
Chapter 571

“I’m Igna Haggard, this is the first time I’ve used the road.”

“Haggard,” he turned to check with the other, nods and radio transmission. The gates opened to a very empty passage since trees gave the impression of walls as the foliage spread in an encompassing manner.

“About earlier...”

“Say it already,” returned he harshly, “-is there something I need to know, or you want to say?”

“I’m sorry...”

“About what, being under the influence?” they turned inward to the skyscrapers, “-if that’s all, then, there’s no cause for concern. I don’t care what you do, your life, no place for me to judge. Tell me one thing,” they stopped at an intersection, “-how was the trip with Julius?”


“Fun, I enjoyed it,” she smiled.

“Good, then, it’s about time you head to Alphia,” the door opened, “-go check in with the receptionist. I’ve made the arrangements; besides, Celina’s already begun her life. As for me, I don’t think I’ll be needing a manager. Tis more trouble than I require.”

“Y-yeah,” her shoulders slumped, “-I’m j-just a manager. I-it hurts b-but hey,” abruptly glancing back, “-I came here to help, not be a burden.”

“Stop,” he held her wrist, “-don’t misunderstand, we’re going back together. The arrangements are for a better place to stay as well as a car. Go enjoy the whole of Hidros. I’m going to be busy; things are hard as is. Be careful, call if you need anything.”

The blurred vision cleared at a simple caring smile. For the many days spent apart and together, living as one in Alphia spurred on things she couldn’t describe. Suga and Emi saw right through her feeble heart.

“Igna,” the grip lessened, she turned, “-you’re the only one for me.” No warning, no time to react, her tender lips locked against his. Hot cheeks inched away, her long and feeble finger moved to rest onto the lower lips, her pupils grew like a droplet hitting a serene lake.

“Tell me,” he softly moved to hold the back of her head, “-why not, why?”

“I’m scared,” said she, “-the feeling of being abandoned, it’s here, I c-can’t d-describe it.”

“I’m sorry,” gently easing the hold, “-I don’t think I’ll ever be able to love someone ever again. It’s not you, it’s me. The heart in my chest is nothing more than a beating rock, I felt nothing. The kiss was sweet as well as intoxicating. Trust me, there are no men alive who wouldn’t accept the advancement.”

“Are you rejecting me?” her heart sank.

“It would be scummy to lead you on for carnal pleasures. You’re a very kind and charming person, well, towards those you trust. The harshness in the tongue, the open-minded way of thinking, it’s there, it’s qualities of a great partner. I’m not one to dangle a thread of fake hope.”

“Igna,” the door shut, “-I’m coming with,” her face suddenly grew stern.

“Why, what’s the reason?”

“I should have said this before,” the fierceness returned, “-I don’t give up easily. Besides, Julius told me about the prior relationship.” They continued driving.

“What did he say?”

“That you were betrayed by the most trusted person. She fled to another’s arms because of a faint faith. I don’t mind waiting, I’ve waited my whole life, I’ve broken people’s relations, played with others, stole the money of a rich geezer. I’m not that kind of a person as you’d think, Igna.”

“Why tell me all this?” they approached the town square.

“Do I have to spell it out?” she grabbed his collar, “-I love you.”

“I see,” parked under a blossoming tree, “-you’re an idiot.”

“What’s wrong with you?” she cried, “-I’m here confessing, and you jest?”

“To be honest,” moved to the shade, “-you’re definitely an idiot.”

“Why, why, why?” her bashful expression elevated to ire, “-tell me why,” in his face, “-why,” the alcohol-filled breath left much to be desired.

“The worst taste in men,” said he, “-are you seriously interested. What about the heir of Patek, he seemed like a good catch. Not to mention the way you both stared and spoke. Felt more of a couple taking a cooling off period than strangers.”

“Stop being so dense,” cried she, “-I want you, come on.”

“You want me, huh...” staring the floating leaves, “-me or my information. Me or Phantom, me or the people close to me. Alicia,” he turned to hold her wrist tightly, “-I found a little something earlier. The whole thing about the reception was a test, one you sadly failed.”

“What are you on about?”

“Did you really...” he laughed, “-Oh my, how very delusional. Alicia, I’ve been watching you closely. I had a trusty friend keep tabs; besides, even Lady Elvira was suspicious. I was doubtful from the first encounter, why would idols groups break, the scheme about hurting another. Not to mention, the connection with the Lumian O’dla.”

Bashful and cute too on edge and caution, “-where is this coming from?”

“No idea,” he smirked, “-the pieces fit right in, I’ve a bad habit of not trusting anyone. You didn’t expect the mercenaries to be found out. Phantom’s interrogating them as we speak. A reference to an employer of utter beauty, the description fit yours; I mean, I would be confident in showing my face to potential leaks if I had the backing of the offshore Cobalt-Unit. Tell me, Emilia, Rem, Enia, or Alicia. I have a few secrets of my own, finding someone’s identity nowadays is simpler than ever. Why was it yours came off as suspect – the reports conflicted, papers were right, a little too right. No crisscross by the persona. Here’s something to maul over, we had intercourse, it might have been dark and I was asleep; I saw you shifting through my belongings. The plan was schemed by someone higher up the echelon, they knew about me, my family, and my kindness. I played in your hands from the start. Lastly, the confession. How very melodramatic. Not leaving my side, pointing out your shortcomings to tug on my heart. Here’s the thing, someone recently showed her interest, a very haphazard confession, her face, and words were stuck at times.”

“I’ve been found out?” the whole persona swapped, “-you’re right, I’m a spy. I came in on orders from the Patek’s. My duty was to keep an eye on Igna Haggard. The assignment was to extract information using my charms. Not to brag, I’ve done it countless times. My advances, my straightforward approach, anyone would have fallen... still, y-you kept professional.”

“The death of Melle Nao.” The name enticed another reaction, “-I knew it,” he paused.

“What now?” asked she perplexed of what was to happen. Being discovered meant death for spies.

“Her death brought about suspicion to the Patek’s. Your employers must have killed her, or so what circumstance leads to believe,” a fresh breeze carried the long hair, “-maybe I’m being hopeful and overly optimistic. A spy and her target, the death of a close friend, betrayal from those who carelessly sent one onto the path of self-destruction.”

“It’s true,” the tone felt woeful, “-I’m sorry for lying. My mission was to keep an eye on you, the confession wasn’t a lie either. I truly wanted to be at your side. Who am I kidding anyway; my fate is sealed. The moment a spy’s cover is blown, she must take her life.”

“Who said that,” smiled he, “-who said the cover is blown. Don’t misunderstand, I know you’re a spy, so what. You didn’t do anything to harm me or my allies. Besides, we’re always ready to handle information leaks. Phantom isn’t a company to trifle with.” He moved closer and took her hand, “-Alicia, here’s the thing. I don’t care if you’re a spy. What you felt, the regret, the drive to Rotherham, the night we spent, and the people you met, truly brought a smile, I feel it deep in your heart. The first time we met, the harsh comments were to stray me away. No matter the pressure, we grew accustomed to one another.”

“How can you be so trustful,” close to her face, “-I’m a spy, aren’t you scared that this is my plan.”

“Shut it,” he pulled her head to his chest, “-a spy who’s loyal wouldn’t say that.”

“I’m happy,” gathering her strength, “-I want to stay and experience the future,” she smiled, tears fell, “-dreams are dreams. The time spent was worthwhile. I got to enjoy the pleasures of life for the past months. Since Nao died, I found myself at a loss. You were there helping. I’m grateful. Turning coat now is impossible – through Magiology, there’s an instant death spellbound to my ring. It triggers the moment my cover is blown. I’ll die any moment...’

“This ring?” he pulled one out of the pocket.

“How?” an identical one stayed on her fingers.

“I disarmed it during intercourse. Thank god it was only a spell. Cutting off the mana supply was all that one needed. Undoing spell is my specialty.”

“What about the replacement?” argued she.

“Found it at a local pawn shop. Freedom is here, reach out and grab it. I did so for my personal gain, to have a spy turncoat is the best thing an organization can hope for.”

She regretfully asked, “-what now, are you going to use me as they did?”

“Depends on you. Keep sending them reports, reports we give you. I will personally promise your safety; if things go out of hand, as a Haggard, I’ll make sure Phantom becomes thy Asylum.”


“Fine,” stumped at her indecisiveness, he got down on one knee, “-Alicia Raze, drunkard and ugly crier, incompetent spy and kind-hearted maiden. As one who vowed to never be in a relation, I break it so. We’re both in dire situations. Fighting the world alone isn’t so pleasant,” resolved, “-will you be my partner?”

“What-” her hands subconsciously covered her mouth. Casual onlookers paused in wonder, a public confession. Two handsome figures, the lady turned red as did the man. “-I don’t get it, why.”

“Take his hand,” cheered a random bystander.

“Yeah, take his hand!” added another.

“Simple, you accepted death and confessed to being a spy. The confession, the regret, they all led to the ultimate decision of having the secret be known. I lied about the test, there was no test at all. The moment the truth clicked I knew you would confess, not love, but being a traitor. I never rejected your advances, did I?”

“Don’t tell me,” on her knees, “-this drama, the conversation, it was to-”

“Yes,” finger to her lips, “-don’t say anything else.”

“Igna,” they embraced, “-you’re the worst partner a girl could ever hope for,” she laughed, “-I’m not a saint either.”

“You said it.” The crowd cheered, embarrassment filled her face to which she hid by sticking to his chest.

“Come on,” they moved into the car, “-let’s go home.”

A vow to never get in a relation shattered instantly. Origin had a part in the drama. The manager’s confession held more than words and emotions. Understanding the maiden’s heart was tedious – he faced her head-to-head to see the resolve. She kept strong and acted as if being surprised to shake away his worry. Her mannerism spoke loudly; the envy of death. ‘Look at her sleep, so innocent and vulnerable.’

“Igna, is this truly the way forward?” wondered éclair.

“I don’t know,” said he, “-it just came to me. Her actions are up for debates, she never sent reports. She wanted this to be her last mission. Putting off the report to spend time until they pulled the trigger. Besides, she reminds me of myself.”

“Is the feeling mutual, isn’t this just leading her on?”

“The feeling is mutual,” said he, “-Origins at play. I felt it, the warmness of the human heart, I fell it when we spend time together.”

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