
Chapter 555

As for Harold’s other children, I heard that those who were influenced by the cult so much were punished. As for those who were not influenced much, Harold treat them differently. Since Fabio has been coronated as the king, there shouldn’t be any more fight for the throne. So, they are either given the appropriate positions, or freed from the shackles of royalty as they will be free to do what they want.

But is Harold seriously do that? I don’t think that’s the case.

Even if they are free to do what they want, with the cult still at large, Harold shouldn’t take the chance of letting his children to be entangled with the cult anymore. So, I guess they are still being watched.

I have been moving around with portals all over the place ever since I woke up. From returning the soldiers from other country back to their home, retrieving the remaining of the lost soldiers, and man other jobs.

And now, I was even told to be on standby along with the kings in the same room so they can ask me for anything if there’s something they want from me, or another place. But I didn’t really listen to their discussion.

Other than me, everyone else is there as well. Kayla, Angela, Jewel, Shirley, Celestine, Veronica, Carmen, Julia, Candy, Wendy, agents from all countries, Shelia and the werewolves, Graham and the angels, and even Arin and the vampires. It’s such a crowded discussion.


Some actually listened to the discussion, while some, like me, just don’t care. Though I make sure the rowdy bunch who were being noisy with something unrelated to the discussion to stay in one place. I get the wind mages to make sure their voice will be blocked and won’t disturb the real discussion..

I can do that as well since I can just block the air using magic. But there are more wind mages here, so it will be their job. But since it’s wind magic, the wind will keep on blowing thanks to it. And it keeps the room to be breezy as well, which is good. And that makes me sleepy from the breeze.

As I was about to enter slumber, something invisible touched me to wake me up. It’s Spot. In his small and camouflaged form. Only the expert level mages here noticed. Including Fabio. The only expert level mage among the kings.

“Since all the main characters are here, including Spot, I’d like to give my gratitude to everyone here. Thanks to everyone, we could retrieve our kingdom back from the cult. Thank you very much,” Fabio said as the king.

He hadn’t said any gratitude even though it has been a while since the discussion started. But once Spot arrives, he said his gratitude. Well, it’s true that Spot helped a lot in not just retrieving Arturo Kingdom. But also in the battle against the mohawks. He has done extremely well.

Fabio waited until everyone, including Spot to arrive here to say that. And everyone from Arturo, including some soldiers and even Luna, bowed their head down to show their sincerity.

Though one person is not here. Kron is just enjoying his time exploring dungeon. Even if he has now become good friend with Fabio, he’s still a hunter through and through.

After that, they returned to their original discussion. About what to do with the cult after this, and managing their country.

Other than discussing about what to do with the cult, they also started talking about what I requested. About anything related to magical weapons that could help me get stronger. Something that will help me stand my ground against master level mages.

“Tatrama Kingdom will send some agents to investigate anything related to those weapons. And we will allow Roy to enter our treasury and will gladly let him take any weapons he could find,” Albert said.

“Consenza Empire will do the same,” Lynn said.

“And so will Varadis Kingdom,” old man Henry said.

“We from Arturo Kingdom, might have some treasures from our treasury taken by the cult, but there are still some stuffs worth checking. We will Allow Roy to enter our treasury as well,” Fabio said.

...YAHOOOOO! Treasures!

“With the condition that someone follow him along. We can’t let him take everything inside,” Albert continued. And all the four kings nodded.

“You don’t trust me that much, huh!?” I shouted directly to the faces of the kings.

“It’s you we’re talking about. And we also didn’t check the treasury every time. You must have grabbed a thing or two from there once in a while, right? When we’re not looking,” Albert said.

...That’s true. Though I won’t admit it.

I have checked the treasure rooms of all four kingdoms. At least the capital, and the palaces or the castle the kings lived in. I haven’t checked the nobles around there. There might be someone who is interested in collecting weapons.

And in the treasury, I have seen some weapons. Most of them are normal weapons. I can make them stronger with my Aura, but using Victoria is better. Even Reizpear is much better since it can repair itself if I pour some magic in it.

Though maybe there are some weapons I missed. Or something that is hidden really well by the royalties.

“Well, Roy, you also said that you’re going to move by yourself to seek for those weapons, right? Who will you take with?” old man Henry asked.

“Since the others need to improve themselves so they can fight against stronger opponents, I probably move alone with the monsters. Unless there’s a fight with powerful opponents. If that’s the case, then I will just contact them and tell them to prepare for a fight,” I replied.

Since the weapons I need will be tested directly, I will have to be the one to check on those weapons. Maybe there’s also some magic weapons suited for air mage. But if that’s the case, I might just give it to Sara instead of using it myself. She’s a better air mage than I am now. I think it won’t be long until she reached expert level.

And the group I’m talking about is actually the perfect choice for the mission.

Victoria is my familiar. And she used to be a human who was an Aura user. If there’s a weapon for Aura user, her advise will be important.

Not just her, Sonia was also a human and an Aura user in the past. Though she might be called by Albert or the others often, so I can’t count on her too much.

After that, there’s Spot who is currently wrapping his body around my waist. He no longer camouflaged himself since Fabio has revealed his position when he arrived. And Spot used to be a familiar to an Aura user. He should be a bit familiar to the weapons that were used by Aura users in the past.

Other than them, I can summon Shelia if there’s a battle, and Graham if I need healing. I think I have the perfect team already.

“Just Roy and his summoned monsters are enough for him to be called a cheat. Even if he’s not an Aura user and just a mage, his monsters are powerful enough to do everything by themselves. I think that’s a good team you have,” Fabio said.

“I know. And I have eaten the Pear-y Fruit as well, so once I increase the level of my summoning element, I should be able to make a contract with another familiar. Thanks to this war, Shelia, Graham, and Victoria whom I used as weapons, have killed so many powerful enemies. It won’t be long until I can reach expert level in summoning and make another contract with a monster. This journey is also to look for another monster,” I said.

“What about Arin? She’s a powerful Vampire. Why don’t you pick her as your next familiar?” Albert asked.

I glanced at Arin who heard that question as well. She just smiled at me after she noticed my glance.

“She is powerful indeed. But I don’t think we need to make a contract. Just like Spot and Andro. She’s a monster that we can negotiate with,” I said.

And as long as I’m alive, and my blood is still running in my vein, there’s no way the vampires who have became addicted to my blood to leave and let go of the chance to drink my blood. Though they can only receive my blood if they participate in a fight.

“Roy has full control of us vampires. Even without making any contract, there’s no problem at all in calling him our master,” Arin added.

Just how addictive is my blood?

Anyway, I have my own path to take before we face the cult again in the future. To search for weapons, and to wait for information by the werewolves who were tracking the enemies.

I think it will be hard even with their sense of smell to search for the cult’s main base. But I heard from Candy that the agent who went with the three werewolves were good at tracking and investigating. I’ll just put my trust in them and wait.

Maybe I can find clues during my journey as well. Well, that’s only if I’m lucky. Or unlucky.

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