
Chapter 726

“Midne, join in the fun, tonight’s a treat on my behalf, why work yourself?”

“I enjoy it, the pleasures of helping are very constant. Master, should I bring a drink?”

“Please do,” he sat away from the gambling tables(shielded behind slot machines), back rolled fully onto the seat and face to the glamorously adorned ceiling. ‘-The time loop brought a sense of danger, I don’t have the body of a god nor do I possess the boons inherit to a divine being. If not for Mantia, Blood-Arts, and the mana control, I’d have been lost without respace. The world’s being charged by visits from either side of the higher realm’s spectrum. Stronger foes will appear, the era’s switched into a one where magic is mainly used in the field of technology. Combat mages have no use, the golden age where SSS ranked mages were Dukes is far gone. Depending on the continent, priorities are diverse – I wonder what Iqeavea thinks of the matter. Alphia focuses, or strives to be a good environment for poor and rich alike, nobles, politicians, the abundance of monetary gains is sufficient to be a target. Compared to Hidros, they’ve got us beat in everything. éclair’s report says private military companies are on the rise – the Cobalt Unit and Phantom are at the top in weapon research. We’ve conquered the air, and they’ve conquered the land and sea. The Empire’s nothing to scoff at, the long war between Elendor and King Juvey’s made the latter wiser to the potential of stratagems over head-on assaults. The military might behind his kingdom is a pillar holding Iqeavea as the world’s first most dominant rulership.’

“Here master,” interjected Midne, “-a drink.”

“Thank you, and do take a break, tis an order.”

“As is wished,” she looked to the side, “-lady Kul’s waiting. See you at the auction, my lord.”


“Take care,” he watched as the duo diffused into the horde of laughs, ‘-we never won against Kreston, might have recaptured the province from their religious hands, they but returned to the starting block. A constant battle between Kreston and I, we fight all the time, they ruined Arda and left without consequence. Neighboring independent lands might be wary, still, the control the church hold is scary. Calling a crusade against a hedonistic land under the guise of cleansing the mind is morally correct and has been proven time and time again. World leaders can’t do anything – the emperor of Alphia’s a pawn, the face of Hidros, Queen Gallienne’s fallen complacent. The birth of her child made her heart warmer and welcoming – the Federation is in talking state again. Can we really sit by and watch the Wracia Empire allied to the new continent, allied they say, I’m sure they’ve invaded with arms at the ready. The landmass of the new land is greater, ripped with natural resources and natives. The huge distance between us and them isn’t easily conquerable, a plane might make the trip – without a landing stripe or any stable footing, tis worthless. The sea is the safest and best option. They’d be shot down – Arda was a front, I’ve known it for a long time, the invasion was a ploy to take attention away. Should I get involved in the politics again?’ a cigar lit, ‘-what’s holding me back, the fear of ending like Staxius? A single man can’t take on the world alone – well, he could if he were my prior self. I felt it earlier, the bloodlust, the aura of death is closer than I’d think. My face and eyes are gradually returning to how it was; I know I’m Staxius Haggard who’s but changed his name into Igna Haggard, I remember everything, the hatred and fear’s gone, the pain – locked away unless I draw blood and wish for one to die. Reflecting on what’s happened is a nice way to mark the progress. The mission given by lady mother and aunt Elvira to start a rival company at the heart of the enemy’s land, them being the four greats, is complete. Raven’s taken various blunt in trades, the businesses look down upon a small company – look who’s laughing now, Ravens are often linked to ill-omen and misery, the bird is very cunning, and so are we. The true objective’s been accomplished, the Gustalian Cartel is ours, manufacturing and distribution of narcotics have been claimed. A good word with Haruna might make the later transaction easier. Expand the influence, take over Odgawoan from the inside, and expand outwards. The true puppet masters, Cimier, are waiting to strike – they’ve struck already, the Gaso Group’s blatant invasion in the town.’

“Master,” a short breath broke the line of thoughts.

“Who is it?” blurred vision fell onto Asmodeus and Mammon, “-you two,” a big yawn later, “-where are the others?”

“Check the time, my lord,” said Asmo, “-tis 20:30, the auction’s about the start.’

“Oh, I forgot,” he stood and stretched, “-lead the way.”

“Master,” whispered Asmo, Mammon’s pace increased, “-something troubling you?”

“No, nothing of worth. Just a little tired is all.” Sophie called onto Asmo from the stage, “-excuse me,” he nodded and left.

“Free seats here,” said lady Haruna.

“I appreciate it,” he sat farther down the line – the smell of booze and smoke mellowed into the humble freshness of the mountain’s air.

“Most of them are hammered,” she observed.

“Igna,” came from the corner, “-over here,” white hair stood out against the crowd.

“Lady Haruna seems as if my big sister wishes to parle. I’ll join thee in a bit, for now, enjoy the auction.”

“Take your time, viscount.”

The swim across the incoming lines was tedious, some way or another, he slipped through without getting the suit crinkled, “-big sister Eira,” he sat, ‘-they’ve segregated without even knowing. Nobles to the right and politicians to the left, the tension’s gone, everyone’s feeling bliss.’ Few names of spenders lit in bold, ‘-Thomas’ brought out the big gun, a lot of money will be spent. What’s this?’ a trail of vice exuded from behind the curtains, ‘-Mammon’s spreading his influence, what a diligent man.’

“Hey,” said a whisper, “-why are you getting all chummy-chummy with Haruna, isn’t she related to the underworld?”

“Not so frank,” he elbowed her stomach, “-making connections is a rare treat.”

“Igna,” a brisk shuffle caught his attention, “-I’m drunk!” complained a flustered Jula.

“Dear me,” he stood and caught the unsteady footing, ‘-honestly,” a side-glance showed a confidently standing Odgar, “-hey?” on closer look, the man was drunk too, ‘-these two.’

“Might I be of service?”

“éclair, perfect timing,” he exhaled, “-care to escort these two to the hotel, have them cleaned, and put to bed. I doubt the high is going to ease.”


“Someone’s busy,” remarked she.

“Don’t play harsh, I’m performing my duties.”

“Have you seen Loftha?” she wondered with narrowed eyes.

“She’s in the lounge resting,” reseated, “-where’s the emperor?”

“Babysitting Xyra and Hyde. Big sister Amber’s having dinner with mother, we’re leaving after the auction, the night’s taken most of our strengths.”

“Where are you staying?”

“We’ll book a hotel...”

“No, not on my watch. After the auction, I’ll have an escort readied. I have a mansion not far from the casino, it should prove well-equipped.”

“I’ll take the offer,” she smiled.

“Might I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen,” thundered from the stage, “-my name’s Candice, and I’ll be the auctioneer for tonight’s private event. The collection we harbor is quite exquisite – please scan the code for more details on our inventory.”

*Beep,* “-get on stage right now,” read a heated text.

“Something the matter?” her head tipped.

*Ancient-Magic: Teleportation,* “-what happened?”

*Gasp,* a wave of shock rattled the somewhat crowded backstage, “-don’t startle us like that,” panted lady Sophie, “-you’re up, the host needs to say a few words before the proceedings.”

“Where are Asmodeus and the rest?”

“In the crowd,” said she, “-leave the auction to us, we know how to earn the favors of the spenders.”

‘Y-yeah.’ Candice kept on talking gently, the words seemed to excite the guests.

“-Please, I’d like to welcome the host of tonight’s event,” a lovely welcome sparked a volley of claps.

“I’m grateful for the warm welcome. I do hope Candice’s done a great job so far,” the comment gave a few laughs, an insider joke to the spenders, “-I’ll skip the pleasantries, these kinds of speeches have been overdone. In celebrations of tonight’s success, I’ve put a painting by the renowned Athena, named La Mort, on the pedestal. History surrounding goddess Athena and her works are rare and collectible. Money alone can’t possibly dictate its value; the only five pieces known to the world are in museums, never meant for sale. Here I present a once’s in a lifetime opportunity to own a piece from the literal goddess of arts and craft. Proof of authentication is in the signature; the certification was kindly provided by the respected Thomas Edson. I’ll stake my reputation and heritage on the deal. What about it, collectors, how’s my offer,” he grinned, “-in addition to Athena, we have pieces from Jean Frank, Calious Bagard, and Julia Dahli. I’ll leave the rest in Candice’s hand,” stepped away from the podium, “-go have fun.”

“Thank you, Viscount,” the event began almost instantly.

“Thomas, you look distraught,” the wooden floor stretched into the haven of the inconspicuous backstage.

“Obviously,” he gulped, “-who would have known you had a work from Athena...”

“Elementary my dear,” hands-on the man’s stiff shoulders, “-La Mort is only one of many I own. Perhaps one day I’ll make a gallery to showcase the beauties I’ve kept for my own sights. Take it from here.”

‘No cause for concern,’ read across the lens, ‘-Jula and Odgar were escorted without incidents, the guard details have nothing to report. All’s well from here,’ hopped off the back and circled to the window, “-I don’t get this art business,” said a drunkard tone breathing the harsh wind from the ajar frame.

“Romeo?” he paused and stared, “-Runo, is the man alright?”

“No, not in the least,” she exhaled in desperation, “-I hate this man, I swear,” her face clenched, “-here I wanted to watch the auction and I’m stuck babysitting this idiot.”

“Runo, I want more Angel’s dust, fetch some, I’ll snort it off the supple skin of a wel-”

“Shut up,” she covered his mouth, “-sorry about this, he’s ruined everything, we were supposed to enjoy a nice soiree to celebrate the opening of Von, not this...”

“I see,” he moved to hold Romeo’s shoulder, “-go enjoy the show.”

“You sure?”

“The nights on me, go have fun.”

“Man, tonight’s amazing,” escaped a grunt, “-the beer’s made my stomach into a self-talking machine,” the lazy sight looked onto Igna, “-you know man, the closer I look, the prettier you seem for a dude. Sorry about the whole thing, I was being an asshole; to be honest, I’m an asshole, I can’t help it. Runo’s the best girl I’ve ever met, she doesn’t mince words and always has my back even if I screw up, I want to become someone better, someone like you, man, someone who’s powerful and seems to have a handle on everything. I envy you, Igna Haggard, we met and there was nothing to you, now, you’re the big shot owning his own casino. Way to excel expectation, I want to sleep,” the head dropped.

‘-Passed out drunk,’ he observed and looked onto the stripe, ‘-Romeo’s a good guy at heart, just bad at expressing the emotions. Guess we all have our flaws,” dipped lower for a better grip, ‘-let’s go.’

“Master,” interjected Asmodeus, “-may we be of assistance?”

“Sure, mind escorting him to the hotel?”

“Understood,” they nodded, “-the safety and comfort of the guests are on thee – we won’t fail to honor our master’s name.”

“Asmodeus, Kul, Mammon, éclair, Starix, and the newly added Midne, I’m grateful for the time and dedication – we wouldn’t be in this position without thy support. Thank you,” he bowed sincerely.

“Master,” they locked in a group embrace, “-we’re glad to serve.”

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