
Chapter 556

I feel like my fighting skills have reached bottleneck. I don’t think I can grow stronger just by training new techniques anymore. That’s the main reason why I need to look for powerful weapons.

Well, maybe the real reason is because I have never fought someone seriously. And most of the time, the enemies died in one hit after all.

Both Victoria and Sonia said that it’s natural for Aura users to reach bottleneck. When their martial skills and their Aura won’t grow much anymore. But that can be taken care of once they experienced a difficult battle. But that battle is a serious battle between Aura users. They would fight each other seriously so they can get stronger. And most of the time, one side would even die.

But that’s impossible for me. I’m the only Aura user left that exist in this world after all. The Evil God has killed every single one of them, and the existence of Aura users were not written in history. Only some children stories have something about Aura users. That’s why no one think that they can become an Aura user.

Even if I fight with Shelia, Graham, or Arin, I don’t think I would be able to get stronger. I need to fight Aura user, but they are no longer exist except for me. That’s why the only thing I can do left is to find powerful weapon.

Even the Evil God was sealed by a magical artifact. Maybe there’s something that can kill him as well.


After the discussion yesterday, I entered each kingdom’s treasury. I looked for anything that look like weapon, and store them in the warehouse in Cassau.

There were many weapons that I found from their treasure rooms. From swords, long swords, spears, axe, hammer, knives, daggers, bows and arrows, and many other weapons.

Most of them were just look expensive. They were just decorative weapons. Though some could be useful, I don’t think they are enough for me to kill the Evil God. I need to find something more powerful.

Though, does such thing exist? If it does, the Aura users of the past should be able to kill the Evil God and they won’t become extinct, right?

Maybe if there’s something left behind by the Aura users from even further distance to the past, I might be able to kill the Evil God. Only if those weapons are powerful.

But maybe there’s something I could learn from Aura users of Victoria’s era. For example, something like a manual or instructions to learn Aura, or something that will help me detect if someone has the talent to use Aura and be an Aura users or not. I mean, if I can’t defeat the Evil God on my own, I can just raise my own army of Aura users and get them to defeat the Evil God.

I have given up on that when I thought that I might end up killing potential Aura users by performing the tricks that Victoria told me in the past. Pouring a bit of my Aura into someone to see if they can learn Aura or not. But if I found something like a manual to do so, I can really build my own army of Aura users in the future.

That’s why, our first destination is the place where Victoria and Sonia learned under their master to be Aura users a thousand years ago. Their master was someone who built a dojo where kids can learn to be an Aura users. I might be able to learn something if I go there.

“So, where did you learn how to manifest your Aura?” I asked Victoria and Sonia as we were in the sky riding on the back of our amazing serpent, Spot.

I just left my house. And the four of us are in the sky trying to figure out where we should go. That’s where we decide that going to where Victoria and Sonia trained in the past is our priority right now.

“I don’t know. I don’t remember,” Victoria said.

“How could you not remember where it was!? You trained there for years!” Sonia complained.

“Yeah, but I spent a thousand years in Monsters World as a Black Slime. What about you? You were in this world ever since you died, right? And you died in your own house. Though it has became our house now,” Victoria said.

“I still remember where it is. Though I can’t tell since it has been a thousand years, and the landscape has totally changed. Even this place which was originally was my land, is now a big city. But if we move on foot, I can probably remember where it was,” Sonia said.

“Wait, so after we’re in the sky, you’re going to tell me that we need to walk?” I asked.

“Well, running is fine. I think I will remember it since it’s just a straight path from the dojo to my home,” Sonia said.

“Then we can just fly in a straight line, right? We don’t need to move on foot,” I said.

“You might be right, but if we move too fast, I might forget the exact location. Please just run instead so I can remember,” Sonia said.

“Sigh... and how long do we need to walk?” Victoria asked.

“Around two weeks,” Sonia replied.

Well, it will take too long if we walk for two weeks. It’s better to fly as expected.

“So, two weeks with the running speed of an Aura user. Let’s go back home first. I’ll show you how important math is,” Victoria said.

In the end, we waited until Victoria finished calculating the distance and the estimate position of where her old dojo was previously. I hope in the place we’re going, there’s a ghost there. The ghost of their old master. Though that’s just wishful thinking.


In the cult’s main base. The masked Archbishop is facing one of the cult member. The man in front of him was the one who was tasked with the duty of assassinating the kings.

“So, not only you failed your task. There were no survivors, the Professor is missing, and Arturo Kingdom was taken by the king who was supposed to be dead. Am I right so far?” the Archbishop asked the man.

“...Yes,” the man answered.

“And you still dare to ask me to give you resources so you can reach master level.”

“...Yes. If I had power, I could kill all the kings easily!” the man shouted.

But right after he said that, an arm flies in the air. It’s the arm of the man who failed his task. The Archbishop used his wind magic to cut off his arm.


“If we have enough master level mages, I won’t even think of sending you all. Just one master level mage and everything is done. You think just because you reached master level, you can do anything you want? That’s wrong. Once you reached master level, you will have to do something important. Killing the kings is just a small task compared to what the mages who have reached master level are doing right now. Is that your excuse?”

The Archbishop gives the man pressure. It’s the power of a master level mage. And the man who was just an expert level mage can’t endure it for long as he kneeled down in an instant. Ignoring the pain from missing his arm.

And finally, he remembers something. One artificial master level mage, returned back to him and give the report of something that was supposed to be the highest priority. And he decided to tell it to the Archbishop.

“T-there’s a report of an Aura user fighting. That must be why we fail even after bringing all the artificial mages to the battle,” the man said.

The Archbishop was about to say something, but suddenly, he feels as if he’s being pushed down by some sort of pressure.

It came from the door that the Archbishop always protected. The Evil God who was inside the door the whole time is reacting to the word Aura user.

“You knew that there’s an Aura user but you didn’t return to report me immediately? How much guts do you need to do that?” the Evil God asked.

“I-I-I-I’m sorry!” the man put his head to the ground and begged for mercy.

“How many? How do they look like?” the Evil God asked.

“I-I didn’t ask. I’m sorry!”

“You came here, ignoring the highest priority of reporting the existence of an Aura user, and think you will be safe? Die this instant!”

Without using any magic, just by sheer pressure, the Evil God killed the man who was supposed to be an expert level mage. That’s just how much stronger he is than the Archbishop, a master level mage.

“You, investigate it. How many of them, and how they look like. If it’s really an Aura user, we need at least a master level mage to kill him. But there’s no time for that. Just investigate about him. Once my seal is completely removed, I will find him myself and kill him,” the Evil God said.

The Archbishop nodded, and then he left to give the order to other cult members.

The truth about why the master level mages are busy is because they are being used as sacrifices. The seal that stopped the Evil God needs to consume a lot of magic power so it can be unsealed. And the Evil God and the Archbishop used the master level mages that they raised and make them into sacrifices to free the Evil God.

They think it’s safe because there’s no one who has reached master level in this era. But now that they know that an Aura user exist, the Evil God regretted that he used all master level mages to be the sacrifices. He should have keep some who are loyal to be his pawn.

The cult actually doesn’t have any master level mage to send. And Roy can continue his journey to find powerful weapons. At least until the cult has developed another master level mage, or the Evil God has been unsealed completely. But it won’t be anytime soon.

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