
Chapter 727

“We’ve met before, have we not?” inquired Igna tête-à-tête to the bidder.

“I’m afraid not, the one you met was my little brother, my name is Bartholomew Jshosio, an investor working for Stiol,” a business card slid across the lowered glass table. Despite the amount spend, the chosen location for additional payment turned to be the lounges – the very same enthralled in the ‘time-loop’ incident. Stocky frame, Van Dyke styled facial hair, most often known by the ‘roguish lover,’ (popularized by the famed story of Inspector Cosnav, a man of many lovers, inhumane levels of charisma and forefather of investigative journalism in the olden era, a private reserved man whose work was subject to scrutiny from the oppressive influence of nobles) light brown hair, sharp jaws, and easy on the eyes.


“Jsho for short.”

“Jsho, pleasure doing business. Might I ask who in their right mind would drop a third of a billion on a painting, I did say the piece couldn’t be priced; this has far exceeded normal levels of expenditure.”

“My lord Igna,” he smirked, “-fret not,” the fingers reached for the chin and pulled, the mask unglued without a moment’s reluctance, “-long time no see.”


“Goddess Syhton, I’d never guess...”

“The disguise got old quickly. The paintings worth every bit the money, how could I pass on the chance of obtaining such a piece made by the goddess herself.”

“You could ask for the goddess to paint one?” he suggested, “-there’s no law saying goddesses couldn’t interact.”

“Wrong my child, the very idea is heresy. I don’t exist, my very nature could perturb the already shaky balance. What little life force remains is owed to my devotees, their power of belief has kept this body alive for years. I had to ascertain the legitimacy first.”

“Hold a moment,” he paused, “-Goddess Syhton, you wouldn’t have orchestrated a massive play for thy pleasures, would you?”

“What are you even talking about?” returned she firmly, “-being blasphemous is...”

“Is?” he hung on the ‘s’, “-what about blasphemy. My lady, the only reason the expanded realm could have such power is for the intervention of another being. You cast the spell, used the greater demon, and pulled the strings on Haruna, am I correct?”

“Well, I guess I’m found out. It’s true, the expanded realm was in fact mine, I possess the grimoire of Laktos, the book of restart. How did you figure?”

“I didn’t,” said he cold-faced, “-the possibilities clicked; no way to prove my theory else for thine lips. I lied, my lady, I lied.”

“You lied to a goddess; how very brave.”

“Not lie, tis more of a payback. You used me as a pawn to test the worth of the piece.”

“Calm yourself, my child. Would be wise to keep good relations with me. I’ve spent a lot of time studying and being played for a fool, I know my way around schemes. Go on, speak thy mind.”

“Don’t misunderstand, my lady, my intentions weren’t in the least bit malicious. I’m confused that’s all, everyone’s at the mercy of another. I’m glad to have been of use in thy scheme, goddess.”

“The tone sure changed hastily, tell me, child, did you see the error in your ways?”

“I guess I did,” he smiled, “-ordeal aside, about the painting?”

“Yes, yes,” a few taps on the phone, “-the money should be transferred right away.”

*750,000,000 received,* read the phone, “-what about the fee for the auction company?”

“I’ve already handled the matter,” she rose, “-best get back to my fa?ade,” the manly face reappeared, “-remember this face, the man’s a close ally of mine. Be well, viscount; word of warning, be on guard.”

Thus, the night shuffled along – dinner was served, pleasantries exchanged. The mentally impaired under the influence were taken to the hotel. Through the cacophonous night, Igna made plenty of connections, most being of the noble nature.

23:00 displayed – the nightlife intensified. Plenty o’ guests took their leave, he found himself at the entrance bidding the visitors a safe trip home. In the end, at 23:45, only the imperial family remained at Von, the once filled parking lot stood empty.

Water sprinkled atop the innocently resting Loftha, “-wake up.”

“Using water to wake another,” clambered to an upright posture, “-where am I?” her legs crossed.

“At the casino,” replied Igna, “-Hyde and Xyra are passed out drunk,” he pointed to a separate couch, “-they sure can’t hold their liquor.”

“What happened tonight?” her brows furrowed in pain; “-I don’t remember anything...”

“Nothing of importance,” he replied and tapped her back, “-one thing is for sure, tonight was a success.”

Heavy thumps caught her ear, giggles and chatter snuck underneath the door, *-click,* “-Igna,” exhaled the sweaty empress, “-finally, help me take my lightweight husband home.”

“Can’t you use magic?”

“Oh no, I’m well gone at this point, the worlds spinning. Igna,” she buckled from Markus’ body weight, “-take care of us...”

‘These people.’

“Igna?” approached Loftha, “-I think I missed out on a lot...”

“More importantly, wake Hyde and Xyra, lady Amber is already at my estate in the company of her mother. The washroom’s just around the corner, freshen up – I’ll be back.”

‘I’m so confused,’ she slipped out of the lounge and peered over the chaotic mess of a game area. Retainers were hard at work cleaning the mess, heavy-looking tables hovered into place, strongly dressed guards watched with crossed arms. ‘-the night must have been wild.’

“Over here, master,” hailed éclair, “-transport’s ready to head home,” Asmodeus and Mammon sat at the front, “-the imperial family don’t look so imperial after a few drinks,” chuckled Mammon.

“Yeah sure,” added Igna sarcastically, “-take them home, I’ll be there in a few.”

“With pleasure,” nodded Asmo; the drunks were thrown in nonchalantly, Loftha held a face of, ‘-I don’t even care anymore.’ They skid onto the road and bolted for the stripe.

“Where’s Kul and Midne?”

“At the estate,” replied éclair, “-Starix said he’s sorry for not being present tonight. A battle broke loose at Stanley’s homage.”

“Have arrangements been readied for tomorrow?”

“Yes, my lord, the jet is on the way,” they moved inside on account of the cold wind.

“éclair, be honest,” they sat on the stairs leading to the lounge, “-was the trip to Alphia worth the effort, what I mean to ask is...”

“The mission’s complete, I’m sure lady Courtney and Elvira will be satisfied. Asmodeus, Mammon, Kul, and Starix have decided to stay in Alphia. The situation here needs to be monitored closely, by this point, the heavy liftings are done. One more thing, a member of Asmodeus circle wanted an audience, said her name to be Medusa.”

“Medusa, I’ll meet her when the time arrives,” focused on the area around the bar, “-they sure cleaned up fast.”

“Master, we should head home.”

“What about you, éclair? The others are staying, what will you do?”

“Is it even a question to ask,” he stood and held out a hand, “-where ever my master goes, I shall follow.”

“Understood,” the grips firmed.

The next morning arrived under the suppleness of a very well-crafted ceiling. Melodic water splashes disrupted the sleep, the curtains swayed listlessly, the quiet surrounding gave for a very warm wake-up call. Face to the pillows, ‘-I slept like a baby,’ slithered to the bed’s edge, sunlight reflected off the tiles leading onto the terrace, “-morning Igna.”

“Good morning, big sister,” he replied in only shorts, “-quite early for a swim, don’t you think?”

“Oh please,” she swamed gracefully, “-there’s no way I’d miss out on this, the pool is amazing,” pulled to the edge, “-I’m disappointed.”

“Why?” he hung crossed armed on the balustrade.

“No compliments on my swimsuit?”

“Not going to happen,” he spun on his heels, “-courtesy or not, I don’t care for it.”

Downstairs came a large room opened wide to the pool covered by a few cleaned curtains, Xyra and Hyde slumped on the couches.

“Never drinking again,” complained Hyde holding an icicle.

“I agree,” added Xyra, “-no more drinks, I’m wasted,” he held a sports drink.

“What about drinking?” commented Igna.

“It’s you,” groaned Hyde, “-my heads already spinning, don’t make it worse.”

“Sure it is,” he gave a playful flick to the forehead,”-be careful next time.”

“Mother and big sister Amber left early,” added Xyra, “-don’t bother looking for them.”

“I was searching for the emperor.”

“Still in bed,” said Eira wrapped in a bath towel

“-should I get breakfast started master?” inquired éclair.

“Breakfast?” he glanced at the clock, “-already 08:30, éclair, we don’t have time to eat, what of the jet!”

“Master, there’s no need to throw a tantrum. Midne’s on her way with the luggage, we’ll leave in thirty-minute, there’s enough time for a meal.”

“Very well,” the breathing eased, “-please do.”

“You headed somewhere?” inquired Eira.

“Returning to Hidros,” a juice box flew across, “-thank you, éclair.”


“Yes, don’t tell me,” he sipped, “-big sister, Julius’s getting married; Alphia’s drained my mind and body; I need a break.”

“I forgot,” she facepalmed, “-I can’t make it anytime soon; tell him I’ll be there on the wedding day.”

“What about marriage?” wondered Loftha rocking a very wild bed hairstyle, mascara from the prior night added a tinge of dark motif to the already decrepit expression.




“Morning, Loftha, we were talking about Igna’s return to Hidros. My younger brother’s getting married, time sure flies”

“You only got married recently,” returned Igna.

“Shut up, anyway, he’ll be off to the airfield in thirty-minute. Guess the breakfast is the last we’ll see each other.”

“You and the bad omen,” food carried over to the open room, “-talk as if the plane’s going to crash.”

“You’re leaving,” mumbled under the breath, “...”

Midne arrived precisely at 09:00, her entourage consisted of Kul and Starix, the duo would be in charge of managing the manors. A brief exchange of goodbyes led to the airfield, ‘-I’m going home,’ they boarded.

Meanwhile in Hidros, to be specific, Rosespire – Julius woke to a notification from éclair, “-the master is on his way. We should be there at 14:00.”

“Why are you so rough with the sheets,” complained medium lengthen pink hair, “-it’s early, let me sleep.”

“MALLEY, my cousins headed back,” he leaped out of bed, “-he’s been gone for so long, I have to tell Aceline and the others. Pardon me love,” a quick peck on her forehead, “-I’ll catch you soon.” The message forwarded to many friends, a chipper grin on his face and an energetic hop in his step, Julius skipped out the hotel and into his car, ‘-I knew my marriage would bring him back.’

Minutes turned into hours, the plane landed at 15:30, the scenery, dried lands, remnants of an arduous battle, and a castle-town in the distance. The trip on foot lasted little more over thirty-minute, guards allowed entry without question, ‘-the church,’ he stood before the rebuilt building, ‘-I should have come earlier,’ bag on his back, he entered the immense hall adorned in the sculptures of lady Syhton.

“Can I be of help, child?” approached a priest.

“I’ve come to pay respects to my comrades, they were the noble rulers of castle Garsley, the Garnet family.”

“The noble family who saved our castle town, please, their graves are to the right.”

“Thank you, priest,” a nod faded into memory, the place changed, a memorial stood proudly amidst a lovely garden of flowers. Gravestones lined symmetrically, each cleaned and cared for, ‘-I’m back,’ dropped onto his knees, ‘-sorry I couldn’t pay a visit sooner. What kind of a friend forgets his family,’ a genuine smile reflected onto the metal plate, ‘-so much has happened – I wished you were here to witness what a lovely place castle Garsley has become.”

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