shadow Realm forces, the law enforcement and the imperial guards were also present, all information and reports circled to éclair.

“Master,” the doors opened, “-we’re ready to welcome guests.”

“About time,” the tie tightened, “-how do I look?” a three-piece suit specially ordered for the occasion, a rectangular dress watch, the signet ring, new earrings, and the hair tied in a low hanging ponytail.

“Very classy,” returned éclair

“My many thanks,” a slight nod, “-you look great yourself, éclair. About the security detail?” skipped to the ground floor, “-holding up alright?”

“Yes, the pool of information isn’t the least bit worrying. I’ll transfer what is deemed suspicious to the lens, I’d advise using infiltration mode. Can’t risk looking ignorant, a good host knows the guests and a brief of the accompanying story.”

‘Décor’s come alive; we might have overdone it a little. Chandeliers and statues, the fountain of drinks, a private orchestra next to the bar, so much detailing, truly reminds me of functions I used to attend. The game area is inviting, bright lights, free drinks, tonight’s going to be fun.’

First to arrive were the auctioning team, the somewhat expensive SUV pulled to the entrance, whereby a valet took the keys and left.

“Viscount Haggard.”

“Lady Sophie, Candice, and Thomas Edson, tis pleasure.”

“Viscount, you look very fetching tonight,” added Thomas.

“Same could be said about you,” brief exchange of pleasantries followed, “-enjoy the party until time for the auction.”

“Will do,” maids in wait led the guests in, for the next thirty minutes, prominent figures arrived, the greeting was very dull, exchange of compliments, a brief moment of laughter, and they headed on inside. Arrangements were made for all – a unique trait of said parties were the conversations, people knew one another either by proxy or acquaintanceship.

“There’s a limousine coming,” said éclair, the long display of wealth slowed to a stop, Leina’s prominently stood near the front.

“Hello,” said a lady in somewhat formal attire, “-I’m the manager for JIO, tis a pleasure.”

“Ah, yes,” nodded éclair knowingly, “-follow me this way,” they headed inside. Asmodeus and Mammon arrived shortly to keep company, “-hotshots?” wondered Mammon.

“No idea,” shrugged Igna, “-I don’t follow Alphia’s world of stardom to care,” five young gentlemen exited the vehicle, ‘-JIO, a phenomenal boyband that took the world of social media by storm. Each member is deeply affiliated with the world of show business. The jump from movies to music carried over a lot of clout, “-good evening,” said the taller gentleman, sharp features and well-cared-for skin and appearance, the norm for the industry.

“Good evening,” returned Igna.

“I know you,” said one towards the back bearing brownish blond hair, “-you’re the Alchemist, my folk loves food, they always wanted to taste the famous food of Chef Leko.”

“No,” added another, “-Viscount Haggard goes by the alias of Kinless,” an argument soon broke.

“Don’t fight here,” thundered from the side, “-head-on inside and enjoy the drinks.

“I apologize, my friends and I are excited to perform, the adrenaline’s pulsing.”

“There’s no need,” nodded Igna, “-enjoy the night.”

“Bunch of famous kids,” sighed Mammon.

“Hello,” said another voice, “-if it’s not the man who tried to start a career in show business.’

“Romeo, I should have expected thee around,” kind on the expression, “-I’ve yet to yield my dream. For now,” he sidestepped to present the casino, “-I’ll focus on getting by in life.”


“Ignore him, well met, Igna, I’m glad to see thy success to have grown further. We should discuss business later,” said Runo.


Harshly toned whispers headed inside, Romeo’s flare extinguished.

“Up ahead,” nodded Asmodeus, “-a representative of the Vermillion Familia’s here. Keep your guard up, master, they might be here to wreak havoc.”

“No need to tell me twice,” firmed on the armored cars, ‘-nothing will go wrong tonight, I personally made sure everything’s in order. Bring it on, I’m ready.’

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