
Chapter 934

“Starix, look out the window,” said Yui, gripping a familiar book, “-there I present, Marinda.”


It wouldn’t be the last time Starix felt confused and whelmed. The weather made landing rather difficult – in changing times of Marinda, the duo safely arrived. A dirt runway accommodated the flying beast.

Yui was first to step foot, a reminiscent breeze hit her pale visage, “-here we are,” she exhaled, “-the lost continent of Marinda.”

“What’s with the book?”

“My lucky charm,” she smiled, “-one written by Aidn of the Western Wind, his survival techniques saved me plenty of time.” She looked outward to the fence meanwhile the plane taxied into an excuse for a hut. Beast-drawn carried galloped to a harsh halt, each thud of their powerful legs shook the earth and shook pebbles. A military man glared out the transport, setting his strong presence over the dirt-bound path. He marched with confidence and pose, striking a ‘-who are you?’ at the visitors when reaching one-on-one distance.


“Greetings, my lord,” greeted Yui, “-we come from Hidros on a diplomatic mission.”

“I see,” he squinted, firming suspense and releasing said tension, “-a diplomatic mission from Hidros. Follow me,” he ordered.

Riding a carriage in not-so-well-maintained trails didn’t exactly feel great on the bottom. Starix held his discomfort as Yui did much by scanning the scenery. The landscape altered into a growlingly rustic feel – stone brick walls, many unfinished and others destroyed, grew to populate her window. People wandered the streets – the uncomfortable ride shortly turned into a pleasant stroll, and they reached the outskirts of Nordway. Streets and alleys gradually rose, similar to a man looking at the stars, the roads seemed to raise their heads at Einheim. Bystanders watched, curious as to why a royal carriage rode across town.

The coachman pulled, forcing the carriage to stop. Djen casually threw his hand around the handle and pulled, sliding the door to the grandness of Einheim. Starix gawked, jaw dropped by the scale alone, ‘-I’ve seen Rosespian castle, and now this?’ he coughed, “-Rosespire’s castle doesn’t come close to match this...”

“You say something?” inquired the military man.

“No, I was baffled at the castle’s magnificence.”

“Right,” grinned Djen, “-as diplomates of the Devil, we’ll make certain the stay is relatively leisureful. If you’d pardon me,” he nodded, gestured to a wandering retainer, and instructed for the guests to be accommodated.

Courtyard swapped for a generously spacious bedroom, “-I guess we’re sharing the bed,” shrugged Yui, “-tell me, Starix, thoughts?”

“I can’t stay,” he browsed the on-hand collection of leather-bound books, “-reminds me of the dark ages spoken in history books, it also reminds me of home,” his voice lowered, “-my actual home.”

“What you say?”

“Nothing,” the head shook, “-Yui, have you met the king?”

“I don’t think so,” she blinked, “-I met a few of the king’s aid during my travels. We’re lucky to have a place at night,” the curtains closed, “-demons who wander the land are vicious and stronger than monsters we have back home. They can tear a ruby-ranked adventurer as if he were but a porcelain rank.”

Similarly, directly opposite the bedchambers – the king’s aids settled in a nice indoor bath, “-where’s Djen and Mariane?”

“Lovebirds,” giggled another, “-we shouldn’t disturb them. I’ve already sent a message to King Gustv – he’s getting ready to meet the diplomates.”

“Calm it,” mumbled Tania, “-lady Elliana, excitement’s getting the best of the expressions.”

“My,” she tapped her visage and sighed, “-I can’t keep a straight face,” clapped a laugh, “-my bad, I’m excited about the meeting, a lot is riding on this.”

Without much happening, King Gustv made his way into the throne room, Djen, Mariane, Elliana, and Yean stood beside the king whilst Tania, Kuthl, and Jae stood in the background. Gates buckled, and a loud thud marked the entrance of Hidros’s envoys, some of the entourage recognized her visage by the warmer received looks.

“Yui and Starix of the Kingdom of Hidros,” shouted a spokesperson, the duo made their way to King Gustv, a prominently stronger figure, “-Yui Haggard and Starix,” he bellowed, “-welcome to Marinda, I hope the arrival was comfortable.”

“Pleasure is ours,” said Starix, unwavering before the king’s presence.

“It’s good to see his majesty again,” added Yui, nonchalant by rivaling the subtle threatening auras.

“Tell me,” he blinked, “-what’s the purpose of thy visit?”

Starix took centerstage and rose a confident sneer, “-to honor the promise my master made. It’s to my understanding my king, Igna Haggard, made a deal to aid Marinda in stepping into the international market.”

“Wait,” Yean interjected, “-Hidros recently lost a big player, Alphia was it?”

“Correct,” added Starix.

“Therefore, King Igna thought it best to approach us for aid?” narrowed a suspicious Elliana, “-tell me, why would we willingly walk into potential destruction?”

“Allow me to interject,” Yui, “-my true title is spymaster of the Hidrosian Crown,” they understood her message, dropping the argument for Yui’s say, “-it is true Hidros lost the support of Alphia, arguably one of the stronger empires. I wouldn’t count them as a threat, not now. See, there’s been a recent uprising – a new empress has taken the throne by committing fratricide and killing the last emperor, Sultria VI. It takes time to get a handle on your people, especially from such a tedious matter. The only current threat is a holy crusade by the papacy. We already destroyed a portion of the advanced unit. As matters stand, if the battle comes to an invasion, we have the advantage,” she slowed her speech and locked the king in a stare-off, “-Marinda, be my guest, walk into the international scene and see how rough the battles actually are. Hidros, despite its moderately smaller size, has been able to fight and survive for centuries – we’re not scared of shedding blood, the Hidrosian way is survival of the fittest. Master asked us to consolidate a way for mutual understanding, and a solid path for a potential alliance. Judging at how thee’ve done research and threw sneaks at the other nations – tell me, figure a guess to what’s happening now?”

‘Smart,’ nodded Starix, ‘-she narrated the argument well, the ball’s in Marinda’s court. She challenged them in a contest of wit, spymaster of Hidros, thou art shrewd, very shrewd.’

“Allow me,” interjected Elliana, “-why speak in riddles, lady Yui, we know what thee meant, and tis to put into question validity of our information sources. I admit, our network isn’t grand to compete against what centuries of intrigue have founded – the blood-king’s faction, the vampiric clans, I know about the nightwalkers and their hidden involvement in Hidros’ growth. Real phantom warriors – beings so powerful they could rival platoons of men, win against armies and bring down entire towns,” she paused and rivaled Yui, “-Hidros’ searching for allies, Kreston is the current weakest link. Dorchester’s willing to open the gates for a sea-based invasion of the continent. Alphia and Wracia are in the deliberation of what’s to come of their foundation. Such is the extent of what we know.”

“Impressive,” she smiled and rose a skeptic brow, “-Hidros is not looking for allies – you’ve forgotten Arda and Easel Run Gard.”

*Clap, clap,* interjected the king, “-enough,” he said, “-testing one another is all and good, however,” he glanced at the entourage, “-our decision was made long ago, and my offer to work alongside the Devil will remain true. I must share a troublesome piece of information; lady Yui is right, Marinda isn’t exactly ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with Hidros, not yet.”

“I see,” nodded Starix, “-Marinda will approach when they’re ready?”

“Yes we will,” he smiled, “-by the way,” a gesture at one of the aids, “-Tania,” her heart skipped, “-as a show of good faith, why not take Tania to Hidros. She’ll serve the role of ambassador of Marinda.”

“Sorry?” her cheeks flushed.

“It would be our pleasure,” smiled Starix.

“Tis settled,” firmed the king, “-let us host a banquette in honor of future prospects.”

Night covered the capital – drinking and extensive consumption of delicacies flooded stomachs, leaving Starix to hang off the balcony with a pool of undigested morsels.

“Told you not to drink so much,” Yui rolled her eyes.

“What, the drinks were so tasty, barely felt like alcohol, what in th-” another volley of stomach residents escaped. Yui had her elbows on the balustrade and sipped a warm cup of coffee.

Meanwhile, Tania’s bedchambers turned into a chaotic mess of clothes and items. King Gustv and his entourage, inheritor of bejeweled staffs watched with joyful expression, “-seems the student has missed her teacher a bit too much,” winked Mariane.

“It’s not like that,” she pouted, “-I’m going to Hidros for,”

“Yes, we know,” giggled Elliana, “-we should take the night off. Have fun in thy travels, Princess of faes,” the march of boots faded, leaving Tania to lay on her clothes ridden bed, ‘-I’m going to meet teacher... I don’t believe it.’

“Gustv, we have to talk,” narrowed Elliana, the others shrugged her request and continued along the walkway. Amber lit lanterns scattered across the castle yard, duo shortly arrived at a fountain.

“What’s on your mind?” inquired Gustv, seeing her troubled expression.

“Hidros,” she said, “-are we sure it’s wise to ally with the devil?”

“What are you saying now?”

“Don’t get me wrong, without King Igna’s help, Marinda would have been doomed, unable the shake the cultural differences. We must be rational, and willingly ally with a shaky nation will undoubtedly put us in jeopardy. I mean, was it not the same when Hidros entered into an alliance with Alphia? We represent Hidros and they represent Alphia in our situation, they’re the stronger and prosperous party. What if Hidros’ corrupt, what then, we could see the tide shift – people don’t change easily, we must prioritize our welfare.”

“Basically we forget the devil and carry on until our kingdom has a strong foundation?”

“Yeah, in summary.”

“Seriously?” he shook his head, “-listen, we’re not going to be screwed over by Hidros. They know the pain of being betrayed, and if there’s something Mariane’s taught me, tis to trust unconditionally. The choice is hard, either we make it on our own and are at risk from an internal issue or we ally with Hidros, have their backing, which I remind, the deal signed with the devil.”

“He’s not going to hold us accountable...”

“He won’t,” firmed Gustv, “-the devil will collect, but he won’t snatch.”


“King Igna’s a man of principle. Tania will perform her duties as ambassador. We’ll wait,” he smiled, “-and fix ourselves first. Did you not read the report?”

“What report?”

“This,” he undid a knot and opened a scroll, “-King Igna’s declaration of centralization. I told you,” he smiled, “-a clean slate for our eventual alliance.”

“Put that way,” she exhaled, “-it’s alright I suppose.”

Another day rose over the horizon, similarly – a wind of change blew across Rosespire’s streets. Workers hurried for the bus, traffic slowed to a snail’s pace, and trams filled from workers across the continent, such was the brusque Rosespian rush hour.

Gentle taps broke Igna’s sleep, “-master,” said a whisper, “-master,” blurred vision shook the consciousness.

Igna yawned, “-good morning, Medusa.”

“Good morning,” she smiled, “-how are you?” a warm cup laid on the desk, “-judging by the number of papers, not so great.”

“Yeah,” he sipped, “-who knew getting rid of incompetent ministers would increase my workload...”

“Must I respond?”

“No, it was rhetorical,” he drank, “-by the way,” before adding another word, the doors tapped and hastily opened. Medusa’s cheerful expression dropped, and a burst of murderous intent exploded, forcing Igna to summon a barrier at the growingly intense aura, “-calm it!” he cried.


“Minerva, stop it!” narrowed Igna.

“But she’s here...”

“I know she is,” said Igna, “-and you must accept it. Medusa and I are partners, just like you and me. Listen to reason, there’s no point in bringing up the past. I’m telling you, Minerva, just listen,” her charged aura dampened, the hair lowered onto the shoulder as she threw a menacing gaze, “-explain, Igna.”

“Have a seat,” he offered meanwhile Medusa waited in Igna’s shadow, ‘-she’s terrified of Athena, I would be too.’

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