
Chapter 570

“Emi,” sleep broke to a famed singer cocooned onto her arm. No tact to speak of, the sleeping gowns barely held her breasts of which spilled to the pleasure of any stalker. ‘My head hurts like hell,’ bits and pieces of yesterday regained, a painful feeling of nausea snuck up the stomach. ‘-Mild snoring?’ turning over, Dei and Suga were in a rather awkward posture, erotic or plain uncomfortable, no clue to which she fell onto her pillow. Attempts to struggle were foiled, just as she did, Dei turned over to sprawl her arms. As if planned, Emi joined to make a prison. The throbbing headache stole energy and will to wake. ‘-Back to sleep,’ and so, regardless of the freezing outside, she slept.

“Igna,” yawned the prince, “-I’m done taking a shower, head on in, I’ll order room service.”

“Alright,” said he a little shaken, ‘-not as resistant to alcohol as I remember.’

Forgotten memories, the vestige of a well-spent night scattered in the hangover.

The hot stream ran down the hair and face, the mirror foamed and so did the windows. ‘Last night’s talk sure went on for ages. I recounted my death, Julius seemed to know a little and not the whole story. It should clear up any doubts, I framed it to incriminate Lucifer and the other gods, he should conclude soon. Nonetheless, Creation’s heir is more of a gentleman now, a prince through and through. He loves the life here and never wants to leave. I respect the sentiment. Quite awkward that he dozed off after ten shots. Drunk Julius is even more of a worrywart. Crying to say that he loves me and everyone he’s met, crying to say he’ll do anything to help me and the quest ahead. The divine realm is the ultimate destination. I’ll take what was stolen from me, the politics of the gods, what a joke. My goals are clear, there are a few things I need to follow up on, the primary objective is getting strong. Need to gather the symbols of power and make way for Dreqai, recruit gods and demons for the Shadow Realm, and then set out to the ancient continent. Research from éclair said any plane or boat that approaches is either stuck by storm or falls to the giant waves. Access is granted only a few times a year. Things are getting started, I don’t have time to worry about myself and who I am. All is clear. Now then, to find out who’s responsible for killing Leko. The Agency should be on top of the investigations.’ A push and the man-made rainfall halted. A red bathrobe hoisted over the shoulder then led into the cacophonous bedroom.

“Last night was a blast,” said Emi onto her feet, “-you know how to party, don’t you, girl.”


“What was the drink anyway?” asked Alicia gazing outside, “-why are we in a hotel. I remember stumbling to catch the last bus.”

“I remember,” said Suga, “-you wanted to get back home before someone got angry, something like that.”

“Why are we here anyway?” asked Dei.

“I know right,” said Suga a little baffled, “-we’re clean, there’s no vomit, the hotel is nice, were we kidnapped?”

“A failed kidnapping,” the handle dropped, “-good morning, drunkards.” Wet black hair tied to the back, tattoos about the arms and chest, a face fit for a star, “-you people sure are a crazy bunch to handle.”

“Excuse me?” refuted Emi, “-do I know you?”

“Harsh,” said he sipping coffee, “-here’s what happened.” Ten minutes passed, the four sat on the bed as if students being reprimanded. Julius arrived on time as the lecture ended.

“How’s everyone doing?” a silent smile portrayed hell, “-I hope the fun was worth the trouble.”

“Sorry,” said they in shame.

“Medusa’s prodigy, right?” inquired Emi, “-for Cle, you were there?”

“Yes,” said he, “-we got into a little argument too, remember?” a condescending smirk sent shivers of disgust, the whole ordeal had her wanting to forget. “Water under the bridge as they say,” holding a hand, “-I’m Igna Haggard. Alicia here is my manager.”

“And he’s my cousin,” interjected Julius, “-the one I talk about a lot.”

“Oh, the pretty boy,” added Suga who played with a growing stubble, “-I remember now, didn’t you cover one of our songs?”

“Correct,” said he, “-enough about that, let’s get to the discussion at hand. Alicia, care to explain why I had to babysit?”

“I’m sorry, ok?” she knelt, “-my memory’s sort of coming back. I’m ashamed, causing a scene in public, I proclaimed you had planted a seed in me.”

“Yeah, a seed,” arms crossed, “-let’s talk about it later.”

“Come on man,” voiced Emi, “-it’s not her-”

“Not so fast,” added Julius replicating Igna’s posture, “-the party last night caused quite a lot of problem. The reception hall is ruined, many of our staff were found naked and on the street. Honestly, tis lucky the complex was closed off, the guards made sure to give them a nice place to stay, by nice, I mean two chairs pulled together.”

“It’s how Xius do things,” whispered Dei, “-come on, can’t fault us for that.”

“Shut it,” said he, “-Igna, why not tell them the bigger story.”

The reply came in a reluctant, “-really?”

“Go on then,” edged the prince. The anticipation had them buckle, what happened, what would be the punishment, questions, and no answers.

“The influence of alcohol is something none can predict. Still, Emi and Alicia, you two were especially idiotic. We had to deal with complaints from bystanders; two ladies making passionate love on the bench of a bus stop, seriously?” the two watched not knowing how to react, the events told were bad, seriously bad. “Dei and Suga were somewhat normal, considering. Walking around half-naked, leaving lady parts to hang.”

“I’m angrier about the drinking and driving,” said Julius.

“Whatever,” breathed Igna, “-Julius’s dealt with most of the complaints. Go freshen up, breakfast is in the dining room.”

“Yes sir,” said they. The cousins left on towards the lobby.

“Gone,” whispered Dei, “-holy shit,” she turned to Suga, “-we had too much fun.”

“Half-naked in public,” a facepalm led into laughter, “-sounds like a great night.”

“I know,” added Emi a little coy towards Alicia. Her lashes flickered invitingly.

“No way,” returned Alicia, “-go have a shower and cool the lustful gaze.”

“Hell no. I’m not letting a beauty such as you off the hook,” a lick of the lips confirmed the intention. The manager was grounded in the middle of pleasure and responsibility, her actions last night were shameful and the things said out loud, the misinformation could bring the fall of her client. The failure to care sluggishly sank in her very core.

“Stop teasing her,” added Dei stopping beside Alicia. -She’s weird like that, don’t worry. To be honest, the lecture is the whole point of why we do the things we do. Not long ago, without help, we’d have been lost to the slums of society. It’s nice to know someone cares about us, very childish, I know. The attention is why we’re Xius, to prove we were rescued for a purpose.”

“Sorry about the mess,” said Emi, “-we clicked, I don’t know how or why; it just felt right.”

“I know,” smiled Alicia, “-felt like we were meant to know one another. Go on, the shower awaits.” Thus, the room emptied with a lonesome Suga and melancholic manager.

“Come on,” in the dining room, “-have something to eat.”

“I’m good,” her forehead slumped onto the table, “-the hangover is bad.”

“Some food will get the body to speed,” said he devouring the succulent light meal. “About Igna,” he scarfed down fruits, “-he’s a good man.”

“What?” her zombie-like expression rose, “-what do you mean?” she squinted painfully at the glutton.

“You look like shit,” remarked he. “-I was sort of sober last night, I remember everything from when you left till the hotel. He carried us here. You disgustingly hurled onto Emi’s chest, man, that must have been a pain. I respect the willingness to help – though a little rough. He showered everyone in ice-cold water and brought clothes. I can say one thing, yesterday was the first time someone cared so much for idiots. We usually wake in cars, side of the street or the toilet. To be cared for made me happy.”

‘Y-yeah, good person...’ *thud,* ‘-why is he coming to mind now?’ the head slammed once more, “-gosh, I don’t want to think about it anymore.” Hair awry onto the table and shoulder, the smell of alcohol and sweat rose, ‘-do I smell?’ A timid glance at Suga showed naught but a glutton. ‘-why do I feel so uneasy?’

Everyone soon had dinner, more clothes were delivered. Julius and Igna soon arrived with medicines in form of water. 10:30, a jeep and Void stood ready to leave. “Cousin,” inquired Julius, “-what’s the plan now?”

“Depends on what mother decides. I’m headed to Rotherham, there are things to discuss with Serene.”

“Lady Serene, yeah, I forgot. I’ll be back in a day or so,” pointing behind, “-you’ve seen it firsthand. There’s no way I can leave them alone.” The troublemakers spoke loudly and laughed; Alicia fit right in.

“What about Manager Scott?”

“He’s in Iqeavea, spending time with the family,” a nod ended the conversation. An unlikely encounter resolved by the jeep turned for Apexi’s office. Void stood solemnly, as did Igna leaned with a cigar in mouth. The manager shyly kept her distance, the distraught expression and hair didn’t assure much.

“You ready to leave, or no?”


On the road once again, a silent journey. Ill or another reason, she couldn’t keep her composure. The awkward tranquility added to the tension, maybe guilt, regret perhaps, quietly resting against the leather seat, the drive continued.

“Good news,” exclaimed éclair, “-they’ve solved Leko’s death. Researchers found traces of a new synthetic drug closely resembling a certain project by the Cobalt-Unit’s offshore research center. They were looking into the possibility of bio-weapons; spreading illness as opposed to destruction. Killing the people for easy conquest. The drug and the submitted papers have more than a few things in common. Clarise is currently reverse working the hints for a clearer picture.”

‘A lead at last,’ thought he inducting more mana, ‘-I need to get to the lab. Can’t forget someone else might have used the papers in attempts to frame the Cobalt Unit. What better way to offset a link. Fitting reality to a hypothesis, and not a hypothesis to reality. A play on the human nature of not wanting to be wrong. Might just be paranoia.’

“In other news,” added éclair once more, “-I’ve looked into Linda Leko-Goodwin. The new director has been very active in reclaiming shares and spreading the influence. For once, the relations between student family and school body are stronger than ever. The families have taken to restore her name. The relations spread randomly to cover track, all and all, a good try to smother the possibility of being held accountable.”

‘She’s cunning. I was led to believe her narrative.’

“It’s not over yet,” interjected éclair, “-I made the connection. There’s a private family-run restaurant in Plaustan. For the seamless lack of clientele, the profits speak for themselves.”

‘How do they relate?’

“I traced the money instead of the people. Before entering her account, the latter spread, similar to how the lady operates. It’s almost impossible to trace unless I’m involved. It hails from Alphia, tis the extent of the track.”

‘Linda Leko-Goodwin, since you were my mentor’s wife, I didn’t like the idea. Then again, why would he die so stupidly? I’m doubtful of the Adventuring Academy, things do not add up.’ The death heightened the depths of the case, nothing was as it seemed.

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